What do you think Drunk means?

Ed Sheeran: Drunk Meaning

Album cover for Drunk album cover

Song Released: 2012

Drunk Lyrics

I wanna be drunk when I wake up
On the right side of the wrong bed
And every excuse I made up
Tell you the truth -
I hate what didn't kill me
It never made me stronger at all
Love will scar your make-up
Lips stick to me
So now I'll maybe...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jan 29th 2012 !⃝

    i think it is about someone who has lost someone they actually really loved, and dont know how to cope with it..so they just get drunk to try and forget about it, living their life but deep down underneath it all, they still really love that person..


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    May 31st 2012 !⃝

    My interpretation of the song is turning to alcohol and possibly drugs to find some shelter from the pain he's feeling from an unrequited relationship. He wants to say so much and perhaps being intoxicated is his only way of expressing that. Ironically he seems to be more expressive about his feelings when he's 'drunk' and maybe its his source of courage and gumption to actually articulate what he's feeling. Ultimately its a song dedicated to a feeling of emptiness, and how he is dedicated to forgetting that suffering by filling that void with drink....
    A beautiful song that really succeeds in portaying the modern love story that isn't always reciprocated:)


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 15th 2012 !⃝

    I interpret this song as being about a man who turns to drink after losing someone he loves. In his case, alcohol is acting as a mask and he subsequently loses all sense of reality.

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 7th 2022 !⃝

    Can't say if the girl is dead or Alive, he doesn't mention who actually caused the break up but one thing is certain and that is "he is getting drunk to remember their lovely days instead of forgetting"...if the girl is alive then it means he badly want her back irrespective of her feeling but if she is dead then the drunkiness is for remembering her

  5. anonymous
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    Aug 30th 2017 !⃝

    It's about smoking crack but being on a self deluded path of getting over it. It's obvious. Watch you fizzle at the bottom of a coke can. See the flicker of the clipper when we light up. Burns don't heal like before. You don't hold me anymore. Burns don't create us. You don't hold me anymore

  6. anonymous
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    Dec 22nd 2015 !⃝

    It doesn't have to be about a 'special girl' at all.

    Honestly, the song fits just that he wants to get drunk and have a one night stand. All lyrics about 'pain' are just that one night stands don't last long. They don't mean anything, the girl wants nothing more, or it's nothing more to him than a night.

    "I wanna be drunk when I wake up... on the right side of the wrong bed."

    Literally just what it says. He wants to drink the night away to the point where he's still not sober in the morning. End up in another person's bed.

    Sure, it'd be sweet - and sad, of course - if it was some love song about a lover passed away, but that could very well be people romancing every other song on the radio. Maybe he just wants to get drunk.

  7. anonymous
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    May 27th 2015 !⃝

    The song drunk is about a girl that has broken up with him that he dearly misses. The boy doesn't know how to cope so all he wants to do is to drink to forget all the feelings and to escape the pain that he is feeling. It sounds like it is kind of inspired by a coldplay song. I really like the meaning of this song because I think we all can relate to this, maybe not to this extreme but in some way.

  8. anonymous
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    Nov 28th 2014 !⃝

    I honestly feel like this song is about the passing of his love. Most of Coldplay's songs are about loss, so that might mean he listens to them often. "tell you the truth i hate what didn't kill me never made me strong at all" means that his love probably died. It didn't kill him, but it just made everything all the more painful without her. Even the first verse, "I wanna be drunk when I wake up," brings tears to my eyes because probably when he first woke up he rolled over to her or something, and now he can't even handle waking up in the morning. To me, the song is written beautifully and is the moral that life isn't a happy ending, and the way this man deals with life is getting drunk enough to "feel a little love".

  9. anonymous
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    Nov 28th 2014 !⃝

    I honestly feel like this song is about the passing of his love. Most of Coldplay's songs are about loss, so that might mean he listens to them often. "tell you the truth i hate what didn't kill me never made me strong at all" means that his love probably died. It didn't kill him, but it just made everything all the more painful without her. Even the first verse, "I wanna be drunk when I wake up," brings tears to my eyes because probably when he first woke up he rolled over to her or something, and now he can't even handle waking up in the morning. To me, the song is written beautifully and is the moral that life isn't a happy ending.

  10. anonymous
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    Nov 23rd 2014 !⃝

    Possibly about someone trying to cope with the struggles in life by drinking.

  11. anonymous
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    Jul 18th 2013 !⃝

    I think his girlfriend died.So he thinks that when he drinks hes bringing her back and making himself not feel so depressed.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  12. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2013 !⃝

    Good interpetations, but for me is simple, they had problems in the relationship, he solve it by getting drunk, he knows things won´t be as they where. I just can get the part of flicker of the clipper. Love his songs, Is hard to understeand them though

  13. theainfinite
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    Feb 25th 2013 !⃝

    I think that song is about a girl who cheated on him. He truly loved her and now he just feels lost because he doesn't if he should stay, since she hurt him. So he drinks alcohol, to forget, to pretend his living their previous life. Because every time he wakes up, this pain and the memory of them is so intense that he prefers to be drunk.

  14. anonymous
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    Jan 17th 2013 !⃝

    A person he loves died. And he's not coping with that fact very well. He misses her ALOT. Though in a way, he wishes he'd never fallen for her: "love will scar your makeup" When he says,"i want to be drunk when i wake up/on the right side of the wrong bed":he wishes he could wake up in her bed, next to her. And he'll tell her the truth, his real thoughts. "Can't rely on my heart to beat it/ cause you take part of it every evening/take words out of my mouth just from breathing/replace with phrases like/when you leaving me": he thinks about her every evening. This was possibly before she died. I think she was sick and he would visit her every evening in the hospital and he would see how close to death she was. His plan for the weekend is to go see her grave and because it's personal to him, "and i've got no plans for the weekend/so should we speak then/keep it between friends". "flames just create us/ burns don't heal like before" : the burns are metaphorical. They are the ghost "burns" of her now-absent touch. His "cold days" are when he is lonely. He knows he can't heal things with a handshake because it's too late even though he probably has many words he wishes he'd said. "You cut me wide open like landscape": she knew him so well; down to the parts he kept from the world. "Open bottles of beer but never champagne/ to applaud you with the sound that my hands make": he doesn't open champagne because it reminds him of her. He claps his hands to attract the attention of the waiter/waitress/bartender for a refill. And yes, his only solution to his grief is to drink till he's drunk in the hope that he'll forget she is dead and maybe, "feel a little love".

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 16th 2013 !⃝

    Ok guys, i don't think this song is about being ACTUALLY drunk. I think its a metaphor. When he was with the girl, he felt so happy but it was unattainable. Drunk. Essentially drunk on their love. But when things ended, he was left hoping to feel the same way again. He wants love and he wants her back.

  16. anonymous
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    Dec 11th 2012 !⃝

    I think that the song is about someone who is deeply in love with another person but they had a messy break-up. The person tries hard to forget his situation and goes so mad that he imagines his cat talking to him because he's so lonely.

  17. anonymous
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    Aug 7th 2012 !⃝

    Most of the interpretations seem to be right. Hasn't anyone here lost a partner they really loved and thought they would spend the rest of their life with? I have, it didnt make me an alcoholic as such, i just felt like getting drunk sometimes to remember the past and all the good times we had before it all turned to shit!

    The lyrics 'I'll be drunk again ,to feel a little love' - just to remember the love, it was there once upon a time.

    'All by myself , I'm here again ' - Wake up the next morning hungover - realising you will never hold, caress, make love to her ever again.

    Makes you want to get drunk again hey?

  18. anonymous
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    Jul 14th 2012 !⃝

    "Right side of the wrong bed" interpret;

    means to be another person that's on the right path..

    right side = right path
    wrong bed = someone else's life

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