What do you think Prayer means?

Disturbed: Prayer Meaning

Tagged: 9/11 [suggest]
Album cover for Prayer album cover

Song Released: 2002

Prayer Lyrics

Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow
Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering
Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely
All the cries you're...

  1. anonymous
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    May 5th 2009 !⃝

    I would like to say that your all wrong.. well from what I could be bother too read your all wrong

    its not about religion only his grandfather and 9/11 which he mentions in this video I found on my ventures of youtube lol

    please don't think it's about religion if you do.. well your an idiot there isn't no such thing just man we do not do something because some higher being has told us to in some divine way its just stupid

    anyway the video :)

    enjoy it as much as I did

    please don't get the wrong idea -_-'

  2. Ceeeeez
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    Mar 19th 2009 !⃝

    ErinW is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Every word she's said about this song is DEAD ON ACCURATE. This is absolutely not some BS about God or the Devil or Draiman's religiousness. It's about triumph over anything that comes your way.

    Geez, the symbolism is all over the video. David's walking through streets lined with death, drugs, prostitution, and horror. As those light flashes wash over him they destroy things around him. Each time he stands firm and is not knocked down. Defiantly he screams "THIS is the way I pray... " which is basically "BRING IT ON F*CKER, I'm not going down".

    Erin is TOTALLY right. Near the end of the video God (or life, or whatever) is throwing EVERYTHING at David and the band. Buildings are crumbling, things are exploding... and the band is just UNMOVED. Its totally one of those moments where everything is falling down around you. The band's response is basically "is that ALL you got, b*tch?"

    I get so much from this song and the video. If you can get to the point in life where you really BELIEVE you can do anything, there's nothing that can take you down. Nothing.

    David says "You made me turn away!" which sounds more to me like he's saying he's tired of praying to a God to come save him when all we have down here is pain and suffering. Nevermind... I'll save MYSELF.

    For all you Christians who want to believe David is shouting at the Devil and he's withstanding all this horror because of God's love. WHATEVER. If that's what helps you sleep at night, go for it. But that is NOT what this video is about.

    Erin nailed it with every single interpretation she wrote.

  3. anonymous
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    Dec 22nd 2008 !⃝

    erinw88...dude i am a huge Disturbed fan, and i want to know everyting about them. im not so much of a lyricist so thats why i came to this site. i have all of their albums and the making of "Indestructible" DVD. just to throw this out there, i tune to the Music Choice channels on TV everyday. several times when a song from Disturbed is played, there is a quote from David Draiman like this, "I am a very religious person, and I do believe in the existance of God." recently, i have yet to see that same quote again. i imagine the guys who run the channels removed it because David is not religious anymore. i'd really like to get more info from you about this band. :D

  4. MattXRush
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    Dec 21st 2008 !⃝

    Actually I saw a making of the video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26fZQ035BlQ) , and he explains how it is about living strong, taking all the hard-ships in life and keep pushing forward, its even more evident in the video where all the band members get hurt, but then get back up and rock out together, powerful song and one of their best.

  5. anonymous
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    Aug 15th 2008 !⃝

    Most of you guys are morons. David's family are Orthodox Jews, meaning he's Jewish. Thats why he wears a Star of David around his neck.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  6. erinw88
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    May 23rd 2008 !⃝

    Well here I am again to say that the song is not about religion, it's not about praying, it's not about mocking religion. In the video, he's not praying in the street, the light is symbolism and he's simply walking down the street seeing all of things shown in the video, but they are not watching him, the video in general is symbolic. The song is about the ability of the human spirit to triumph over anything, no matter what's thrown at you "by the course of life or by the hand of God or however you interpret it", you can make it through, you can survive the bad of life. The video shows that by showing all of the people, all of the bad things, and then the band has something bad happen to them, and they die, which would be the badness of life. Then debris starts falling, not from an earthquake or anything, oh no, but symbolizing life, in the most lamens terms, life falling apart, and then the band cames back and they are standing on top of the rubble, they have triumphed over the horrors of their lives. I promis, this really is what Prayer is about.

  7. anonymous
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    Apr 20th 2008 !⃝

    My interpretation of the song is short, I think he's being sarcastic when he says "living my life's not hard enough, take everything away" - to me this surgests he's angry at god for making his life hard, as shown in the video there's lots of people suffering and to quote Greg Graffin from Bad Relgion "And what I’m frightened of
    Is that they call it “God’s love” ".
    Also "Return to me, Leave me no one" to me means god has taken away a loved one and he has a, why don't you leave me with nothing? attitude. "You make me turn away" suggests that he's has turned away from religion for this very reason. But on the other hand I could be completely wrong about it all.

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 18th 2008 !⃝

    This song is not about faith at all except for the fact that it is about praying. The song is about how David shows that he does things the way he thinks they should be and if you have seen the Music Video (which is awesome) it shows people watching him as he stands in the street and prays with light shining down on him.

  9. anonymous
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    Mar 31st 2008 !⃝

    Return to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    Turn to me
    Leave me no one
    Turn to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    Turn to me
    cast aside

    Return to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    Turn to me
    Leave me no one
    Turn to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    You've made me turn away

    That's a mockery of religion, or to better explain it is it's a mockery on how people go about using "religion".

    Return to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    Turn to me
    Leave me no one
    Turn to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    Turn to me
    cast aside

    This is supposed to be the "God" of the person speaking, quoting the actions of the person that "worships" them, returning to them in their time of need, leaving, returning again, leaving then returning again, turning to them in their time of need, then when they're finished and have gotten their satisfaction (assuming there is a God, and he would grant such wishes through prayers.) they cast that entity aside, going back to ignoring their religion.

    Return to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    Turn to me
    Leave me no one
    Turn to me
    Return to me
    Return to me
    You've made me turn away

    The same as above, except in the end of it all (again, this assuming there IS a God, just for the sake of explaining.) this could have two meanings.

    It could either mean that the "God" (assuming there IS one, again.) has given up on the soul for treating him as a genie, or the person finds a reason to give up on the "God", for not fulfilling a prayer or something of that sort.

    Let me enlighten you
    This is the way I pray

    Just another small note that could be thrown in here, this is a mockery of how a lot of religious people will openly flaunt their religious habits, this being the person basically saying "Watch me pray! I love me sum Gawd! "

    So, in closing I do not think this is a religious song, instead it's more of a song mocking the whole idea of religion.

    Edit: Also, as far as the video for the song goes, it has along the same message as the lyrics. The times when the light engulfs David Draiman for a short amount of time then leaves when he's finished is symbolism to how people only talk to their "God" when they're wanting to something, then "cast him aside" when they're finished, which is the light quickly moving behind him, as if he's leaving it behind.

    Also, every time he finishes with "the light" he would violently scream "F*CK". Expressing how people go back to their normal ways of being miscreants when they're not wanting something.

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 25th 2008 !⃝

    Hey, this song is all about my life at the moment! (Sorta...)
    I love it!
    Basically, I think it's clear in the chorus, where you have so much that you can love, and then those people who don't understand just take it all away from you. U try to pretend that you're happy, but it's all just a lie, and you find that it's burning you alive inside! Or, something like that...

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  11. erinw88
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    May 15th 2007 !⃝

    Oh And, He Was Brought Up In Very Religious Family, He's Been Practicing His Jewish Faith All His Life, But No Longer Does, So It's Been A Big Influence On His Life, Maybe That's Why He Mentions God, Jewish People Do Believe In God After All. And Please Do Not Quote Their Lyrics To Me, I Know Them All Front And Back.

  12. erinw88
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    May 15th 2007 !⃝

    Ok, I've Just Read Through Some Comments Not Too Nice Toward Me. I Really Love This Band, I'm A Researcher So I Look Them Up All Time And Read About them, Something I Do Know Is That David Draiman Is Jewish, He Reall, Really Is, If You Get That Informative CD "Maximum Disturbed" He Talks About It, Or You Can Look Up Bios Or Something. He Isn't Religious, He's Said That Himself, One Noted Place To Find That Is Wikipedia.org, Look Him Up. I'm Religious, I'm A Christian, I Don't Like People Acting Like I'm Not And Informing Me Of What God Does, I Know What He Does, The Meaning I Submitted Was From Another Site In Which David's Personnal Quotes Of The Song Meanings Are On, That Is What He Said, If You Look Up The Making, He Says It As Well. Anything That I Put Up Is Something That I Know, Not a Guess Or Assuption, So Please, Accept What I Tell You, It's The Truth.

  13. erinw88
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    May 13th 2007 !⃝

    Ok, First, My Name Is Not Erwin, Try Reading, Second, DAVID DRAIMAN IS NOT A CHRISTIAN OR RELIGIOUS AT ALL, HE'S JEWISH!! Try Knowing Something About This Band Before You Start Trying To Talk About Them. Lastly, The Meaning Of The Song That I Gave Came Straight From David's Mouth, If You Think It's Wrong, Take It Up With The Writer.

  14. bassist
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    May 12th 2007 !⃝

    David said it himself it is NOT religious it is about how you can overcome the obstacles put in the path of your life.

  15. moderator
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    Apr 30th 2007 !⃝

    The anonymous guy is wrong. It hasn't got anything to do with his grandfather. It has to do with Christianity. Erwin is and idiot. I've read that David is very religious in Christianity.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway

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