What do you think Ring means?

Cardi B: Ring Meaning

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Song Released: 2018

Ring Lyrics

Ooh, ooh
Ring, ring, ring, ring
You don't hit my line no more, oh, oh
You don't make it ring, ring, ring, ring
I can't keep this on the low
I want you to make it ring, ring, ring, ring
Should I call first? I can't decide
I want to, but a...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 3rd 2020 !⃝

    Ring is about cardi and kehlani waiting for they're significant others to call them or in this case "ring As seen where kehlani says I want you to make it ring she is saying that she wants her significant other to ring her up although he hasn't. Cardi wants her significant other to stop playing and ring her or she will get new man like when she said that imma throw in the towel that's what she meant .....I hope this helped

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