What do you think Bleed Well means?

H.I.M: Bleed Well Meaning

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Bleed Well Lyrics

You had demons to kill within you screaming
With a gun loaded with guilt you opened their eyes

Love preys the living and praises the dead
In the heart of our hearts by death we were wed

Bleed well the soul you're about to sell for passion...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 6th 2007 !⃝

    It's about ville's Ex jonna (i hate her). She was a bitch to him, she almost made him deaf.

  2. anonymous
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    Jun 14th 2010 !⃝

    to put it correctly kiss of dawn was written for valos friend who commited suicide after dark light was released...bleed well is on the album venus doom..The album has nine tracks to represent the nine circles of hell from Dante's The Divine Comedy. The acoustic version of "Bleed Well" references this, featuring a verse that was dropped from the final recording. The verse contained the line 'we'll descend to the ninth and last, where we're judged' referencing the next track, the ninth track "Cyanide Sun

  3. chunkemilk
    click a star to vote
    Dec 16th 2007 !⃝

    I believe it is about ville's friend who committed suicide right before dark light was released.
    He died because the girl broke up with him and he couldn't take it anymore and with a mix of other problems of course.

  4. KalaMagab
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    Nov 29th 2007 !⃝

    My idea is that someone he loves is with somebody else but they both want each other but they can't be together and they both know it will hurt.

    "'No love lost under HER will', I heard YOU weeping
    And on those words a church was built to keep the pain in"

    This makes me think it's about a guy :D And he has got married with a woman because he'll feel good with her and he knows she won't hurt him.

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