The Rolling Stones - Backstreet Girl Meaning

Backstreet Girl Lyrics
I don't want you to be down
Don't want to tell you no lie
Just want you to be around
Please come right up to my ears
You will be able to hear what I say
Don't want you out in my world
Just you be my backstreet...
My opinion is that this song talks about a fan of Mick Jagger who is stalking him, going under his window, calling him at night: a girl who wants to be part of Mick's life, but for Mick she remains just one of the many backstreet girls who are his fans. I don't think it talks about a lover from a lower class, but just about a common girl who is obsessed by his musical idol, and tries to arrive to him involving his wife too.
I don't speek english wellenough to understand clearly what this song means. It's my favorite song from the Stones since I was 6 years old. From years I've avoided translating, but I understand enough to know that the lyrics are disgusting because of their classicism. The music is excellent and superb. Oil and watter perfectly joined.
It's a slight on self assumed elitist men who think that women from less wealthy backgrounds can be monopolized just for their convenience,though in this case it's got sexual inferences,these upper class Tory twits generally think EVERYBODY is just there for their convenience.
I love this song along with Lady Jane. The Brian Jones musical influence here is obvious. It is interesting to note that the Rolling Stones were such fine recording artists so early in their careers, mainly because of Jone's influence. I find it very sad that other members of the band hated him so much. The production by Andrew Loog Oldham is brilliant and pristine. It is a very tender bittersweet song. There are many types of romances in life. This along with Lady Jane are beautiful time capsules steeped in the victorian English character. Brian Jones was an exceptional artist. I admire his depth when I listen to these songs.
Surely this song is about the Profumo scandal, for those who dont know it, this was a notorious case in the 60s where a tory politician was involved with so called vice girls and then tried to deny it. He was exposed and disgraced due partly to the courageous refusal of the girls to be intimidated by the british establishment. Surely Jagger is making a biting comment on men like this?
To understand this song you must know that the British are hopelessly class conscious, so the line that divides the upper and lower classes is more pronounced. The persona of the song clearly loves his backstreet girl, and is trying to do right by telling her no lies. It's touching because of the tension created by his latent feelings. He tries to be distant and cold and brutally frank with the girl, but he's really not even being honest with himself because really he wants her to be more than just his backstreet girl. I love this song because it reminds me of this crazy Mexican girl from the southside of Chicago who I was madly in love with even though we came from different sides of the tracks. If it's any consolation the man in this song ends up running through the streets for three days trying to find his backstreet girl, only to realize that it just wasn't meant to be.
You know i got contradictory feelings about this song, i mean the music it's really beautiful one of the prettiest music the Stones made, but the lyric on the other hand it´s exactly the oposite one of the most horrible lyrics they make, because the lyric it´s about a rich guy or a high class guy who have a lover who is a poor girl, and i don´t like the lyric because he´s telling that basically he just wants her for sex, he doesn't want her in her luxurious life because she´s poor and her manners are not good,i can't believe the stones made this song.
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