Megadeth - I know Jack Meaning

I know Jack Lyrics
I knew Jack Kennedy
Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine
Senator, You're no Jack kennedy
This is all wrong. This song has more meaning that the Senator's quib. The meanace and underhandedness in his voice with the eerie echo in the background. I think Mustaine was trying to elaborate on the fact that Bensten may have known Jack Kennedy, but that didn't make him any more honest or capable. The tone of the song is menacing and sarcastic. To put it short, Bensten knew Jack, but that done mean Jack.
The samples in this song are from the 1988 Vice-Presidential election debate. Dan Quayle, who was a moron and might still be to this day, compared himself to Jack Kennedy, on national television. Lloyd Bensten, Quayle's democratic opponent countered his assertion of homogeny with Kennedy by saying "Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy". Which was, a brilliant comeback.
Quayle and Bush won the race, go figure.
The song is sampled from that. The rest of the song sounds like practice scales written for guitar and then the other instruments kick in.
So maybe, what we hear is the creative process in action. First we have the inspiration, Bensten's words, then we hear the scales, then the other instruments patterns form the remainder of the song. Just an opinion, but maybe the listener is being secretly taught how this is actually done.
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