What do you think Gold means?

Imagine Dragons: Gold Meaning

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Album cover for Gold album cover

Gold Lyrics

First comes the blessing of all that you've dreamed,
But then comes the curses of diamonds and rings.
Only at first did it have its appeal, but now you can't tell the false from the real.
Who can you trust
(Who can you trust)



    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 27th 2015 !⃝

    I think they are talking about their lives as a famous band.
    "First comes the blessing of all that you've dreamed, " this means that when they finally became famous they got everything they ever wanted but then comes (the curses of diamonds and rings) the negative side to all the fame: being away from home, not getting enough sleep, etc. And then they don't know who their real friends are anymore because of the fame. (who can you trust when your heart's turned to gold)


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 31st 2018 !⃝

    Like some of the opinions above, I to believe it is about their fame.
    They probably always dreamt about being famous,and now they are. But, while that is very appealing, they don't want the bad stuff that comes with it. "When everything, everything you touch turns to gold...." This is saying how, when you are famous, anything you though immediately becomes desired by all. Ex. Sports. As soon as a famous player signs a ball, everyone wants it. Overall, this song is about the highs and lows of being famous.

  3. anonymous
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    Feb 7th 2020 !⃝

    It's over a king

  4. anonymous
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    May 27th 2019 !⃝

    I feel this means when you are rich you have all that you need. But you also have the downfalls of becoming a spendaholic, and it is fun being rich (and possibly famous) but after a while, you don't feel that money could fulfill you and that people only like you because you are rich.

    So when it says, "now you can't tell the false from the real." I think they are talking about friends, or fans.

    "statues and empires are all at your hands, water to wine and the finest of sands." I just believe this is saying that he could have anything. Now all he wants he can't buy real friends or real fans.

  5. anonymous
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    Aug 29th 2017 !⃝

    It's about that King who wished to be rich but whatever he touched turned to gold "when everything, everything, everything you touch turns to gold gold gold"

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  6. anonymous
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    Apr 4th 2015 !⃝

    I think it is talking about the philosophers stone. It talks about how fortune isn't the best thing you can have.

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 7th 2015 !⃝

    I think it means he (the band) wanted to make it big. They did and now they don't know who to trust. Everyone just wants them to keep putting out the hits.

  8. anonymous
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    Dec 26th 2014 !⃝

    It's problem talking about the famous story of King Midous and how he wished for what ever he touched it would turn to gold. Or how they want to feel the peace of the wwork again. Like how in the song it says they want to feel anything at all.

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