What do you think Cut Here means?

The Cure: Cut Here Meaning

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Song Released: 2001

Cut Here Lyrics

So we meet again and I offer my hand
All dry and English slow
And you look at me and I understand
Yeah, it's a look I used to know
"Three long year and your favorite man,
Is that anyway to say hello?"
And you hold me...
Like you'll never...

  1. anonymous
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    Mar 16th 2019 !⃝

    Yes it was about my brother Billy.i was at a gig in the caird hall in dundee i remember Billy was talking to Robert smith i think he was a bit destracted.i was looking forward to meeting him but unfortunately that didn't happen but i did get a great crack with the rest of the band,but over all we had a top night,the cure were fantastic.Ha ha Billy kept on telling me get up and dance which i duly obliged i was going for it and Billy was just laughing his head off that was my Billy all over,always had a smile for you with those pop star teeth. I hope Robert well and he's not thinking to hard about things,me and billy had a fantastic night and went home happy . To me my big bro was cool,mischievous,loving generous,and most importantly he was Happy and would not wish anyone to get upset over things.Billy was not a person to hold grudges and would always wish you well.i love the song it's very poignant and i hope Robert would not be to hard on himself as i know Billy would not want that.so keep on making great music for all your adoring fans of which my sister Helen and myself are.Doors lead to other doors roads lead to other roads, love is the answer X

  2. anonymous
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    Oct 4th 2011 !⃝

    In the lyrics of "Cut Here" - The Cure, the person regreats about someone that now is gone. He just valued the person when he/she was gone. And now, he knows the mistake that he did.

  3. anonymous
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    Oct 4th 2011 !⃝

    It´s about friends who slowly grow apart from each other,and have different motivations in life and other objectives that cant now be accomplished together.it´s a story about a friendship that got lost in time and space because one of them didnt valued the other and never had the time to hang out together

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 4th 2011 !⃝

    the lyric talks about a man who hadn't time to his friend. After some time the friend was gone and he regreted everything and wrote a song about it to his friend.

  5. anonymous
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    Oct 4th 2011 !⃝

    We think that the man that wrote this song to a friend who killed himself and Robert Smith didn't had time to this friend, so he wants to say to the people that we need more time to stay with our friends.

  6. anonymous
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    May 16th 2009 !⃝

    And also... CUT HERE is an anagram of THE CURE

  7. anonymous
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    Oct 27th 2008 !⃝

    "Cut here" was written for a friend of the band (Billy McKenzie) who committed suicide in 97. Robert Smith believed it would be the last song written by the band, therefore the title.
    It's about two best friends grown apart with time, who meet again by coincidence. One friend is really happy to see the other and greets him warmly ("Three long years and your favorite man, is that anyway to say hello?! And you hold me... Like you'll never let me go..."), expecting to "sit down and talk a while". But the other is busy with daily obligations and asks to postpone it. But the friend knows they really won't have another chance to grow close again, as they are already distant:
    "And over my shoulder as I walk away I see you give that look goodbye"
    Looking back, the other regrets being busy with things that didn't really matter like an old friend does, and not stopping and taking the time to enjoy and cultivate their friendship. He regrets not making time for his friend so he could go on with his routine, always betting there would be time for them to catch up in the future, after everything was taken care of... "Until later doesn't always come." And it didn't come, for both the band and the subject in the song.
    So, the song is about this person thinking back and bitterly regretting not doing more for their friendship, and also how he misses his friend and how he really liked him, now that he thinks of it.
    I think the most heartbreaking pieces are:
    "It's so hard to think it ends some time
    And this could be the last
    I should really hear you sing again
    I should really watch you dance
    Because it's hard to think I'll never get another chance
    To hold you... To hold you."
    "I miss you
    I miss you
    I miss you
    I miss you
    I miss you
    I miss you so much...
    How many times can I walk away and wish 'if only'?
    How many times can we talk this way and wish 'if only'?
    Keep on making the same mistake
    Keep on aching the same heartbreak
    'I wish', 'if only'...
    But 'if only' is a wish too late..."
    This is where he says that people always put daily schedule and obligations and chores in front of enjoying a friend's company, and so they keep growing apart from each other and becoming simply acquaintances, suffering the same heartbreak over and over... This song is ultimately about how you never know what tomorrow may bring, so you should enjoy and take care of the people you love while you still have them with you, because you never know which hug will be the last.

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