What does All That I've Got mean?

The Used: All That I've Got Meaning

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All That I've Got Lyrics

So deep, that it didn't even bleed
and catch me off guard, red handed
Now I'm far from lonely
Asleep I still see you lying next to me
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I I I I I...

I need something else
would Someone please...

  1. Jssmchh_FERSURE
    click a star to vote
    Jun 5th 2009 !⃝

    Okay, so this song means a lot to me.
    And probably to a lot of other people.
    In the way that the words are about losing someone.
    And what i got out of it was:
    "I'll be just fine, pretending i'm not, i'm far from lonely and it's all that i've got"
    Its like, when you break up with someone, and youre expected to be sad, and you want them back so you are sad, but you're getting better. and i think it's when you realize that you are suddenly alone, but that it's alright. Because you aren't "lonely" even though you miss that person, and you've lost everything except for this feeling you have.

    it is however, about bert's dog dying.
    the point of writing, is to get your feelings out.
    but when you're an amazing band like the used.
    you put the feelings out there in a way people can relate to.

  2. anonymous
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    May 16th 2009 !⃝

    Alright set this straight, it's about his exx girlfriend who died while she was pregnant with his son

    Far from lonely is stating that everyone is trying to support him and surrounding him and he doesn't like it

  3. robtambaz
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    Mar 23rd 2009 !⃝

    i'm not sure what this song is about?
    Bert not meaning to kill his dog or somebody else doing it or is it just an inspiration song about how sick it is to be lonely? There is too many meanings i can come up with, but i wonder what Bert actually wrote about.?

  4. anonymous
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    Feb 17th 2009 !⃝

    for bert its a song about his dog. but in general. he's sad about losing someone. its about how mental pain can become physical pain. and how poeple keep asking ARE YOU OKAY.? and he's not alone. and how he keeps saying i'm fine and he's lying about all the pain. and he's just like i'm fine being not fine. that's the gist of it but then again i could be VERY wrong

  5. anonymous
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    Feb 12th 2009 !⃝

    Generally, it's about losing someone you love and it's now become the burden or cross you have to bear. It's like when that person died, it hits you right in the heart mentally and maybe even you become suicidal; "So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me" That you go out and look for help but no matter how hard you try, no one really helps you, or even understands you. "Offgaurd, red - handed, now I'm far from lonely". Even when that person is dead, you kinda still imagine them being with you, even though no one else gets you or how you feel or think, like that that person is still with you in your dreams, and maybe even speaking to you in your thoughts "Asleep I still see you lying next to me". Even though sometimes your happy, you still feel empty inside and the fact that that person has died is still that knife stuck inside your heart "I can laugh all I want inside I still am empty". And so finally, the song is about feeling deep lonliness and hopelessness, and you try to make it, but it's hard, and it feels like you may have to carry that burden forever.

  6. anonymous
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    Feb 10th 2009 !⃝

    "Nah, its just about some guy fucking for the first time, losing his virginity and what not. No dog and no preggers girl friend. Just a guy humping. "

    - It's true.
    It's obviously gay and about fucking.
    Take a look at this part, it's VERY clear:

    "I guess I remember every glance you shot me
    Unharmed, I'm losing weight and some body heat
    I squoze so hard
    I stopped your heart from beating
    So deep that I didn't even scream "Fuck me."


    It's so obvious... I think you people are thinking too much about the meaning ;)

  7. x_sickheart_x
    click a star to vote
    Feb 7th 2009 !⃝

    this song was dedicated to his chihuahua david bowie who died. It was the inspiration but he wrote the song so that we can understand it but depending on our personal experiences.

    It´s about the emotional pain (so deep that it didn´t even bleed) and when he says 'knock me out and make me go back to sleep' it´s maybe that the emotional pain is worse than the physical. I don´t understand any suicidal tendences, only the feelings that we have when we loose someone and how we miss that persona, how we feel lonely when truly we aren´t,but we feel so empty that no matter how many people we have around,it wont make us feel full.

    Bert is such a genious!

  8. anonymous
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    Dec 7th 2008 !⃝

    Okay, everyone is saying that "I'll be just fine, pretending I'm not" means that he's not doing okay. It seems to me he is saying he is fine, but he is pretending he's a wreck. I don't understand how that relates to a dead loved one because they are not fine and that is why he wrote the song.
    And "I'm far from lonely" doesn't at all seem that he is alone. It seems he is the opposite of lonely. Which also does not make sense to me. Then "That's all that I've got" doesn't make sense in this context either. He's "far from lonely" so wouldn't that mean he is not alone? That is all that he has, so this part of the song seems to mean that he is okay.
    I am so confused.

  9. anonymous
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    Sep 24th 2008 !⃝

    I thought maybe it could have been about his wife/girlfriend that died...?

  10. anonymous
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    May 20th 2008 !⃝

    Nah, its just about some guy fucking for the first time, losing his virginity and what not. No dog and no preggers girl friend. Just a guy humping.

  11. anonymous
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    Apr 25th 2008 !⃝

    Ok um I think that his dog inspired him to write this song. well I don't think I know. but no one is gonna write a song about a fucking dog dying....i mean not everyone can relate to it and that'd just be weird. Therefore he changed the lyrics a bit to fit losing SOMEONE rather than a dog. because everyone loses someone and therefore everyone can relate to it. artists go in looking to connect with their listeners. Sure he could have written a catchy tune about his dog dying but I'm sure he's more about having listeners relate to the music. a song that people like to hear is a good song, a song that poeple can relate to is a great song. Its as simple as that.

  12. anonymous
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    Apr 21st 2008 !⃝

    Okay peoples, I know that they may have said in an interview that the song was written about his dog, but I feel that he is actually talking about the emotions aroused by the death of his dog. Therefore the song is an expression of the loss of something beloved. He is putting up a facade to cover his loss and that is "all that (he's) got."

    I don't quite understand the "screaming f*ck me" part, though. Could it be how he is angry at himself for feeling the multitude of painful, "weak" emotions?

  13. anonymous
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    Mar 25th 2008 !⃝

    Ok you guys need to understand that the meaning of a song and reason it was written is going to be different.

    He wrote it because he lost his dog, as he has said. The meaning of the song can be related to anything at all if you have lost someone and you feel alone like he has expressed in it. Im sure he doesn't think of just his dog when he thinks of this song, because its a general feeling of loss and loneliness.

  14. anonymous
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    Mar 22nd 2008 !⃝

    This song wasn't written about his dog it was just dedicated to him.

  15. anonymous
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    Feb 9th 2008 !⃝

    Umm... I think this song is either about when Bert's dog David Bowie died or it's about when his girlfriend died from a drug overdose who was also carrying his baby.

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