What does Run mean?

Snow Patrol: Run Meaning

Tagged: Loss [suggest]
Album cover for Run album cover

Run Lyrics

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light...

  1. anonymous
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    Sep 10th 2010 !⃝

    For me its all about my 3 kids when I was separated and being divorced by my (now ex-wife).

    Apart from being the 'only thing that's right in all I've done' which they are....!!

    The line about 'you can't raise your voice to say' is really about their love for me being stifled in fear of their mother and her family's wrath.

    And oh yes......if I could have have picked them up and 'run' for our lives no one would ever have caught us...!

    Funny how the lyrics of a song can be so painful yet so comforting......

    Forever in your debt Gary.

  2. anonymous
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    Aug 11th 2010 !⃝

    I used to think this song was about losing someone you love.
    But after hearing it many times, I have come to the conclusion that it is a song from a depressed man, to him self. Not to his family or girlfriend, but the man he know he could be, the man he used to be.

    "I'll sing it one last time for you
    Then we really have to go
    You've been the only thing that's right
    In all I've done"

    He so badly wants to get out of the dark hole he's in. And feels he has done nothing good after changing personality.
    He wants to be as before, do good, do right.

    "And I can barely look at you
    But every single time I do
    I know we'll make it anywhere
    Away from here"

    As anyone can imagine, it is pretty hard to look at one self, being so down. But still you know that you could be like you used to. U just have to get out of the black pitch your in.

    "Light up, light up
    As if you have a choice
    Even if you cannot hear my voice
    I'll be right beside you dear"

    He tries to cheer him self up, but knows the choice is not allways his. But he tells the darkest parts of him self, that the part with hope will allways exist.

    "Louder louder
    And we'll run for our lives
    I can hardly speak I understand
    Why you can't raise your voice to say

    To think I might not see those eyes
    Makes it so hard not to cry
    And as we say our long goodbye
    I nearly do"

    Here the hope takes real hold, he screams "light up". And says he will get out of this. But then he is back into the depressed state, and his voice dies out.
    And the thought of never getting happy, never see his happy self, nearly makes him cry.

    "Slower slower
    We don't have time for that
    All I want is to find an easier way
    To get out of our little heads"

    I think this is pretty selfexplained.
    He MUST get better, all he wants is to get out of the hell hole.

    "Have heart my dear
    We're bound to be afraid
    Even if it's just for a few days
    Making up for all this mess

    The spirit is getting higher. He is thinking much more "normally". He knows he will be so sad, that he scares him. But it will never get back to this.

  3. Nats
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    Apr 23rd 2010 !⃝

    This song I believe is for a couple that is love so much and for certain circumstances they have to break up. Its the hardest thing they have to do, but it's inevitable, and no matter where they end up in life they would always have love for each other.

  4. Jenaas
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    Apr 23rd 2010 !⃝

    i find this song very touching...i think its about losing someone you love.but the loss is to death,something tragic.the song is very inspiring and its the type of song everyone can relate to.when i listen to it i always remember the people iv lost along the way..but other than that there's a very important person that i hold very close to my heart and that's my best friend.she lost her father a few years back and shes always been my strength so if i pass on one day this song is definitely the song id want her to listen to.I'll always be by her side..so i dedicate this awesome song to her..with lots of love.

  5. anonymous
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    Mar 23rd 2010 !⃝

    As someone who is prone to depression and suicidal thoughts, I feel strongly it is about suicide. The person is ready to do it, but hestitates because this one person he does love.

    There are lots of references to last times and ends. Also the person makes up a balance of what he has done. There is some sign of regret about what he is about to do, and in the second verse fantasises what could have been.

    The chorus is so recognisable. He worries about his one loved person and doesn't want them to be sad. He thinks no one else will care.

    The third verse references back to the second, where he thinks about running away together. Why can't the other person speak up for him? A strong sense of regret again, and sadness in the next verse. He tries not to cry, maybe he hasn't told the other about his state of mind and wants them to think he is just going away for a bit.

    Then the third last verse, he rethinks his plans and wonders again if there is no other way out. Perhaps some more days together, because he loves her so much and can't leave yet.

    I feel in the end he hangs on to this last thought and decides not to commit suicide for a couple more days.

  6. judpat
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    Feb 4th 2010 !⃝

    I have listened to this song many times both by Snow Patrol and Leona Lewis and always the same thing comes into mind it's about a loved one in a coma maybe even on a life support system, maybe even about to be turned off.
    This/guy/girl is saying goodbye to his/her loved one and will always be with him/her. I love it so much and it moves me to tears.

  7. postman
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    Oct 23rd 2009 !⃝

    One of my friends tried to commit suicide 2 days ago and i heard this song the day i found out. so its kinda scary like someone saying goodbye but you still want to hold on

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 28th 2009 !⃝

    Its about a guy who loves someone who has got cancer from smoking. when he says light up as if you had a choice he means they are addicted to smoking.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  9. anonymous
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    Jul 11th 2009 !⃝

    I think this song has several interpretations... To me anyway. I agree with all of the ones submitted (the ones I read, at least).

    To me, this song is about fighting your fears and gathering the courage to chase your dreams knowing that there will always be someone there supporting and loving you.

    Second to that is the interpretation of people suffering/dying. The sufferee will always have someone to love them even if they aren't in close proximity. The deceased person encouraging those grieving to "Light up" - move on knowing that they'll always be there in spirit.

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 5th 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is about encouraging someone to go out and live out their dreams.

  11. anonymous
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    May 1st 2009 !⃝

    Everytime I hear this song I think of friends going off to war, not meaning war, but this song could imply that, with so many other situations. I cried.

  12. eyesrealizelies1
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    Apr 21st 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is about addiction. And everything you go through because of it.. losing your kids, job, money, parents, siblings. I'm an addict and i heard this song and it really touched me.

    "All I want is to find an easier way
    To get out of our little heads

    Have heart my dear
    We're bound to be afraid
    Even if it's just for a few days
    Making up for all this mess"

  13. anonymous
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    Jan 20th 2009 !⃝

    To me it's always been about the possibility of losing somebody because of drugs
    he's trying to give up drugs maybe because of somebody telling him to and he's saying bye to the drug

    "i'll sing it one last time.."
    he's having the drug one last time

    "youve been the only thing that's right..."
    "can barely look at you...."
    "but every single time I do I know we'll make it anywhere..."
    he likes the drug but has always known it is wrong and that he'll have to give it up one day, but the drug is addictive and is almost persuading him to choose it, to run away with it

    the chorus is a 3rd person's perspective on his situation, someone saying light up you know you want to. This person may indeed be the subject himself, or a representation of society's views on drug taking and it's addictiveness

    Louder louder
    And we'll run for our lives
    I can hardly speak I understand
    Why you can't raise your voice to say

    the drug wants him to run away even though it is inanimate and cannot say this for itself, the louder louder is referring to him demanding the drug to speak

    Slower Slower
    We don't have time for that
    All I want is to find an easier way
    To get out of our little heads

    he is declining to run away. He does not like the taboo of drug taking but still wants the buzz, this is the ultimate reason for him quitting

    Have heart my dear
    We're bound to be afraid
    Even if it's just for a few days
    Making up for all this mess

    basically saying be brave, its hard giving up but its worth it, he knows his life is a "mess" and needs to be sorted

  14. anonymous
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    Dec 17th 2008 !⃝

    It's about a pair of Junkies in love, Ones about to kick the bucket.
    Its a love song with a modern day twist.

    a load of old shite, Nice tune though.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  15. anonymous
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    Nov 22nd 2008 !⃝

    Its about escaping the harsh reality of losing someone to death probably, hence the title 'Run'. The speaker does so by entering into a state of hopeless encouragement (hmm...ironic) by telling the other party to 'light up, light up' and to be 'louder, louder'. However, admist this self-delusion, the speaker is aware of the unescapable fate that lies beneath, as seen from the phrases 'as if you have a choice', 'i understand why you can't raise your voice to say'. Therefore, all the speaker can do is to run and flee from the hopeless situation by deluding herself with false encouragement.

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