Little Mix - Women's World Meaning

Women's World Lyrics
You gotta work much harder than every single man that's just the way
But she goes to the same job every day
She's overworked and underpaid
Just cause the way her body's...
Womens World is one of the best songs in the LM5 album in my opinion because the lyrics and the meaning behind them is so relatable to so many women and you could just hear the passion in each of their voices when they sing their part and don't shy away the fact that it is a feminist song.
Overall, the song is beautiful motivational and well written by the amazing Jade Amelia Thirwall
womans world is a powerful song. its about how women should be treated equally to men.
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Little Mix are speaking out truth from this wonderful song. Jesy's parts says how a mother tells her daughter that she has to work much harder even than men just because she doesn't has a 'pretty face' according to the society. She has to continue the same job even if she is underpaid, just 'cause the way she looks isn't apealing for some people. Then the next part states that women are always said to follow the rule book from what they should wear to what they should speak. Then it continues saying that all these stereotypes are gonna end and there is gonna be a change. They subtly say that people only desire good looking women and not women with actual talent (only want the body but not the brains). I personally opine that this seems a shade from them to the world that sleeps on them. No matter however talented they are they are not given the recognition they deserve. Nextly Leigh-Anne's part tells that how a mother is counselling her daughter saying that everything is going to change & to never lose hope. Later, they start with a furious tone and sound saying that women have came really far and they won't stop ever. They forecast the future saying that one day every single person will be treated the same, which day is not so far now!
This is what I interpret from this song. Everytime I listen to this song, it makes me confident of being myself as a woman. Thank you LM!
If you haven't listened to it yet go give it a try..
All the best to every single woman. Remember that MEN FIGHT GREAT BUT WOMEN ARE GREAT FIGHTERS! -
It is all about feminism. The song conveys the message that everyone has to be treated equally, male or female. Girls should not have to act, dress and converse as they are told. They shouldn't have to shout out to be heard. Even in many schools, girls are treated inequally in the name of discipline.
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