What does Comedown mean?

Bush: Comedown Meaning

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Song Released: 1995

Comedown Lyrics

love and hate get it wrong
she cut me right back down to size
sleep the day let it fade
who was there to take your place
no one knows never will
mostly me but mostly you
what do you say do you do
when it all comes down

i don't want to...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jan 12th 2019 !⃝

    The lyrics and film clip. He is inside his own mind. Looking through the peep hole at the craziness that exists inside his own head. The band members represent the constant noise. 2 people are wrestling in one room the love/hate. A woman calmly sits legs crossed in the middle of all the drama she created. She looks almost pleased with herself and makes no effort to calm the noise or control any part of the situation she initiated. She has the power. And she likes to watch. Shoot up and why do you comedown? Suggests to me that like a drug love can be so surreal and can take you to extreme places like you are high but what happens when one person falls out of love and you are still up in the clouds? She is playing him and he actually loves her. The moments when they are both in the clouds makes him believe that she feels the same but he can't ignore the times when she falls off. It throws his mind into chaos he is afraid if he comes down he will see it all for what it is. Reality kills the dream. She cut him right back down to size. Now what does he do? He has wasted a good portion of his life on someone who turned out to be nothing he thought she was. Is it better to ignore the truth live a lie or to come down and face it? His mind wrestles with it constantly-if he faces the reality who will be there to take her place? What will she say will she do when he comes down as well? Will she admit her deceit or will she continue playing her games. He is not innocent though mostly me he is guilty of ignorance. Mostly you she is guilty of deceit. He is not fully blaming her for the situation because he can't hate her. The sequence of "this cloud" at the end sounds to me like an echo as he is falling down he can't hang on anymore no matter how much he loves her. The only time he has a break from all the noise and goings on in his head is when he sleeps the day and lets it fade maybe? But then he wakes up and the battle resumes. Makes him paranoid he fights what he doesn't want to be true but also knows the truth. He can't convince himself to believe what he already knows. To me this song is about one sided love and the trauma that it can inflict on the person who is in love. It is about someone taking advantage of a person who cares for them. A person who will use the other until the other can take no more. It becomes a habit (be a creature) a creature of habit. He wants to break the cycle but is so used to this life/habit that it will be hard to quit. He is addicted to her. But it is time to comedown.

  2. Idar77
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    May 9th 2023 !⃝

    It took him a long time to find a woman like her, and he doesn't want to give up on her or himself.

    He's doing okay now, somewhat got over her. But she shows up begging to get back together, but then her begs turns into complaining what he wasn't doing for her and with her, She calls and asks if can he come over to see her. He tells himself that this time he is really going to try and make things work out because he is still in Love with her.

    This part... 'all police are paranoid
    so am i-so's the future
    so are you-be a creature'. I don't understand this part whatsoever.

    He asks her what are you saying, and what are you going to do, when it comes down to us being together again...maybe?

    That's it. He can't do it to himself and more. Now he is on a different thing now, he
    Loves himself more than he had Loved her. But he continues to ask her why did she do the things she did to him... 'Why do you, why do you?'

  3. Idar77
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    May 9th 2023 !⃝

    It's either him or her that gets the meaning of Love and Hate totally wrong. But her words are so destructive...then cut him down, put him down. She sleeps thru the whole day, she lets it fade away into the night when she becomes awake and active and does her own thing without him. She seems to blame him, saying that he has another girlfriend on the side... But he tells her that there isn't anyone, and if so, who? They are both to blame for the way this relationship is going. ..and when itall comes down to everything...

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 8th 2019 !⃝

    I would like an elaboration on:
    "there is no shame only blame
    When you beg you just complain
    The more I come, the more I try
    All police are paranoid
    So am I, so's the future
    So are you, so be a creature
    What do you say do you do when it all comes down"

  5. anonymous
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    May 15th 2017 !⃝

    There is a video on youtube and he says in the beggining that this song is not about drugs.

  6. anonymous
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    Aug 27th 2016 !⃝

    Well written songs are often written to not be so literal. We ignore the parts that don't exactly fit our desired meaning if we need to. I recall Don Henley saying once that he disliked music videos because they tend to lose their personal interpretation if the video is specific.

    But for me, this song is about coming out of a bad relationship and finding some sort of 'joy' on the other side. Who would want to come down from that!?!

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 4th 2016 !⃝

    Gavin has announced during live concerts, just before launching into this song, "This isn't about drugs!", and has said it was about his relationship with his girlfriend, Suze. See video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrreDYxTqac and quotes from Gavin about the song at http://onesecondbush.com/bush/music/lyrics/sixteen-stone/comedown/.

  8. anonymous
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    Dec 13th 2015 !⃝

    Heroin for sure. Never wanna comedown, it sucks.

  9. anonymous
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    Oct 21st 2015 !⃝

    To me this song is about love and drugs. Its about being in a codependent relationship as a drug user and being a drug user. She overdoses therefore "comedown". He cries out why did you comedown when I'm not ready.

  10. anonymous
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    Oct 6th 2015 !⃝

    Go to the chemist get a fix go to your local ice dealer buy 2 ps have a mix wak her in then you'll understand this song

  11. anonymous
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    Aug 28th 2014 !⃝

    Shoot up
    Shoot up
    Shoot up
    your high high high high

    This song is about heroin.

  12. anonymous
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    Nov 14th 2013 !⃝

    Everyone develops an interpretation of the song from their own views, and peopls views on EVERYTHING is driven by their own past experiences. What I gather from this song is that it's about someone who's using drugs to escape. whatever he may be escaping, he's still high during the song and he doesn't want to come down, he knows he has to eventually, but he doesn't want too. He wants to be high forever so he never has to go back to the reality he's running from. That's what I'm getting from it because I did the same thing with pain-killers back in high school. I don't know much about Gavin Rossdale and any drug use, but from my life it makes a lot of sense and there's ALOT of familiar thoughts and feeling in this song

  13. anonymous
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    Nov 4th 2012 !⃝

    Considering there are many words I hear to my own accord, I never really heard this song to be about any sort of addiction rather more about finding yourself and living by that. Even more, I considered it more about the dissolution of a relationship where you gave more than you gained but knowing that gaining and giving are irrelevant when you are not being yourself and are giving what "should be" therefore, gaining nothing that could sustain you because that comes from within.

    Love and hate, get it wrong, she cut me right back down to size...

    Love and hate are both extremes of the same spectrum of but love is often times exhonorated while hate is "wrong." He is saying that while he loved, it was deemed just as wrong and the other person never recognized all that he gave which was what he considered to be love.

    "Sieze the day, let it fade, who was there to take your place? No one knows never will, mostly me but mostly you. What do you say, do you do, when it all comes down?"

    To seize the day usually means to put your all into what you are "given" in life (we are not really given a thing because life is about making the best choices within our situations) and to not take for granted the moments because they are brief. To let it fade signifies that he wants to believe he put his "all" into the relationship and is realizing that he could not do this again. However, when it all comes down; when all that you knew to be certain falls down around you, you may find that what you thought you were giving was only what was expected and not from your heart. Sometimes it is within the wreckage that you finally find yourself and what it means to truly give. That cloud of realization is liberating!

    "There is no blame only shame, when you beg you just complain. The more I come the more I try, please don't be so paranoid."

    You then realize that "begging" is shameful in that you are essentially begging when you are trying to please someone because this, in turn, is like asking for acceptance when you are sacrificing more than you should...fake. As in trying to gain approval by not truly being yourself and accepted for who you are rather than be original and "take it or leave it" in a relationship. When this cloud of fog has settled upon he ground, it becomes very difficult to rise above it, unless, that is, the fog of a relationship coming down around it where you may see that clouds belong in the sky! No more begging, complaining, loving or hating but simply being yourself! Liberation!

    "So am I so's the future so are we to teach the creature. What do you say, do you do when it all comes down?"

    Paranoia is equivalent to worry of outcomes and weighing every possibility without direction. That is easy to do when trying to peer into the great unknown when you've lived certain about your future. Those who depend on their mind-scales never realize how swiftly the balance can teeter-tot when you are not sure what it is you are weighing anymore, but it is within the lack of weight and worry that you find that only you are the center with hands reached out, weighing each odd.

    Anywho, this song is about taking back your life from none other than yourself and reclaiming what it means to balance what you get and what you give. No drugs unless it involves the accronym, D.A.R.E.

  14. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2012 !⃝

    clearly about drugs or unless hes disguising love as a drug. for example billie holiday sang about a love but it wasnt towards a man it was towards her addiction to the substance. so i think come down says it all. sleeping the day away to recover. cloud could be smoke or just high in the clouds in love. but hes fine now looks back and has no one to blame but himself so he felt ashame.. well thats just my opinion and speak from experience

  15. anonymous
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    Mar 13th 2012 !⃝

    This song is clearly about herion bc if you notice he says shoot up in the song

  16. anonymous
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    May 1st 2011 !⃝

    I think this song is about never going back to the depression that you've already been to. It is not about love. It is not about getting high. It is about not getting down.

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