What do you think Dig means?

Mudvayne: Dig Meaning

Album cover for Dig album cover

Dig Lyrics

Dig bury me underneath
Everything that I am rearranging
Dig bury me underneath
Everything that I was slowly changing

I would love to beat the face,
Of any mother fucker that's thinkin' they can change me,
White knuckles grip pushing...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 25th 2006 !⃝

    Oppression - that's what "Dig" is about. The narrator is pissed off at the many frighteningly overwhelming, seemingly unstoppable forces that govern his everyday thoughts and actions. He's tired of false pretenses and hastey judgements. He feels as he's being buried alive. I can take this song to so many levels and give so many examples, but to save ya'll time... just know that it's about oppression.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 2nd 2007 !⃝

    It's about being who you are and not changing for anything or anyone. A lot of those stupid cocksucking motherfuckers would hate this song because of the screaming or whatever, well fuck them. What matters is if it's good enough for you. It's about Mudvayne standing they're ground and saying "FUCK YOU" to all trends and the fuckin' so called music industry. They just can't DIG IT...

  3. anonymous
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    Jan 31st 2023 !⃝

    I think the song is about someone he hates and is tired of their bullshit and their succidial so hes like ill help you accomplish and hes also saing how he'll never change for anybody so hes offering to kill them

  4. anonymous
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    May 26th 2020 !⃝

    it talks about the abortion : you can see at the start of the song a child who is about to born, and at the end he dies...and the lirics said :dig,bury me...and it's a reference to the abortion

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  5. anonymous
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    Feb 9th 2017 !⃝

    It's about not changing and saying fuck you and your opinion you'll never understand me.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 30th 2012 !⃝

    TimeCurator said it absolutely the best \m/
    It speaks about scorn against flaws and schemes of many people in the world. He is very pissed off in this song. Maybe his angriest vocal performance.

  7. anonymous
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    Apr 30th 2012 !⃝

    The part where he's saying "let help u tie the rope around your neck... ect" is conveying that all these oppressing people are leading him into a path that will be the death of him. People are trying to lead him in the wrong direction. Just because someone gives advice, doesn't make them wise to follow.

  8. mgrube1
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    Apr 27th 2012 !⃝

    I think is about getting losing his virginity to a girl while drunken stupor state. Have blackout.It only my own opinion cause to have a stress.

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  9. martin.cavanagh1
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    Apr 23rd 2012 !⃝

    I think that hes tired of being judged, he fell like they are burying him, and that they re slowly changing his essence,opressing him... then he says that the persons who judged him are people who will commit suicide so he says he will help them to die...

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 25th 2008 !⃝

    I agree with the one below me and jesus fucking christ I'm tired of all you emo losers thinking that every fucking song you hear is about some morbid take of love so just shut the fuck up and go cut yourselves.

  11. anonymous
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    Mar 5th 2007 !⃝

    I think the song is actually about love. Of course you can take almost any song and come up with your own valid interpretation of it.

    "Dig, bury me, underneath everything that I am/was" - he's talking about someone trying to change him, or he's referring to someone doing this to love in the first person. In other words, love is unconditional.

    "I would love to beat the face of any motherfucker that's thinking they can change me" - he/love will not be coerced into changing, even if they threaten to.

    Basically I think it's just a really pissed off song that talks about beating up people that stand in the way of love.

    Also the "dig bury me" chorus could have a double meaning about the earth and that we all come from the ground. Digging would be a way of "looking back" into the past at your ancestors. We were all once bacteria, so there is no reason to "hate" or whatever.

    Also, I think the singer screams "loooovvveeee" at the beginning of the song. I'm not sure about that, though.

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  12. anonymous
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    Nov 15th 2006 !⃝

    The song is about resistance to change

  13. anonymous
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    Sep 16th 2006 !⃝

    This song is about trying to change because he hates what he's done with his life

  14. anonymous
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    Jun 2nd 2006 !⃝

    The song is all about change and reflects our sci-fi proclivities to that idea and 2001- so enjoy our monolithic effort

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  15. anonymous
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    Mar 9th 2006 !⃝

    It's also kinda about sellouts, and how the industry wants you to change to sell more, at least that is the jest that I got from the song.

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  16. forgotten1
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    Dec 30th 2005 !⃝

    This song sounds angry and like a fight song at first but once you go into the lyrics it is about a time when Kud (the lead singer) was about to commit suicide. Everyone was putting him down for expressing himself at home his parents made him feel low and the outside world only made it worse until he wanted to kill himself and all those who made him feel like that.

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