What does Anything mean?

Animals: Anything Meaning

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Song Released: 1967

Anything Lyrics

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  1. TED
    click a star to vote
    Nov 14th 2013 !⃝

    Let's start with the lyrics from this 1967 tune...

    For you, my friend, I'd do anything
    Shine your shoes, anything
    Lose your blues, make love to you
    Take you under my wing, anything

    For you, my hero, I'd do anything
    Paint your picture, anything
    Kiss your photograph even though I know you'd laugh
    Stand beneath your wings, Oh, anything

    And for you, my love, I would do anything
    Kiss your feet and everything
    Suffer your pain but I'd ride your train
    Spread our tiny wings, baby, anything

    And for you, my son, I'd do everything
    Protect your mind from everything
    I could read your lies, dry tears from your eyes

    Spread your tiny wings, anything

    'Cause everything is anything
    And everything is anything

    This tune has been in my head since 1967 when the "Winds of Change" Eric Burdon & the Animals album was released. It seems to me that "Anything" is a call to be easy-going, loving, and attentive to others. Respect one's heroes and learn from them. Come from a peaceful place and put one's own thought processes to rest so that one can be keenly aware of what is...

    46 years (as of 2013) have gone by since "Anything" was released. Eric Burdon and all the other Animals are credited for "Anything" Kind of amazing to realize they were all under 30 years of page at the time. Eric is still working and remains a strong musician. Don't know where the rest of the Animals are what they are doing now, but still want to say thanks, gents.


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