What does I Won't Let Go mean?

Rascal Flatts: I Won't Let Go Meaning

Album cover for I Won't Let Go album cover

Song Released: 2011

I Won't Let Go Lyrics

It's like a storm
That cuts a path
It's breaks your will
It feels like that

You think you're lost
But your not lost on your own
You're not alone

I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
If you...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 9th 2011 !⃝

    When I first heard this, I thought of my daughter. But when I studied the words it came to me that yes, as a parent we would do this for our child but I think it is much higher/greater than that. I think it is God speaking to each one of us. We are his children and his loving arms protect and guide us.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 31st 2011 !⃝

    It's God holding your hand....beyond human capabilities

  3. anonymous
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    Apr 22nd 2023 !⃝

    Nothing to do with God. People want to call any song they hear a Christian song, A Christian song is a song we sing to God. To mention His name. To Praise His Holy Presence to call Him by Name. God is Holy. That song never mentions God, Jesus, Lord, Holy Spirit etc. If you see the comments some people say its a friend, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, daughter, son, someone in trouble.

  4. anonymous
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    Jun 25th 2020 !⃝

    This song means to me is that my long distance lover of 350 miles has just lost his wife to cancer, and to me every word is so true of this song, from the dark time which he's going through right now, and that he's not alone I will stand by him, I will wipe his tears when we meet again in July due to covid 19 I can't see him sooner

  5. anonymous
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    Nov 29th 2018 !⃝

    My interpretation of this song is of a loving father that would go through all extremes for his children like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  6. anonymous
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    Nov 29th 2018 !⃝

    My interpretation of this song is of a loving father that would go through all extremes for his children like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  7. anonymous
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    Nov 17th 2018 !⃝

    The song was God inspired but written by a mother who's child was adopted and the mother wants the child to know she will be there even is she can't rite now and the fact is the child was abused by adoptive parents who cut off all contact with the mother after the child boldly told the mother of the abuse. The mother had wrote this song to save her daughter. But sadly it was stolen from her. But it was this song that actually helped the mother (Me) realize that she wrote many other songs and all are hits. All are stolen. No one of course believes her and it still happens. So God is pretty angry at America. For stealing from HIM. See I asked the holey spirit to come into me so I could write this song. I also made a vow that if for some reason my children where not returned to me that I would go to the depths of hell and save his children. I thought I would save abused children and it is mine who was abused. But not by me. The fact is God is the only one who knows how wrong I am judged and how the people who are taking children are false and corrupt. They killed a senator from Georgia who was going to blow the lid on corrupt DCFS and it was swept under the rug. See Nancy Sheiffer murder. Her report on evil DCFS system abusing children by Government and pedephiles.

  8. anonymous
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    Jul 1st 2018 !⃝

    I think its God reminding us that he is there for us no matter what...

  9. anonymous
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    Mar 25th 2018 !⃝

    These words take me to my brother-in-law's death. He was my sister's soul mate, they had been together for more than 50 years. Watching her say her final good-bye to him was heart breaking. Her and I spent weeks together after his passing. This song is exactly how I feel about my sister. Wanting to help, but not really knowing how to do it. It says it all...

  10. summerbaby105
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    Nov 12th 2014 !⃝

    I think this song is about someone that is going through a hard time and don't know what to do and is thinking about suicide. but a friend is there for them to help them through it so they don't have to fight the battle alone.

  11. anonymous
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    Aug 18th 2013 !⃝

    It's a pledge of the spouse of a veteran wounded in the war and struggling from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  12. anonymous
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    Feb 6th 2013 !⃝

    i think this song is about a good freind is there helping a person through a really rough time like a death in the family or a illness

  13. anonymous
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    Sep 9th 2012 !⃝

    My niece ended her own life at the age of 15 and I heard this song and immediately thought about if only I was there for her more. I listened to this song again this morning and seen it more like God saying he will never let us go. I think this song has so many different meanings and agree with other posters that say that it meets a lot of different situations. Kudos to Rascall Flatts for this song as well as the teen suicide song "Why"

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 30th 2012 !⃝

    i was going through alot not long ago and my bf would play this song and always sing it 2 me, now we split and i cant stop listening 2 it, i dont listen 2 country but 4 some reason cant get this 1 out of my head, after we split i found out hes has cancer and i want 2 b there 4 him and not let go but hes gone bc he didnt want me 2 know and i dont know how 2 find him

  15. anonymous
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    Nov 13th 2011 !⃝

    This song means so much to me. In April of last year my cousin, she is only 6 years old, found that she had a cancerous tumor on her brain stem and wrapped around her spine..it was six inches long and causing her pain. At the end of May she had a surgery to remove it I made her and "her team" (the family) t-shirts with the lyrics of this song on them to remind her that she will never be alone. She made it through the surgery and they removed 95% of the tumor. It was a long recovery and this song played in my head every day from the day i heard it. She just got an MRI and now she got bad news, its gotten larger and she now has to start cemo. She will have to keep fighting, "You're gonna make it, yeah i know you can make it" I love you Lex! Keep being strong.

  16. anonymous
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    Oct 3rd 2011 !⃝

    He loves this girl very much and promises that he'll never let go of her. Isn't Rascal Flatts THE best? (;

  17. anonymous
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    Oct 3rd 2011 !⃝

    Its a song from the parent to the child, My mom dedicated this song to me. I have been fighting for 3 years with many medical problems and my mom said this is her song to me. I believe this song was written for his daughter.

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