What do you think Open Arms means?

Journey: Open Arms Meaning

Album cover for Open Arms album cover

Song Released: 1982

Open Arms Lyrics

Lying beside you, here in the dark
Feeling your heart beat with mine
Softly you whisper, you're so sincere
How could our love be so blind
We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are by my side

So now I come to you, with open...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 11th 2018 !⃝

    While i listen to this song, i picture my father and how he came back into my life after so long. He then died last year and i remember the relationship he and I shared

  2. anonymous
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    Jan 8th 2014 !⃝

    The meaning behind the song "Open Arms" is a live story about a couple who drifted apart over time and then found their way back to each other again. Once they found their way back together they then realized how much they loved each other after all and that they were meant to be. Basically, the ballad is a plea from one lover to another begging them to forgive their wrong doings of the past and asking them to start the relationship fresh. This song was one of Journey's biggest hits which reached #2 on the Billboard top 100 charts in 1982.

  3. newyorkloveaffair
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    Mar 10th 2007 !⃝

    Jonathan Cain and Steve Perry co-wrote this song, after Cain's previous band The Baby's turned it down because they found it too ballad-y. Perry on the other hand loved it and filled in the lyrics and lended his iconic voice to the song, thus making it one of the most popular Journey songs ever.

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