What do you think Charlie Brown means?

Coldplay - Charlie Brown Meaning

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Album cover for Charlie Brown album cover

Song Released: 2012

Charlie Brown Lyrics

I stole a key
Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet
Took a car downtown and took what they offered me

To set me free
Saw the lights go down at the end of the scene
Saw the lights go down and they're standing in front of me

In my...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Aug 12th 2012 !⃝

    to me, its about ingorning what people think about you. it doesnt matter if someone doesnt like the clothes you wear or the music you like or the things you do. dont let someone like that break your heart. to me, it means to have a good time your way, not someone elses to be in the 'cool group'. if someone doesnt like you for who you are, then screw them and be yourself.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 7th 2012 !⃝

    this song is basically telling us to live life to the fullest. Chris wanted to tell us that if anyone tells you you're weird, why mind them. Be proud of who you are. don't mind those people who insult you, you are basically who you want to be. Don't be someone your not. just be you.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 10th 2012 !⃝

    This song is about breaking the rules and running wild for the love of music. How you break the rules is totally up to you, in the song anyone can interpret the lyrics however they like in regards to what rules they break. Thats the beauty of the lyrics it's so diverse you can't exactly say what it's specifically about, the only thing you can understand is we all live completely different lives doing what we do but the music brings us all together, glowing together forgetting all our problems together as one unit.

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 9th 2019 !⃝

    It seems to be about finding your freedom your spirit your true self the light inside all of us: that shines in the darkness of the world around us ..Lost Boys stealing a key to drive downtown and get what it takes to set you free sounds like taking drugs as a way to escape the reality and heartbreak of the world around you which is In Darkness and you do what it takes to get free of course drugs are not the answer the Only Way is spiritual evolution and for information about enlightenment and to receive your self realisation and learn free meditation please find your local meeting near you at www.sahajayoga.org

  5. anonymous
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    Aug 20th 2017 !⃝

    Resilience .

  6. Marcy17
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    Jun 5th 2017 !⃝

    I believe this song is about young people that are innocent but wild. They are having a hard time with not being accepted by the in crowd. They've had their hearts broken. Don't let a broken heart get you down, come bursting to life again. They need to open their hearts to love like the "cartoon heart" symbolizes. Let love come in, because love is what will get them through all the highs and lows of life. They need to forget what other people think, and have that spark of life again and be excited about their lives. If you are just like all the other young people, you will get lost in the"dark". Nothing wrong with being innocent and wild, because you will be "glowing in the dark".

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 23rd 2017 !⃝

    About youth and carefree but then about dying young and glowing in the dark, always being remembered and seen by your friends on earth when they look into the night sky.

  8. anonymous
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    Feb 4th 2013 !⃝

    The drugs are obviously just a metaphor. It's about letting go and living your life to its fullest extend "I stole a key, and took a car ..." Reckless and carefree - the beauty of the youth in its brightest colors

  9. anonymous
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    Dec 1st 2012 !⃝


    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  10. anonymous
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    Jul 16th 2012 !⃝

    This song is about the passion of youth, and also, a bit ironically, about the self-centeredness of youth.

    The self-centeredness comes through very clearly in the theatrical imagery like "cartoon heart" and "lights go down at the end of the scene".

    But for all the overly-dramatic posturing of youth, there truly is fire there too, "glowing in the dark".

    This relates to the fictional cartoon character who wears his heart on his sleeve, and believes his life sucks, but his life really doesn't suck. "Why does everything always happen to me?"

    Well, Charlie, despite your setbacks, you DO have friends, don't you?

    And Charlie brown has enough fire to get back up on the pitcher's mound again, every time.

  11. anonymous
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    Jul 8th 2012 !⃝

    Basically, it seems he is celebrating youth while recognizing his own is fading. The "lost boys" could refer to peter pans crew and how they nerver grew old. Glowing in the dark could also support the theme as tinkerbell would sprinkle her magic dust to make them fly.

    Also, Charlie Brown could mean that when you are young, it is difficult to relate to your elders and it seems as though they are speaking a foreign language. Perhaps he wants to stay young forever and cannot fully accept he is getting older. He feels young, yet not completely as he stole the key and still cannot translate what it means to get "old."

  12. anonymous
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    Apr 17th 2012 !⃝

    What I believe this song is trying to tell you is to do more than what is expected of you. Be more creative, love with more of your heart, be a better person, do what is unexpected of you. Be wild, spontaneous, and courageous. To think outside of the box and stand out of the crowd. Do what makes you the happiest and better yourself. Shine brighter than you ever thought was possible. - MLH

  13. anonymous
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    Mar 31st 2012 !⃝

    It is about charlie brown

  14. anonymous
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    Mar 17th 2012 !⃝

    This song is about fictional characters from childhood, carefree manner of the youth and innocence from "all he madness that occurs."

    "Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet"
    Here, the lost boys are the characters from Peter Pan.

    "Saw the lights go down at the end of the scene
    Saw the lights go down and they're standing in front of me"
    At the end of the scene when the "lights go down" (like a cartoon show), the characters seem to appear in front of [him]. Clearly, imagination is at work.

  15. anonymous
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    Feb 7th 2012 !⃝

    It is about more than drugs. Taking drugs to let go of all the pain in the world and then it also talks about love being the only things that matter in the world

  16. anonymous
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    Jan 24th 2012 !⃝

    About simplicity.

  17. anonymous
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    Jan 20th 2012 !⃝

    it's either heroine or methamphetamine... "light a fire,up from a spark.. we'll run wild and glow in the dark."

    where the lost boys meet "drug dealing"

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  18. anonymous
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    Dec 6th 2011 !⃝

    Its about drugs.

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