What do you think The Veldt means?

Deadmau5: The Veldt Meaning

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The Veldt Lyrics

Happy life with the machines scattered around the room
Look what they made, they made it for me happy, technology
Outside the lions roam, feeding on remains
We'll never leave, look at us now
So in love with the way we are, here

The world...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jul 8th 2014 !⃝

    It's simple, the lyrics depict the short-story "The Veldt" written by Ray Bradbury.

    The story is about a family in a dystopian future that -among many new technologies- has a room in their house that lets the children live in their fantasies. The room projects the children's thoughts and imaginations all around and even invokes smells and other sensations from the thoughts of the children.
    They get detached from their parents as a result of spending the majority of their time in the room. (no spoilers here, just read the story if you want to know where it leads)

    Read the story here:

    It's well worth the (short) read.

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 24th 2012 !⃝

    The lyrics written for this song are meant to tell us what our world has become. A world controlled by robots; we do nothing without electronic assistance anymore.

    "Can we believe in machines?" Are some of the lyrics to this beautiful song; can we truly put our faith into electronics? Most of us would be lost without our phones and computers- don't even try to deny it. When I first heard this song, I realized that we are no longer the hardworking, bonded nation we used to be. Our world is ravaged by war, and hatred. Why? Because we have raised a generation of ignoramuses. My ten year old sister hasn't even seen a vinyl record before. I am three years older, and have only seen pictures of vinyl records flashing across a T.V. screen.

    When I heard this song, I asked myself this question:

    What happened to our world?

    We are destroying nature; killing our planet- and ourselves. Please, to anyone who has spent the time to read this, look outside at night. Do you see any stars? Drive out to the countryside and then look up. The beautiful sky you see is slowly being covered by smog. The fresh air poisoned by waste. The food you eat injected with chemicals to make it look "tastier".

    Join the revolution, and save yourself from the wasteland we are creating.

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