What do you think Dead! means?

My Chemical Romance - Dead! Meaning

Tagged: Death [suggest]
Album cover for Dead! album cover

Dead! Lyrics

And if your heart stops beating
I'll be here wondering
'Did you get what you deserve?'
The ending of your life

And if you get to heaven
I'll be here waiting, babe
Did you get what you deserve?
The end
And if your life won't wait


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 1st 2007 !⃝

    I think "The End." is more of an introduction to the story, perhaps by the patient himself, and "Dead!" is about the doctors telling him that he's dying. However, they are trying to say that when doctors tell you you're dying, they don't really care. You're just a patient and the source of their pay check. It's exaggerating on how cruel they can be about the fact that you're DYING.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    May 8th 2007 !⃝

    *Sigh* in between every post the correct answer is there. He's imagining what it would be like to be told he was dying. When told something like this the mind thinks all kinds of things. He felt that no one liked him because no one was there when the doctor told him. He had felt like he had never truly loved. Therefore he felt as if he had never really lived and feels that killing himself would be less painful than having to live his last few days in constant reminder that he had never truly lived.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 31st 2015 !⃝

    I don't know if anyone still goes on this song's page, but here goes! The album (the black parade) is about a cancer patient and his journey through death and to the 'Black Parade' (MCR's take on the afterlife) the album starts, with the song the end. This song basically describes the fact that the patient is indeed dying. The song ends and the next song (dead!) immediately starts. (The 2 songs are connected) The first few lines are 'and if your heart stops beating, I'll be here wondering, did you get what you deserve?' My personal interpretation of this is did he go to heaven or hell? The next few lines ask if he got to heaven and then again ask if he got what fate he truly deserved. I think this might be implying the patient didn't deserve heaven, but I'm not sure.
    The next few lines basically ask the same thing, so let's skip to the chorus, which opens with the delightfully macabre 'did you hear the news that you're dead?' This clearly lets us know that the patient is now dead. Then the song tells us that no one ever liked the patient and no one had anything nice to say to him. The lines 'wouldn't it be grand and exactly what you planned and wouldn't it be great if you were dead?' to me are quite sarcastic.
    Now let's get on to the next verse! To me the line
    'Tongue tied and oh-so squeamish, you never fell in love' says to me the patient was embarrassed around girls (or guys!) and wasn't really romantic, so he never fell in love, which in some ways is quite a sad statement. After that we get a repeat of previous lines so let's carry on to the next verse!
    And in my honest observation
    During this operation
    Found a complication in your heart
    So long, 'Cause now you've got (now you've got)
    Maybe just two weeks to live
    Is that the most the both of you can give?
    That verse is quite simple, it tells us that the patient has a form of heart cancer and whilst they were treating him, they found a complication, which obviously gives him 'just two weeks to live!'

    After this, we get a series of sarcastic la la la's, maybe showing us the patient just doesn't care anymore and is ready to embrace death and join the black parade. We also get the line 'if life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?' Proving the previous point. The song ends with 'DEAD!' And nothing else.
    I rate the song 10/10 and the album full marks aswell. All the songs have a unique meaning that all get put together to tell the full story of the patient and his pretty unfortunate life!
    Thank you for reading my rather long interpretation, please rate it!

  4. anonymous
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    Nov 4th 2017 !⃝

    I think that it is about him telling the girl he loves that she would die and saying that all the bab things she has done will comeback to haute he in the afterlife

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  5. LovelyShrapnel
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    Sep 30th 2013 !⃝

    "And if your heart stops beating
    I'll be here wondering
    'Did you get what you deserve?'
    The ending of your life

    And if you get to heaven
    I'll be here waiting, babe
    Did you get what you deserve?
    The end
    And if your life won't wait
    Then your heart can't take this

    Have you heard the news that you're dead?
    No one ever had much nice to say
    I think they never liked you anyway
    Oh take me from the hospital bed
    Wouldn't it be grand?
    It ain't exactly what you planned
    And wouldn't it be great
    If we were dead?
    Oh dead

    Tongue-tied and oh so squeamish
    You never fell in love
    Did you get what you deserve?
    The ending of your life

    And if you get to heaven
    I'll be here waiting, babe
    Did you get what you deserve?
    The end
    And if your life won't wait
    Then your heart can't take this

    Have you heard the news that you're dead?
    No one ever had much nice to say
    I think they never liked you anyway
    Oh take me from the hospital bed
    Wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand?
    And wouldn't it be great
    If we were dead?

    And in my honest observation
    During this operation
    Found a complication in your heart
    So long
    'Cause now you've got
    Maybe just two weeks to live
    Is that the most the both of you can give?"

    now apon careful observation of the above, you'll notice that Gerard is indeed talking about ripping into some...insignificant person's heart and finding no spot of love in any of them. And without the love the person is cosidered dead.
    As soon as your heart stops beating it means you stopped loving.and it's all simply because you didnt want too love.
    you didnt try to love. so you died without love and without a "heart"

  6. anonymous
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    Mar 29th 2013 !⃝

    In my interpretation, If you listen to the first song "The End" on the alblum, its sort of the character's death wish. or him giving up on life. i get this from phrases like "Heres my resignation..." and " when i grow up i want to be nothing at all! (dead)"

    And then the alblum goes imediatley into the song "Dead". Its about the charcter's death. The song may sound a little sarcastic because the characters commited suicide and MCR is very much against that.

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 3rd 2013 !⃝

    I don't think this is actually about death, I think they're using it as a metaphor for being depressed or something. We know gerard went through a lot if depression and he was also suicidal, my opinion is that he's talking about him being dead (depressed) and the doctors being callous about it and not really caring. Which is pretty true, most people just treat depression like it's just a sickness and it's not that big of a deal, they'll just give you some pills and let you go on your merry, or not so merry, way. This also relates to suicide, being suicidal you want to die but you're already so depressed you feel dead even when you're not, "have you heard the news that you're dead." That's what I think it's about.

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 9th 2012 !⃝

    The whole album is like 2 songs=1 storyline.So the first 2 songs on the album (The end and Dead!) are about him being told he's dying and then he's dead.

  9. anonymous
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    Apr 6th 2012 !⃝

    I'm pretty sure this song is about being good, or nice to everyone you know. Because if you were dead, would you like them to cry for you or to just forget you because you were mean.
    So this song is telling the "story" of someone who has been bad in his/her life.
    The begining of the song starts with a long beep (meaning that the person is dead) and then the band cheering, meaning that they're happy that person is dead. Here are the lines that explain my point:

    "Did you get what you deserve?" (Did the person deserve to die)
    "No one ever had much nice to say, I think they never liked you anyway..."

    And at the end of the song:
    "In my honest observation, during this operation, found a complication in your heart, so long... 'Cause now you've got maybe just two weeks to live"
    Gerard is prentending to be a heart doctor performing an operation, and during that operation, he found no love in the person's heart.
    I hope you found this explanation helpful in anyway...

  10. Willow Mcrkilljoybulletproofan
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    Nov 26th 2011 !⃝

    Its about the way he (the patient) realises he is dead. the doctors tell him he only has two weeks left and he feels as if they dont care or give a shit about anybody in the hospital. i think that its as if the doctors are only in there for the money and that they regularly laugh and make fun of the patients so its really not a very nice environment to spend your last days in. xx

  11. anonymous
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    Jul 8th 2011 !⃝

    i always though this was about the manga book deathnote beacause when it says "and if your heart stops beating I'll be here wondering did you get what you deserved' because kira writes the names of criminals and people who deserve to die in a book and they die of a heart attack

  12. anonymous
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    May 8th 2011 !⃝

    I agree that The End is the introduction to the story. I think The End talks about how you should be yourself as long as you live and at the end of that song it says "im too young to die" i think it meants he is dying and hes not ready and he havent lived his life. and then Dead goes onto how he is dying and how the doctor is telling him that he doesnt have much long left. i think "YOU NEVER FELL IN LOVE" and "DID YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE" means he hurt someone b4 he is dying and how he might be getting back what he did (karma) and then "NOONE EVER LOVED YOU ANYWAYS" is how noone is there for him, or how the people he hurt didnt rly love him.
    this is just my best guess

  13. anonymous
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    May 8th 2011 !⃝

    I agree that The End is the introduction to the story. I think The End talks about how you should be yourself as long as you live and at the end of that song it says "im too young to die" i think it meants he is dying and hes not ready and he havent lived his life. and then Dead goes onto how he is dying and how the doctor is telling him that he doesnt have much long left. i think "YOU NEVER FELL IN LOVE" and "DID YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE" means he hurt someone b4 he is dying and how he might be getting back what he did (karma) and then "NOONE EVER LOVED YOU ANYWAYS" is how noone is there for him, or how the people he hurt didnt rly love him.
    this is just my best guess

  14. anonymous
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    May 1st 2011 !⃝

    I think the song is to make you think ahead.You guys think to much like pop-culture kids. It's not a story with a character like pop music. It's a story about you. What would you think of you're life as of this moment if a doctor walked in the room and said you've got, "maybe just two weeks to live"? That's the purpose of the song. You don't want to be the guy "who never fell in love" and who never accomplished everything. It's kind of asking you "What do you want to be remembered for." And when you give some awesome/ridiculous/probably-not-gonna-happen answer like "I want to be known as the guy who found the cure for death!" it's gonna ask you "Well have have you done it yet? Cause you're running out of time." You don't know when you're gonna die so you better start on that cure for death (or other answer) now.
    And it's saying don't be an asshole your whole life and act like no one's good enough to be in your presence. Imagine after your death that you go to your funeral as a ghost to learn that no one showed up cause "they never really liked you anyway".
    And lastly, "Did you get what you deserve?" Did you die and wake up in hell and realize that you probably deserved it? Did you die and wake up in heaven and wonder why?

  15. anonymous
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    Mar 24th 2011 !⃝

    When I first heard the song, I thought it was someone telling another person that they are dying. This person would mostly be a past girlfriend, "You never fell in love".

    He acts as if he's delivering the new and the girl doesn't know she's dying, "and if your life won't wait
    Then your heart can't take this"

    "Did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life" would say that she was a horrible person who deserved to die.

    From "And if you get to heaven" you can tell that she doesn't deserve to be there, but she might end up there.

    "Wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand?" would be saying that he wants to kill her, or both of them. Also, "Maybe just two weeks to live
    (Is that the most that you can give?)" would back that up.

    "If life ain't just a joke" would suggest that she never took life seriously. "Then why are we laughing" would say that he is happy that she's dying.

    And at the end, he realizes that the girl isn't the one who is dying, as he screams "Oh mother---"

    Then he realizes he's dying, "If life ain't just a joke
    Then why am I dead?"

    This is just what I thought when I first heard the song.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  16. anonymous
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    Feb 7th 2011 !⃝

    As we can see from the other songs as in 'MAMA' the patient has done some wrong things, there isnt many people who likes him. The patient is begging 'take me from the hospital bed' but smn who obviously wasnt too close to him is saying 'noone else had much to say, i think i never liked you much anyway'. He is saying 'did you get what you deserve' so the person who isnt wishing well to the patient actually grew hate and is wishing him bad. its anymoment that the patient is dead 'and if youre heart stops beating'

  17. anonymous
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    Jan 4th 2011 !⃝

    My interpretation would be that this is Death talking to the patient, trying to convince him that he should just let go and die. "You never fell in love"-you never did anything worthwhile. "Did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life?"-the only thing that the Patient deserves is death. The actual music is quite happy, and to me, that's Death trying to show the Patient how great it is to be dead-"Wouldn't it be great if we were dead?" "And if you get to Heaven,I'll be there waiting babe"-Death will be waiting for The Patient when he dies. "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" again is Death trying to convince The Patient how utterly great it is to be dead. The "aww, motheruck it now" shows the Patient's eventual nonchalance-as in "fuck it, I may as well just die".

  18. anonymous
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    Sep 27th 2010 !⃝

    Maybe you guys were just being too over-stressed. maybe he's was just probably drunk ;) haha! that's a joke, really.........

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