What does that song mean?

DeathlyHeart1057's Profile

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About Me:
Hi! I'm Michelle Rose. A day with me will bring attitude, happiness, and fun. I love to be creative and talkative. i love to relax and sleep as well but most of all i love to be me. the novelist, the talker, the story teller, the creator, the daughter, the friend, and the stranger. i love to meet new people even if they don't want to meet me. i love to speak the words of tales and of lyrics, but most of all i love to just talk. people find it annoying sometimes but its who i am. talking is who i am. i dont talk about me( my thoughts and feelings) i talk about made up things true things and just random things. im more of a guy person than anything.. girls and me just dont mix well. and one last thing... i may not say the words but i am always telling you something about what im thinking or feeling.. keep ur eyes and ears open u might discover something amazing, sad, fun, or just plain weird and crazy!  


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DeathlyHeart1057's Interpretations