What does The Package mean?

A Perfect Circle: The Package Meaning

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The Package Lyrics

Clever got me this far
Then tricky got me in
Eye on what i'm after
I don't need another friend
Smile and drop the cliche
'Till you think I'm listening
I take just what I came for
Then I'm out the door again

Peripheral on the...

  1. anonymous
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    Dec 4th 2011 !⃝

    Anyone notice how at the end of the song he gets all whispery repeating "take what's mine, this is mine". Picture the process of him shooting up when the music shifts... just sayin...

  2. anonymous
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    Apr 16th 2011 !⃝

    when i was a addict this was the song i would listen to on the way to my dealer...the lyrics are spot on exactly what is going through a junkies mind....Its funny but i guess to people who have never been a addict or had to meet a dealer would think the song was about sex...But the line "comfort is a mystery crawling out of my own skin just give me what i came for then im out the door again" Is about not ever feeling normal because you are always trying to stop your withdrawl by getting your fix....Its really a the worst feeling in the world....And if you havnt done opiates dont ever start unless you want to live in a nightmare of pain and bliss....True and great song....

  3. anonymous
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    Mar 22nd 2011 !⃝

    If you know anything about maynard, you know he is an addict. This song is clearly about addiction, not sex.

    Peripheral on the package
    Don't care to settle in
    (his eyes are on the heroin, he just wants to get it and leave)
    Time to feed the monster
    I don't need another friend
    (he needs to feed his addiction, he doesn't care to stay and chat with the connect)
    Comfort is a mystery
    Crawling out of my own skin
    (he is probably feeling withdrawal symptoms, which are very uncomfortable)
    Just give me what I came for, then I'm out the door again
    (give him his drugs, and he can't wait to leave to do them)

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 16th 2011 !⃝

    What I have always felt when I listen to this song is that he is going to pick up something from someone. Example.. "Hunny I am running to Dale's house to get that package from work he picked up for me." Hahaha. But, just listen to the flow of the guitar's, bass, and the drums. It puts off the feeling of going on a risky run to go get his "package" and he is not sure how everything will go. To me, it has like a dark 1930's feel to it, like a mob heist. But, that is just me.
    To me the lyrics also talk put off a dark feeling, like he is someone that is not him, he is the drugs and he only cares about drugs and he does not care what he has to do to get them.. but by God he is going to.

    "Clever got me this far, then tricky got me in. Eye on what I am after, I dont need another friend. Smile and drop the cliche, till you think I am listening. I will take what I came for then I am out the door again.
    -So, first sentence he is talking about how he has had to lie and munipulate people. Second sentence, it is talking about he cannot take his eye off it his package he is picking up, then "I dont need another friend," could mean that his life has came to the point where he does not care about friendship (cause of the drug or that is just how the person is.) Third sentence, he will put on an act, no matter what he has to do to get this person to believe he can be trusted and in the meantime his focus is on the package. He gets the package and leaves again. This is a reoccurring thing in his life. It is basically talking about dealing with a drug dealer.

    I believe that I have made my point and the rest you can just fill in yourself. Pretty self explanatory.

  5. anonymous
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    Oct 7th 2010 !⃝

    I think it's about someone who uses another that truly cares about them to get sexual gratification, money, attention...etc, etc. The lyrics make me think of someone's inner monologue as they attempt to get what they want.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 27th 2010 !⃝

    I must say i dont think its about addiction or just sex.
    Sex is a part of it, but i think it is about someone who is manipulative. Maybe even a psycopath. Takes what he wants, and makes people think he cares, when he really has no feelings, or empathy

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2010 !⃝

    This song is about when Maynard was in the army. He would go to the apc with fake injuries and pains to get different drugs. This song is about addiction but Maynard always said his lyrics can be percieved and interpreted however you like. That doesn't mean there's not a story behind his lyrics...you think he wrote the song for you fuck that you make what you make of it but it has a true meaning.

  8. aenima24
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    Oct 28th 2009 !⃝

    Well the album is called 13th step. when I was in treatment if someone was starting a new relationship w/ someone physicaly, it was called 13th stepping, considering there are only 12 in a.a n.a- anyway my interpret.

    CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN. EYE ON WHAT IM AFTER, I DONT NEED ANOTHER FRIEND.(someone doing anything to get the drug, lying, stealing etc. doesn't need another friend (dealer) just give the drug up, because its the only thing that matters)

    TAKE JUST WHAT I CAME FOR, THEN IM OUT THE DOOR AGAIN.(got the drugs, no need to stay any longer, out the door again, until next time.)

    PERIPHERAL ON THE PACKAGE, DONT CARE TO SETTLE IN, TIME TO FEED THE MONSTER(eyeing the drugs, not paying attention to anyone, might as well replace the word monster with addiction, even though their one in the same.

    LYING TO GET WHAT I CAME FOR. LYING TO GET WHAT I NEED NOW, LYING TO GET WHAT I CRAVE, LYING AND SMILE TO GET WHATS MINE.(basically acting like an addict. lying cheating stealing, and doing whatever it takes to get your fix. Sad but true(I was heavily addicted to oxycontin)

    (you get the point:) a couple other songs that I interpret as drug related are-WEAK AND POWERLESS, A STRANGER, BLUE-(maybe) and THE OUTSIDER EQUALS SUICIDE.


  9. anonymous
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    Oct 16th 2009 !⃝

    well basically, we all agree the song is about addiction, the feeling of need, craving and lusting for something someone desperately needs. what kind of addiction will it be is completely up to the listener here. it doesn't say 'sex' or 'drugs' or anything specifically in the song, but anyone who has ever been addicted to anything can relate to it.

  10. anonymous
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    Sep 25th 2009 !⃝

    The whole album is about Layne Staley (lead singer of alice in chains) - an addict, and unsuccessful result of rehab - he died, making that the 13th step of recovery.

  11. anonymous
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    Aug 25th 2009 !⃝

    I feel this song because this person will tell you what you to hear in order to distract you from the reality of the fact that he is thinking about how to get his next fix. Manipulating you to think everythings ok, and going behind your back getting drugs, even if that means stealing his own childs crib. The selfishness that goes into all of it, thinking everything is yours for the taking, the especially drugs. i can just see someone at the gas station waiting... i think it also can be about a sex addict.

  12. anonymous
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    Apr 13th 2009 !⃝

    The song can probably represent anything. The singer has a goal, whether it's drugs, sex, a job, it could be political for an alliance, whatever. That's how I interpret this song. I think it's most likely sex or something that would be worth a lot of money or personally valuable. He just wants to get his hands on it. He'll lie, smile and play friendly, trick, and leave once he's achieved his goal. That's what I like about the song, it's great to listen to when you're after something.

  13. 46and2aheadofme
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    Feb 26th 2009 !⃝

    I think in general the song is about someone who manipulates others to get what they want out of them. Of course this could apply to a drug addict, someone only looking for sex in a relationship, or someone who cons people for money. I am pretty surprised that no one has interpreted it to be referencing politicians. "Lie to get what I came for" and "smile to get what's mine" could definitely apply to politicians who have to act a certain way and give false promises in order to win votes. Maynard has addressed this in the past with Tool (In the song Aenema he says "fuck smiley glad hands with hidden agendas"). Basically politicians have to shake hands, smile, and lie a lot in order to fulfill their hidden agendas. I don't know if this is what Maynard had intended for "The Package", but this is what I initially thought of the first time I heard the song.

  14. anonymous
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    Feb 8th 2009 !⃝

    Maynard once said in an interview that his lyrics can be open to interpretation, that they can mean whatever you want them to mean. It could either be about sex or drugs. Although Maynard is pretty adamant about not using drugs (except acid) so he was probably writing about sex. But does it really matter? What matters is what it means to the listener and what the listener gets out of it.

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 17th 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is about being completely overcome by absolute greed. That getting "the package" (it can relate to anything, sex, drugs, muffins, ect.) is all that matters, forget people, forget yourself, forget everything as long as you get it. from how the song is played out, it gave me a very hollow, empty, depressingly desolate feeling, which kind of supports the aspect of which you have nothing left in you, that the greed for this object has wiped away your soul and your morals. Maynard sings in a very tortured, weakened way through the verses, again explaining how much damage this greed has done to the person and his/her life. and during the climax "give this to me" his voice turns monstrous and demented. kind of like golom from lord of the rings, how he used to be a caring and warm person, but his greed turned him into a destroyed, heartless monster.

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