Little Mix - Always Be Together Meaning

Always Be Together Lyrics
#1 top rated interpretation:the meaning of this song is not what people think. it's actually about a girl who died and is speaking to her friend through this song.
"We are friends for life
Hold that deep inside
Let this be your drive
To survive"
she means that even though she's dead that shes still there, and that her friend is loosing hope because her best friend has passed away
"And just stand high and tall
Make sure you give your all
And if you ever fall
Know that I'm right here"
She's trying to tell her friend that even though she's gone, she still wants her fried to live life to the fullest. and again, that shes always there for her (even if she's gone)
"We'll always be together
Don't you worry, oh
I'll always be by your side
Don't you worry
Don't worry, no no no
The circle will never end
Just know that we'll meet again
And we'll always be together
Forever always, oh
I am here"
she's telling her that she doesn't have to worry because she right there. The circle is a symbol of their friendship cause' circles never end.and that someday they will be together again.
"Find me in the sky
Dancing with the moon and night
Your heartbeat is disguised as my
She is in heaven now so she's telling her friend to look in the sky and she's "Dancing with the moon and night" because that's where she is now. she no longer has a heartbeat because she has passed, so her spirit is always near her and when she is asleep the only thing that soothes her is the sound of her [best friends heartbeat
"Be happy and know that I'm
Watching you travel far and wide
Waiting for us to meet again"
she wants her friend to live her life and be happy because she never had the chance too. she is going to be watching over her friend from heaven and that she'll wait however long it takes to be reunited with her friend
"If you need me, yeah
I'm in the wind
Look for me friend
I'm in the stars"
If she ever needs her she's everywhere her friend needs her to be, she just needs to look
"When you need me
The heavens will send
A message within
Straight to your heart"
that's pretty straight forward .-. -
#2 top rated interpretation:I completely agree with the theory that the song is sung by a friend who has passed away to the friend remaining. This song mirrors a situation I was in a few years ago when my best friend died. These were words I really needed to hear! If only Little Mix had been around back then!!!
#3 top rated interpretation:The girl is dead and is telling her friend that she is there for her through good times and bad and is watching over and that they will be reunited one day and to be happy and live life to the fullest because she never got a chance to and she is always in her heart wherever she is
They're singing about a friend. Telling them they will be there through thick and thin, even though they're not there physically...
Obviously this friend has passed. She's telling her friend she will always be there in heart and soul. Whenever she needs her, she just has to look. Maybe not 'look around' but look in her heart.
Their friendship will never end, and they'll meet again after the friend (that is alive) passes.
No matter how long it will take, the friend (that has passed) will be waiting for her.
As much as this song is heartbreaking... It's very powerful and heartwarming within friendships.
it’s definitely about a friend who has passed. The first verse is like the living friend, telling their dying friend to hold on, because they are there to support them. The second verse, the friend must have passed away, and she’s telling her friend from heaven to keep going and she’s always there, even if it’s not physically.
This song is not about little mix when you first hear it.The girls solos are about two besties and unfortunately passed and is telling the other friend from heaven that she will always be with her no matter where she is. This is a song that I put on when I’m feeling down when I think of my really close family member who passed and it lifts my spirit.
I think its about friends that will be together for always ad never leave one another sides
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