What do you think Strange Birds means?

Birdy: Strange Birds Meaning

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Strange Birds Lyrics

Little ghost, you are listening,
Unlike most you don’t miss a thing,
You see the truth,
I walk the halls invisibly,
I climb the walls, no one sees me,
No one but you.

You’ve always loved the strange birds
Now I want to fly into your...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 1st 2015 !⃝

    Little ghost, you are listening,
    Unlike most you don’t miss a thing,
    You see the truth,

    He's type of guy who doesn't say much to stand out, quietly blends in with the crowd, but silently observes and notices everything. He's wiser and more observant than most.

    I walk the halls invisibly,
    I climb the walls, no one sees me,
    No one but you.

    She feels invisible as she walks through life. Even when she feels like she's going crazy (climbing the walls), still nobody seems to even notice except for this guy. He is the only one who takes time to actually pay enough attention to her to notice when she's upset.

    You’ve always loved the strange birds
    Now I want to fly into your world
    I want to be heard

    He seems to be intrigued by and find beauty in things that are different rather than rejecting them instantly like many people tend to do. She never really minded being invisible to most people, since they didn't understand or appreciate her differences or weirdness anyhow. But seeing how he seems to admire and appreciate that in her, makes her not want to be invisible to him. She wants to go towards him and be part of his life.

    My wounded wings still beating,
    You’ve always loved the stranger inside…
    Me, ugly pretty.

    She's been hurt many times by relationships in the past, she's still hurt, but she's willing to keep going and take a chance on him because unlike the others, he seems to be different in that he seems to love her for who she is inside. He actually notices the things about her that she tries to hide and thinks others see as weird and ugly, but he sees those same things but considered them different and beautiful. (Ugly pretty)

    Oh no, no, no, no [x3]

    Oh little ghost, you see the pain
    But together we can make something beautiful,
    So take my hand and perfectly,
    We fill the gaps, you and me make three,
    I was meant for you, and you for me.

    He quietly observes her and sympathizes with her pain, but he's afraid to confront her or make a move. He must be much like her to understand her so well. Separately they are both considered misfits by most of society, misunderstood, dealing with everything on their own. But together, they gain someone who understands and sympathizes with them. They form a third and better entity than just their individual selves. They form an amazing team that is stronger and more confident than they are individually.

  2. anonymous
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    May 24th 2016 !⃝

    I believe that this speaks of a girl who is generally ignored and tries to stay under the radar. She is finally noticed by someone, who seems intent on learning of her. She says that they always liked the strange birds, meaning her, as people usually perceive quiet and introverted people as strange.

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