What do you think If You Want Love means?

NF: If You Want Love Meaning

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Album cover for If You Want Love album cover

Song Released: 2019

If You Want Love Lyrics

I just need some time, I'm tryna think straight
I just need a moment in my own space
Ask me how I'm doin', I'll say "okay, " yeah
But ain't that what we all say?
Sometimes I think back to the old days
In the pointless conversations with the...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jun 18th !⃝

    NF is laying out a lesson that he learned the hard way. Just like we all have or will. Love is about feeling pain sometimes. It's different with everyone why we feel pain when we are in love. If you want trust you will have to give trust to her or him. It's not going to be earned It's going to be given because taking chances is what we are doing when you choose to love. Some are hurt because they can't be with the one they love or the one their with is causing pain. Love is all about trust, respect, and communication and you can't wait for her or him to earn this It's all given.

  2. whygod
    click a star to vote
    May 11th 2021 !⃝

    you will always have to go through the pain and you have to learn how to trust and change without that there is no hope for a relationship because trust me ive been there its not fun its depressing till you learn to cope with it

  3. anonymous
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    Jan 12th 2021 !⃝

    I think it means that love is hard and you just have go through pain to make a better relationship and understanding of someone you love and care about so you both do not get hurt

  4. Broken_joker
    click a star to vote
    Jul 9th 2020 !⃝

    Loving is hard and that's what NF is saying here, he wants to say that when he was a kid no one told him that if he wants love then he have to be strong, and other stuff, loving is never easy!

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 2nd 2020 !⃝

    I think that he was trying to say that when he was younger no one had mentioned to him that loving was hard and it can hurt. That as he got older he started to figure this out the hard way. I know this because I was in foster care and I am still trying to figure this stuff out. Even tho I am only 12.

  6. anonymous
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    Mar 6th 2019 !⃝

    I think NF is saying how loving can hurt...his mom OD on pills when he was young so I'm assuming he loved her very much and it was extremely hard when she left this earth and how painful and broken hearted he was.

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