System of a Down - Violent Pornography Meaning

Violent Pornography Lyrics
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody,...
#1 top rated interpretation:I very much disagree with the interpretation above. I think it is very much about the media and how we are desensitised to the horrors ("the kinda shit you get on your TV") seen on TV daily. It's pointing out that the stuff we see on TV is as bad as a violent pornagraphy, yet it is socially acceptable to watch.
It also points out that TV is brainwashing viewers ("can you say brainwashing"), refers to a big American snack food corporation that probably advertises a lot in the US ("Bet you it's Nabiso")and tell the listener to switch off ("turn of your TV"), which I think all supports the view that the song is not, in fact, about porn. -
#2 top rated interpretation:I think this song is about how the media potrays society on TV. Basicly the media potrays that everyone has lots of sex, lies, is unhappy (sucks and cries) and dies ussually before their time. The "bet you didn't know" multiple times is meant to symbolize that perception from the media being drilled into people all the time by watching tv.
#3 top rated interpretation:I have to agree with those of you who say this isn't about the porn you have to order through your cable company, this is like Law and Order Special Victim's unit etc. Ever wonder why there is a whole TV dedicated to sex crimes? People are addicted to the horror of rape, murder, incest etc. It's like they made the Marquis DeSade a network executive. "Tonight on 20/20 we'll bring you the story of a violent sexual assault on a fourteen year old girl all caught on tape. And yes we will show you the tape too." Yuck.
Heads up-most likely nabisco reference is about the fact that,at time the song was written,nabisco (a "family-friendly" company) spent over $4million a year advertising their food products in pornographic magazines-bet ya didn't know woohoo!
This song is about rape culture, capitalism and normalization of sexual violence against women.
"Everybody everybody everybody livin' now, everybody fucks,sucks, cries, dies"- Violence, selfishness, self-entitlement are inevitable facts of life.
"It's a non-stop disco, bet you it's Nabisco, bet you didn't know" - The perpetuation of the status quo(Nabisco is a vicious, self-defeating cycle maintained by mainstream media and Capitalism. (Nabisco is a capitalist, mainstream food distributor. In my opinion, Nabisco can be likened or compared to white-washing, catering the the masses.) Uneducated consumers are brainwashed and feed into the capitalist infrastructure that encourages and perpetuate oppression.
"It's a violent pornography, choking chicks and sodomy, the kind of shit you get on your TV." Television and media provide unrealistic and damaging portrayals of women. These hyper-sexualized and degrading portraits incubate the normalization and justification of violence against them.
What Serj is trying to tell us is....
Pornography doesnt mean just nude pictures/videos it means material that fills a desire to feel something sort of. its talking about how we can fill our heads with stuff that brainwashes us to do stuff. i was playing black ops 2 one day and there was a 4YEAROLD playing. This was the first song that came to mind.
I agree to the top comment, yet I have to add:
Maybe it is a little bit about porn, how people today seems to accord too much importance about it and only want porn instead of thinking about how the society is of today is brainwashing us. -
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
sytem of a down has been writing alot of songs to help realize that america is not as great as evreyone says it is and how much media controls our lives. i dont agree with them completley but there is alot of truth in the songs this one could have a few meanigs...
1) i dout this one but it may be talking about how bad pornography and other tings are and soud be gotten rid of
2)how the media portraits life
3)crime,aids,theft, and all the other things that go one in the world around us and how caotic it is.
4)This one I think has the best chance of being the righ one: how sex,racism,and other usightly thing are put into the media and no one notices -
I beleiev that it does go along with some of the ones that others have put, but also much more. The world today has become so corrupt! with adds telling us how to look how to act. and worse of all the advertsing business believes that the key to selling products is SEX sex sells!
and with the lyrics "everybody f**ks" reffering to advertsing is telling us thats hey its ok to do this, this is hwo u get what u want! and its making us beleive its right! and the thigns we say is so brainwashing to make us beklieve what they want us to is as bad a violent pornography the "violent" part being the ads. are harming our world our children our brains and the "pornography" being the sex ad. things
the brain washing thing is self explainitory, the adverstinsing business is brain washing us to beleive thats what they are selling is right, what they are showing is how this world is suppose to be so we are believethem, becasue ehy see it enough, hear it enough u think its true
with the turn off your tv. again self explanitory. we have the key to stop this from happening to turn off our TV!! we need to find whats real i9n lifer and our true mporals and watching tv is as good with morals as a pron!! -
Nabisco is actually referring to Oreos. Which describes interacial group sex. But I don't know how that goes with the media. Unless it's like the large corporation having sex with other "groups"
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
This song is all about the shit that's on the average television these days. Think about it. Most shows are either about sex or killing. "Everybody fucks" and "Everybody sucks" refer to shows about intimacy. "Everybody cries" refers to all those soap operas where you hear someone screaming and crying "You killed my father!" or "Please let me have my baby!". and "Everybody dies" refers to violence. I'm not exactly sure what "It's the non-stop disco betcha it's nabisco betcha didn't know woo hoo" means. "Choking chicks" is violence, and "Sodomy" is sex. There you have it. The kind of shit you get on your TV!
My favourite bit of this song is the line 'can you say brainwashing, brainwashing'. it reminds me of those kids TV shows you see where they get the children to repeat a word back to them, especially as the second 'brainwashing' is sung in a kinda childish, sing-song way. I feel like they are saying that we've been brainwashed since we were kids, and we didn't even know it. That's just my two cents worth :)
I think that everybody fucks, sucks, dies, and cries is a reference to prudes. Like you hear about someone having sex, and you say "Oh dear! They'll go to Hell for that!" Well how were you born? Everybody fucks.
Non-stop disco, I think, is probably something about the tv brainwashing line. Like, the disco(brainwashing) just never ends on TV.
Bet you it's Nabisco= maybe Nabisco is some company that runs subliminal advertising.
Betcha didn't know= you don't realize TV brainwashes you. -
Ok this is wat I think: I think this is a simple song about "Snuff" films.
i think this song is about how bad tv can really get like TV-MA shows and all of the other crap thats on your tv, and about how the government lets those shows be on air. Its not all about porn, its just sayin that some shows can go hardcore on there tv shows.
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