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Songs with Backwards Messages

There's an actual technique called "backmasking," where you record a sound bite on tape or other medium that is running backwards. It's strictly an analogue method, although you can reproduce the effect digitally through editing software. Backwards recording was popularized by the British invasion, particularly the psychedelic branch, and inspired by the Beatles. In fact, even Thomas Edison (he invented the phonograph record, you know) noted the effect of playing a record backwards.

Our troubles begin when the public mind got hold of the concept. First, hundreds of fans began playing records backwards and finding garbled sounds they claimed were backmasked messages, when none were there. Then, somehow, the Christian church heard wind of this and declared that Satan was burying secret messages in rock and roll records recorded backwards, to lure teens into hell. We have no idea what kind of lame devil has to resort to such contrived, cheesy stunts when he could just poof in front of you in a shower of sparks to discuss matters with you in person, but it made a dandy moral panic for everyone to panic about throughout the '80s. Fortunately, we're much more sensible now. Aren't we?

Sure, some of these are pretty far fetched, but included below is a collection of all songs with either hidden backwards messages, obvious backwards messages, or are rumored to contain backmasking. Listen for yourself and decided.

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