What do you think Love Like Winter means?

AFI: Love Like Winter Meaning

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Song Released: 2006

Love Like Winter Lyrics

Warn your warmth to turn away,
Here it's December,
Everyday. [small girlish echo:] I like that

Press your lips to the sculptures,
And surely you'll stay. [distant:] love like winter

For of sugar and ice,
I am made. I am made

It's in...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jan 5th 2007 !⃝

    okay I'll try to crack the meaning line by line. "Warn your warmth to turn away/Here it’s December, everyday" the person who davey is singing about which may or may not be him had a love but now he is cold, empty, harsh, and cold like december and is warning others. "Press your lips to the sculptures/And surely you’ll stay (love like winter/
    For of sugar and ice.. I am made, I am made" These lines are saying how even he's cold people are attratived to him becuase people want him like sugar but he's still cold so they are stuck in between wanting him and running away. "It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood/I met my love before I was born/He wanted love. I taste of blood/He bit my lip, and drank my warmth/From years before, from years before" I can onyl guess that he's saying that his love was moving in his blood and that other person"bit" his lip and when he left took all his warmth or love away with him years before. "She exhales vanilla lace,/I barely dreamt her yesterday (yesterday…)/Read the lines in the mirror through the lipstick trace:/"Por Siempre."/She said, “It seems you’re somewhere, far away"/To his face." These day how he met someone else and she was sweet but to him she was not as important as the one last. He is still thinking over the other person for ever"por siempre" and she sees that when she tells him "it seems you're somewhere far away" so she leaves.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 1st 2006 !⃝

    That line means that before you were born your true love was set out for you. But if you love passionately you are bound to the downfalls of life, and the imperfections of not finding the one true love. Thus love coldly, because reality has changed your true love. So find another love but don't with too much passion because you might end up getting frozen. The harsh reality of the concept of love, as immaculately developed as a concept of fate.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 6th 2006 !⃝

    the song is abviously about harsh love..hence the title Love Like Winter. Davey Havok said in interview however that the girl in the video represents hopelessness. So the song is probably less about cold love and more about a complete and total lack of love.

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 10th 2019 !⃝

    I believe this song is about fame. It's something he always wanted, but now it's draining him. He wants to stay hopeful but he's beginning not to care.

  5. anonymous
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    Jul 15th 2014 !⃝

    This is just personal interpretation.

    Verse 1:
    "Warn your warmth to turn away, Here it's December, Everyday."
    We are being warned to turn from our evil ways. For that in the state we are in, it is cold and evil everyday.

    "Press your lips to the sculptures, And surely you'll stay. love like winter"
    Love (Kiss or press your lips) the idols (sculptures) that you have been worshiping, and surely you stay in this evil state.

    "For of sugar and ice, I am made. I am made"
    For evil is made of sweet and cold temptations. He says I made because man inherited original sin from Adam. So we were born with sin or made with sin.

    Chorus 1:
    "It's in the blood, It's in the blood."
    It's in the blood that Jesus gave, that our sins can be forgiven.

    "I met my love before I was born."
    He met Jesus and knew of him before he was born in this world.

    "He wanted love, I taste of blood."
    Jesus wanted love and peace, but mankind is sinful.

    "He bit my lip, and drank my warmth, from years before, from years before."
    To bit ones lip, is to stop oneself from talking. Jesus stopped him from sinning, and then died for his sins. And he did this many years ago.

    Verse 2:
    "She exhales vanilla lace,"
    Her life is pure and soft. (Exhale=Breath=Life) (Vanilla=White=Pure) (Lace=Soft=Kind)
    Maybe the woman he is talking about is a lover, or maybe it's Mary the mother of God.

    "I barely dreamt her, yesterday."
    He had a vision of her. Many people have had visions of Mary.

    "Read the lines in the mirror through, The lipstick trace. Por siempre"
    In his vision, he then looked into his soul (Read the lines in the mirror). He saw that if were to drink Jesus's blood (through the lipstick trace, his lips would be red if he drank it) he would have eternal life. (Por Siempre means forever in Spainish).

    "She said "It seems you're somewhere, far away" to his face."
    This means that he hasn't accepted Jesus yet and that he isn't close to God or heaven. Maybe he hasn't drank Jesus's blood.

    Chorus 2:
    "It's in the blood, It's in the blood."
    "I met my love before I was born."
    It's in the blood that Jesus gave, that our sins can be forgiven. We knew of Jesus before we were born.

    "She wanted love, I taste of blood."
    Mary wanted love or peace, I long for Jesus's blood.

    "She bit my lip, and drank my warmth,"
    Mary helped stop him from sinning, and she watched good fill him. (The word drank can be defined - as watch or listen to something with eager pleasure or interest.)

    "From years before, from years before."
    Mary's influence on the world happened many years ago.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  6. anonymous
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    Mar 31st 2013 !⃝

    This song sounds to me like the movie queen of the damned. And that even makes the part about the sculptures make sense.

  7. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2013 !⃝

    One word... Vampires. Sorry but I think people are grasping at straws. Why would it be so unheard of that a goth band does a song about vampires? Everytime I hear this song I think of Anne Rice novels and Lothair from the IMD series.

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 3rd 2012 !⃝

    I thought 'Por Siempre' was french for 'forever'.

    Why I don't get is why does it go 'HE wanted love... HE bit my lip..." Then changes to 'SHE' in the second chorus, then back to 'HE' in the third.

    Cos, even though there were rumours, the official record is that the lead guy's straight.

  9. anonymous
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    Jun 22nd 2011 !⃝

    Many people look at this song like it is about the harshness of love and that is correct in many ways. It's what the song means to them. I, however, see this song being about hope.

    To me it is of a man who is looking for hope, but cannot find it because he "met [his] love [hope] before [he] was born"(10). Hope is something born inside us and is always with us. "It's in the blood [the pain]"(8)that we find hope and as such our life when we seek hope is "December, everyday"(2,3). It is cold and cruel, but still we keep searching as if we were looking for a lost lover. But when this man finally finds hope, it is too late. The evils that come with hope had already envoloped him and it seemed like hope itself had "bit [his] lip and drank [his] warmth"(13).

    Hope's embrace was "love like winter". It was comforting, cold and deadly.

    This is just my interpretation though. ^.^

  10. Asthore
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    Apr 4th 2011 !⃝

    Ok...let's try this PoV (Point of View)

    Warn your warmth to turn away,
    Here it's December,
    Everyday. [small girlish echo:] I like that

    This is more like...advice...if you will. Warn your warmth (heart) to turn away. Here it's December, everyday. I like that. This speaks of a possible relationship between a female and another male. The symbolic meaning of having a female perform the "I like that" is proof. He's trying to warn her of something he thinks she hates, but comes to find out she's changed.

    Press your lips to the sculptures,
    And surely you'll stay. [distant:] love like winter

    Now that he knows she loves December (winter), he knows she'll like the taste of what she sees. A sculpture at the start is a block of marble. It's her point of view of the male she likes...what he could be...

    For of sugar and ice,
    I am made. I am made.

    This is said from the view of the male. The sculpture she's so in love with is made of sugar, something pleasant to the tongue, and ice, something that can be cold physically and emotionally. It speaks of emotional misunderstanding.

    It's in the blood,
    It's in the blood.
    I met my love before I was born.
    He wanted love,
    I taste of blood.
    He bit my lip, and drank my warmth,
    From years before, from years before.

    This is said out of sequence, but sang this way because it fits better. "I met my love before I was born" has two meanings. It means that the two met in a past life, and she's older than he. How much and how long is impossible to know. When males speak of blood, it's usually boiling with jealousy. He wanted love, her love, her body. I taste of blood, jealousy. The reference to war and years before again speaks of a past life mentioned in "Miss Murder"...

    She exhales vanilla lace,
    I barely dreamt her, yesterday. [echo:] yesterday
    Read the lines in the mirror through,
    The lipstick trace.
    Por siempre

    The first line is literal. The two lovers have met, and she's undressing for him. I barely dreamt her yesterday is literal; he seen her in his dreams and seen her the next day; how she was seen is impossible to know...although the next lines seem to suggest they met in person, "por siempre" i believe is "for forever" in a foreign language. For him to read it in a mirror he would have to have been standing in front of it; if it was a picture the words would have been backwards, on top of that what we see in a mirror isn't real; it's a virtual image.

    She said "It seems you're somewhere, far away" to his face.

    This line speaks of the two together an unknown time later. They are in person together, but his mind is else where. A literal interpretation.

    It's in the blood,
    It's in the blood.
    I met my love before I was born.
    She wanted love,
    I taste of blood.
    She bit my lip, and drank my warmth,
    From years before, from years before.

    Again, it's similar to the first chorus however it's now she that wants her lovers love, and he's jealous yet again. She was possibly involved in that same war..."Miss Murder"...

    The rest is a repeat of the chorus. It could symbolize him knowing where the two lovers where eventually end up, or it could be just to make the song fit. Judging by the complexity of the music and lyrics I think it has meaning, the meaning of warning.

    In the end, it seems the majority of Mr. Havoc's songs revolve around a single story, pieced together with every song he's ever wrote. Even Blaqk Audio songs are a possible conclusion to that story. Maybe story is the wrong word...how about point of view?

  11. anonymous
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    Aug 29th 2010 !⃝

    Well, I don't know what the song is entirely about, to me when I listen to it, it seems like it's about fixed marriage or generally two people in a relationship that don't love each other. But there is one quote from Davey where he says that he writes lyrics that have multiple meanings, he likes to let the person listening make up their own interpretation.

  12. anonymous
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    Aug 11th 2010 !⃝

    I feel that it makes a great deal of sense that this track (as well as 37mm) was originally intended fr the side project Blaqk Audio: the song contains many of teh same themes as teh album CexCells. For instance , the switch between gender identifiers ("he bit my lip" "she bit my lip") reflect teh two different relationships that I percieved to be prtrayed on CexCells. A relationship with a fickle, insincere female that left the character, who tehn took up with a slghtyl more sincere man, but went back to the woman when seduced, because the character himself was rather detached and insincere.
    The song itself is sort of a summary of these scenarios, teh cold, impersonal aspects of love, despite its immortal allure (in teh title, teh opening verse.) He touches on his relationships with both other characters, in teh choruses and in some of teh lines ("she sadid it seems somewhere far away"; "i barely dreamt her yesterday"). He also refers to teh vampiric, draining qualitites of love and sexuality in teh chorus, on how differing desires ina relationship can be its downfall ("he wanted love, i taste of blood, he bit my lip adn drank my war from years before.) I believe that this song is open to many interpretaions, and that i see it as having far more substance and relevance than i cna express here. it fits well into decemberundergrouund, but i think had a lot of emaning to teh cexcells stline too.
    (sorry for all teh bad grammar spelling and typing)

  13. anonymous
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    Apr 20th 2010 !⃝

    I'd say it's more of a lack of love, perhaps he was in love and never received any in return? It may also be some sort of slow death, or a fall into a depression or insanity...

  14. anonymous
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    Jan 19th 2010 !⃝

    I think it's about being in a relationship before and once that has ending you feel cold and alone, so even when you try and be someone else it still doesn't compare to the one before, and you always will remember it.

  15. anonymous
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    Nov 11th 2009 !⃝

    My first interpretation of this song is at the fringe to say the least, but wouldn't mind feedback:

    "Read the lines in the mirror through lipstick trace"... when I heard that, I thought lines, mirror, lipstick, I automatically thought cocaine, with a woman. After establishing the theme to be around cocaine, I started looking for more clues.

    "It's in the blood... I met my love before I was born" implies that his mom was doing coke when she was pregnant and these babies (whose moms do coke when pregnant)are more likely to be addicted or to become addicted to the substance. Then you can interpret the rest of the lyrics around the theme that though his mom is dead / was an addict she is still warm and he is caught between that motherly warmness and the coldness of addiction. The coldness can also mean that he used to do coke himself than he stopped cold turkey and he is having a hard time staying clean.

    The second theme which is more mainstream is he is a homosexual or has these preferences and this is something you are born with (nature) and he is living in a cold winter because of it.

  16. anonymous
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    Oct 25th 2009 !⃝

    Before you were born your true love was planned out for you. But if you love passionately you are bound to the downfalls of life, and the imperfections of not finding the one true love. Thus love coldly, because reality has changed your true love. For example, like being gay. The harsh reality of the concept of love develop a concept of fate.

    This was written by someone else I just changed it around a little to include how I interpreted the song.

  17. anonymous
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    Oct 21st 2009 !⃝

    Warn your warmth to turn away
    Here it’s December, everyday (small girlish echo:I like that)
    Press your lips to the sculptures
    And surely you’ll stay (love like winter)
    For of sugar and ice, I am made, I am made

    The story begins with a guy saying (or his attitude is portraying this) that this is just a fling and not to make it out to be more than it is. She agrees, or is at least going along with it, but I think she is already infatuated (the whole “I like that” part)

    It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
    I met my love before I was born
    He wanted love. I taste of blood
    He bit my lip, and drank my warmth
    From years before, from years before

    This is the girl giving him what she thinks he wants.

    She exhales vanilla lace,
    I barely dreamt her yesterday (yesterday)
    Read the lines in the mirror through the lipstick trace:
    "Por Siempre."
    She said, “It seems you’re somewhere, far away"
    To his face.

    She is upset because she fell in love with him and she realizes that he doesn’t feel the same way. His feeling on it is that he barely knows her. So she confronts him stating that she doesn’t think his heart is with her.

    It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
    I met my love, before I was born
    She wanted love, I taste of blood
    She bit my lip, and drank my warmth
    From years before, from years before

    He feels he gave her what she wanted.

    Love like winter Oh OO-Oh
    Love like winter, winter, three, four

    It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
    I met my love, before I was born
    He wanted love, I taste of blood
    He bit my lip, and drank my warmth
    From years before, from years before

    And so continues the tragic story of love…

  18. lhommedangereux
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    Oct 15th 2009 !⃝

    this song would make a lot more sense if it was about vampires. Everytime I hear it I think of a guy being warned from becoming a vampire. "Warn your warmth to turn away".... warning him against losing his soul. Then then obvious with blood and the drinking of warmth. Just seems obvious to suggest vampirical scenario. Even if that wasn't the author's intentions. Its hard to ignore the suggestions throughout the song.

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