What do you think Fancy means?

Reba McEntire: Fancy Meaning

Album cover for Fancy album cover

Song Released: 1991

Fancy Lyrics

I remember it all very well lookin back
It was the summer I turned eighteen
We lived in a one room, rundown shack
On the outskirts of new orleans
We didnt have money for food or rent
To say the least we were hard pressed
Then mama spent...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Apr 9th 2008 !⃝

    The song deals with a woman (named Fancy) recounting the summer she turns 18 as her mother sends her out for prostitution. Fancy lead a life of poverty, and the family barely had food or money for rent, and it doesn't help when Fancy's father abandons the family. Fancy's mother doesn't have the money to care for Fancy and her youngest baby, so she spends every last dime she has to dress Fancy up, and sends her out on the streets. Fancy can recall how desperate her mother sounds, and although she was scared, she finally makes something of herself in the course of prostitution. At the end of the song, Fancy proudly accounts for her new life in a mansion, now as a rich woman, but looks back with solemn as she thinks of her mother's trials and struggles.

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