What do you think Garden means?

Pearl Jam: Garden Meaning

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Album cover for Garden album cover

Garden Lyrics

She don't wander in...don't wander in here, she...

She don't wander in here...don't wander in here...

The direction of the eye, so misleading

The defection of the soul, nauseously quick

I don't question, our existence

I just...

  1. anonymous
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    Jun 2nd 2020 !⃝

    I think it’s about your soul and life. The eye misleads you into things you really don’t need or shouldn’t do, hence the soul is easily and quickly defected to do wrong. “Garden stone” refers to a cemetery. Tombstones in the cemetery look like plants in a garden. All in a line and evenly spaced. The person is reluctant to die nor wants to but knows it inevitably. Thats my take. Also that is what’s great about songs. Every one of them has a meaning that may differ from person to person. As long it brings meaning or peace to that person.

  2. anonymous
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    Mar 6th 2020 !⃝

    I have always thought it was about the war in Iraq, and the American soldiers invading the country. "Face Blood", "Shadow Flag" all makes sense to me....And Iraq being a very sparse place with just gardens of stone (their buildings).

  3. anonymous
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    Oct 30th 2017 !⃝

    Garden song is a song which is very self-explanatory. People who don't give a damn with you is telling you frankly to get out of their life. They will not share, need, or give to you. They will not care if you share, need, or give to them. People who tell you that they can't become what they were meant to be while you are in their life, are trying to tell you to not have a relationship with them. Meaning- don't ever communicate to me in anyway because I will not respond to you. I am numb and I don't care and I don't give a damn. Move on and forget about me. Because I moved on a long time ago and I forgot about you. Final Interpretation.

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 30th 2017 !⃝

    It's a song that helps us break the chains we've been tied in our minds. Chains we make ourselves to unnecesary things and people. Tjose chains helds us back from becoming the person we were ment to be.

  5. anonymous
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    Sep 21st 2011 !⃝

    heard a lot of interpretations, however, i think everyone is right, and the true interpretation is what you get from it. regardless, i interpret it as being a prisoner. to this world, to religion, to anyone and anything that expects from us. just my thoughts. regardless it's beautiful and full of meaning...

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