What do you think Robot means?

Miley Cyrus: Robot Meaning

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Robot Lyrics

It's been like this from the start
One piece after another to make my heart
You mistake the game for being smart
Stand here, sell this, and hit your mark

But the sound of the steel
and the crush, and the grind
it will scream who am I, to...

  1. anonymous
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    May 4th 2012 !⃝

    I think its just her wanting to do what she wants to do not people telling her what to do ,, she can finally live her life without people telling her what to do an that has to do with disney controlling her . I love miley cyrus now that shes not a little girl an that she finally broke free an is doing things she wants to do now ^.^

  2. anonymous
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    Dec 1st 2011 !⃝

    It means she wants to break free, growing being controlled by disney everyone and including her thought that "hannah montanna" girl was her after being the "hannah montana" people are judging her and get upset by how they think she has "changed" and the fact that everyone changes she has that right too people are selfish for making her go back to the "old" her even though its not and she is tired of it

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 9th 2011 !⃝

    this song could be about anything. i mean, she's had paparazzi bugging her more than ever so maybe the song is about them? it could be for disney though. and if it is, she's being so selfish and ungrateful to kids. they know miley as hannah montanna and i know she says she doesn't like that but i've seen seven year old girls crying because of how miley has changed. she's acting like a diva, she hated doing hannah montanna because of the way she had to dress, or what she had to say. and if you havent noticed her acting has gotten worse in season four of hannah montanna because of it. ungrateful idiot, she is. plus, shes just trying to put on a show for everyone just so people can like her more. i think, inside she really didnt want to leave disney, but on the outside shes trying to act cool and write a horrible song about it. hate that ungrateful idiot.

  4. anonymous
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    May 23rd 2011 !⃝

    I think Its about being blindly chained down and used by someone you love who never really loved you at all.

  5. anonymous
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    May 21st 2011 !⃝

    Robot is talking about how tired she is of other people trying to control her.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 22nd 2011 !⃝

    well i think that this song is miley's big fat middle finger to disney. it shows how she feels like she's been controlled by disney, how to dress, what to say, who to be. the "miley" we knew then wasn't her, it was someone disney created. now she doesnt have disney to tell her what to do, she feels like she isnt her, she's "rusted metal that was never even mine". it's just a girl trying to break free of her chains to disney.

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