What do you think I Have a Dream means?

Abba: I Have a Dream Meaning

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Album cover for I Have a Dream album cover

Song Released: 1979

I Have a Dream Lyrics

"I Have A Dream"

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 20th 2012 !⃝

    I believe that Abba's "I have a Dream" has more meaning than first meets the ear or eye. It is certainly more than just a meaningless collection of English language cliche's assembled by Swedish composers who had no idea what point they were trying to make! I believe that this song holds more deep meaning than any other Abba song ever recorded!

    To start with, one must understand what Albert Einstein meant when he said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Albert Einstein (1879-1955).

    In "I have a Dream" the songwriters have properly divided the world into two main spheres, the real world, and the supernatural world where imagination and fantasy dwell with such beings as angels, who only become "real" to us in our dreams.

    In this song, these two worlds are divided by an imaginary "stream", but it is a stream that one can choose to cross at will, going from the real world into one's spiritual world, or into one's imagination "when ever the time is right to be in that sphere".

    It is on the spiritual side of the stream where the real powers of personal attitude will determine if we are having a wonderful time in this life, or whether we are living our life in a difficult way, filled with sadness, anger, or in any way that does not take a moment to see the wonder of all things!

    The author of "Insight for Living", Charles Swindoll, says: "Life is… 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You React to It.” This song has a remarkably parallel message, and it is uplifting in that it encourages us to not be afraid of the future, and to look for something good in everyone and everything you see.

    Assuming that the author's undefined "destination" is the universal human desire to enjoy a meaningful life, this song is also encouragement to not give up, but rather to continue on "Pushing through the darkness… still another mile" because the destination makes it all worth while.

    This is a beautiful song, and once seen in this light, it is not only beautiful, uplifting and encouraging as well.

  2. anonymous
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    May 27th 2023 !⃝

    All you people on this platform need to get a life.

    The song is about mental illness. Think and listen to the words. I think they’re talking about crossing the street not the stream. Fairytales and fantasies are a way for mentally ill people to cope with anything. They believe in angels and whatever it takes fail or not I’ll cross the street such as a song or believing in angels and crossing the street will get them help perhaps, whatever helps to push against the dark (the pain of mental illness). I have a dream a song to sing…

    Oh the wonder of a fairytale and angels ….

    I cross the street and I know things are going to get better…..

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 2nd 2022 !⃝

    2. I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels
    When I know the time is right for me
    I'll cross the stream
    I have a dream
    3. I have a dream, a fantasy
    To help me through reality
    And my destination makes it worth the while
    Pushing through the darkness, still another mile.

  4. anonymous
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    May 12th 2022 !⃝

    It’s definitely a song about mental illness. Go across the stream and you’ll either pass on or will be cured.

  5. anonymous
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    Mar 8th 2021 !⃝

    I appreciate this song too much because it restores hopes within individuals by correcting negative thoughts so as to get new and positive feelings and behaviors.

  6. anonymous
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    Feb 6th 2021 !⃝

    According to me the song is about the positivity of a person towards the life. He believes that we can never give up evenif great hurdles become on our path. We should believe that there are some good people who gives us some hope for good happing.And definitely, the dream come true in to reality. And with the help of dreams we can go beyond the limitations which pushes us to fulfill our goals.

  7. anonymous
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    Mar 27th 2020 !⃝

    We’re going to get through this Coronavirus. We have a dream, a song to sing and we will cope. I believe in Angels! We all have a dream and we will cross the stream.

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 27th 2020 !⃝

    It’s a beautiful beautiful song. It is for everyone out there that is suffering from mental illness. When they cross the stream they will have peace on the other side, finally!!

  9. anonymous
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    Mar 17th 2020 !⃝

    I agree with most of the comments here, and I have generally the same interpretation, except with a slightly more philosophical orientation. I see these lyrics in a more existential light. For those who have a dream, a purpose in life, the difficulties of life can melt away when you are working towards a lofty goal. The trivial things in life fade in significance. Even the big things, like loss of a loved one or health issues, can become less devastating. This is a common refrain of many motivational speakers: find a lofty and worthwhile goal for yourself, put all of your efforts into it. It will transform the world into a magical place for you. Be proactive in pursuing your goals, not reactive to the problems of life.

    Quoting from an existential philosopher, Nietzsche said: “ He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

    So I see this song really as an ode to existentialist philosophy!

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 5th 2020 !⃝

    I think this has great depth of meaning. Like other comments on here. I think it is a coping song, an idealistic person going through a very difficult time. Coping by believing there is good in everyone and by their belief in Angels. But when they can no longer cope, they will prepare for death and ‘cross the stream’ to the other side.
    It is a beautiful song which I want played at my funeral.

  11. anonymous
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    Jan 28th 2020 !⃝

    It is a cope song, describe peaceful and calming. Be ready to facing that end of life.

  12. anonymous
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    Feb 2nd 2019 !⃝

    I think it is a wonderful song because it gives you hope and wings to define and achieve your dreams in future and get your destination.

  13. anonymous
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    Jan 6th 2019 !⃝

    I feel it is a song of devotion to Jesus Christ & to God. It is also like a prayer asking God to give the singer strength to carry on through life. A song of hope & personal strength

  14. anonymous
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    Sep 26th 2017 !⃝

    Its really good that having a good and positive thought makes us to move forward towards our destiny . he just interpreted this in that poem.everyone likes that angels .so that we also able to meet them at least one time in our life . coz they're the messengers of gods word.seriously the one who likes and the one who wrote this poem ,were surely religious. So that they can believe in this kind of fantasy .that's it.ya bye.

  15. anonymous
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    Jun 1st 2017 !⃝

    I agree with the last comment. I think it's encouraging somebody who going through difficult times in life. I am from the non-English speaking country, same as ABBA.I used to sing this song or write the whole lyrics on a piece of paper when I need to concentrate on something or make up mind after something bad happened. For me, it is like meditation.

  16. anonymous
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    Mar 25th 2017 !⃝

    Goodness sin Life if you look for it.
    imagination can make things easier to live through.
    Crossing the stream often means death... This is a somber song that very well could indicate a calm readiness to cross into death when the time is right.

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