What do you think On Top means?

The Killers: On Top Meaning

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On Top Lyrics

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    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 3rd 2006 !⃝

    I've just realised that the real lyrics say "a shimmy and a skake" not a shack. I found this when I read the lyrics that come with the cd.

    Well, I think it's about a relationship. This might sound strange but I think it's about not having sex- "we don't need to satisfy tonight"

    it talks about their relationship and the chorus makes it sound like they're dancing. "just a shimmy and a shake" and how happy they are together "on top".

    "it's been trying to tell me, to hold tight.
    But I've been waiting this whole night"- he's been telling himself that if he just gets through this date, at the end they will have sex.

    "but I've been down, across a road or two"- he's changed his mind.

    "in the back, uh huh, I can't crack
    we're on top
    it's just a shimmy and a shack, uh huh
    i can't fake, we're on top
    we're on top
    we bring the bump to the grind, uh huh
    i don't mind, we're on top
    it's just a shimmy and a shack, uh huh
    i can't fake, we're on top
    we're on top

    and we don't mean to satisfy tonight
    so get your eyes off my bride tonight
    cause I don't need to satisfy tonight "-

    as he would usually pretend to be interested in whatever is going on on the date, so that at the end they will have sex. But this time it's different. He actually likes her. He finds her interesting and for once in his life sees more in a relationship than just sex. And they don't need to have sex. Because suddenly it's not the only perpose of that particular night.

    I don't know, that's just how I see it. I could be wrong.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Sep 26th 2008 !⃝

    Personally I think this song is about Brandon (or any person) who has been in love with someone and it didn't work out. The two lovers remain friends after the relationship ends, but it will never really be the same as it was before. Brandon is reflecting back to a time when they were "on top" (of the world)together.

    Remember Rio and get down
    It's another DJ, it's another town
    (He's reflecting on when they traveled to Rio and went out to the bars or clubs dancing and having a good time together)

    She's been trying to tell me to hold tight
    But I've been waiting this whole night
    (Girls like to make you wait for it. She's just telling him to hold on till the end of the night but he's ready)

    But I've been down across the road or two
    (I think the point is he's been with other girls in his past but wants to be with the one he's with. His lover)

    But now I've found the velvet sun
    That shines on me and you
    ( When I think of velvet sun I think of being under a velvet blanket with her and the sun coming through the threads. sexual reference)

    In the back, uh huh, I can't crack
    We're on top
    It's just a shimmy and a shake/shack, uh huh
    I can't fake, we're on top
    We're on top
    (Having sex with a love one and not wanting to "crack". Wanting to make it good for her. Dancing with her and them being "on top" of the world)

    The next verse is where the relationship is a little weird for them. I think they broke up and are probably friends with benifits.

    The day is breaking, (good sex)

    we're still here
    (The realization that they aren't lovers anymore and they probably shouldn't have had sex because emotional issues or whatever)

    Your body's shaking, and it's clear
    You really need it, so let go
    And let me beat/feed it, but you know
    (She's horny and he knows it. He's trying to persuad her to have sex. Maybe he feels that's all that's left of there relationship. I don't think she really wants it because "she knows that he's been down across the road or two" recently. They end up having sex anyway with their velvet blanket)

    Chorus (he's remembering when they were "on top" again)

    And we don't mean to satisfy tonight
    (It's probably not the best thing for their relationship to "satisfy" each other (sexually)tonight, but they might do it anyway)

    So get your eyes off my bride tonight
    (Imagine being out with someone you loved but weren't in a relationship with. He's saying we might or might not have sex tonight but that's MY girl to the other guys at the bar/club. He says "bride" cause that's how much he loves her. Enough to marry)

    It's like a cigarette in the mouth (they had sex)
    Or a handshake in the doorway ( or maybe not)
    I look at you and smile because I'm fine
    (he's fine cause she's there. And he loves her. Wheather they are just friends or together or having sex or not)

    I think it's a possitive song though. Just remembering when you and her where having the time of your lives together. The realization that you are just friends now and that's just how the relationship is. And accepting that. Being fine with it. Coming to terms with it.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 2nd 2006 !⃝

    The song is about ecstasy. Simple as that. Anyone who has been on E would know this.
    "Like some other dj in some other town", dj's always had e at raves. "the velvet sun that shines on me and you" refers to how it makes you feel."in the back, uh huh, I can't crack
    we're on top"...Refers to how people just have lots of sex when on e (well most people do).
    "the day is breaking, we're still here
    your body's shaking, and it's clear
    you really need it, so let go"...This part refers to the fact that it keeps you awake for hours on end. They're just partying on e til day breaks and your body really does shake after you have been having sex and partying all night.."you really need it refers to needing more cause you're coming down from the high.
    "so get your eyes off of my bride tonight", people sometimes tend to think everyone is staring at them when on e. This could refer to him and his g/f having sex and everyone looking at them.
    "I look at you and smile because I'm fine"...From personal experience I know sometimes when on e I would just look at my boyfriend and he would say "are you okay?" and I would just smile back.

  4. anonymous
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    Apr 1st 2022 !⃝

    This song is clearly about rolling on x. All of the stages of an amazing ecstasy experience are mentioned.

  5. anonymous
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    May 3rd 2020 !⃝

    I see this song as being about literally just being 'On Top' in all senses. I don't think it has to do with drugs, especially taking in the more strait edge nature of The Killers, but just lyrically I don't see it being about drugs. I see it as a relationship that's going more than perfect, maybe a proposal was just accepted and both sides of the relationship are on top. Lines like "We don't need to satisfy tonight" and "Get your eyes off of my bride tonight" sound like they're secure and know that they're safe with each other. I feel like this is intentionally ambiguous to be either about them dancing or having sex. Regardless, this is my favourite Killers song and makes me feel content and safe to listen to.

  6. anonymous
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    Jan 29th 2013 !⃝

    It's about being with someone and not giving a shit about what anyone else thinks "we don't need to satisfy tonight" and that he love her and wants to be the only one who she ever needs "take your eyes of my bride" . " I look at you and smile because I'm fine" is my favourite line because he really is, he's in love and that makes every problem seem like nothing :)

  7. anonymous
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    Jul 15th 2011 !⃝

    to me, it sounds like they are talking about drugs. i know that the band is kinda strait edge but idk, it sounds like that to me:D love the song with a burning passion though

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 27th 2010 !⃝

    I think this song is mostly about enjoying a night out ....whether it leads to sex or not. I think it is deliberately ambiguous whether he is talking about dancing with his girl or having sex with her.
    He is telling her to remember the fun time they had in Rio, even if they are in a different town, different DJ - to recapture that time.
    I think he is initially hoping it will lead to sex, he's been waiting this whole night, and she is telling him to hold tight, to wait more.
    I think the roads he's been down refer to past relationships, and the "velvet sun" that shines on them is not literal - it is metaphorical for the good things, the warmth that seems to shine down on them, the way they seem blessed together.
    I think the 'day is breaking' literally refers to them staying out late, and her 'body shaking' is her need to sleep, (but it could also refer to a sexual state and probably deliberately alludes to that).
    Again, bump and grind are commonly used terms to describe both dancing and sex, and I think he is deliberately mixing the two....
    He can't fake (possibly suggestive of orgasm?), we're on top, is being unable to hide how much he is enjoying himself - maybe feeling turned on by his girl, but enjoying dancing with her, the anticipation of what might or might not happen later is enough.
    'Get your eyes off my bride tonight' is protective, jealous. He is saying his girl is with him...he describes her as his 'bride', she is serious, the love of his life, he respects her ans sees a long-term future with her, not just a fling. He is warning others away. He doesn't need to satisfy himself tonight - he is okay with whether the night ends in sex or they just have a fun time.
    Cigarette in the mouth is something people often do after sex, and the handshake at the doorway is like saying goodnight with no sex - he smiles to reassure her he is fine either way.

  9. anonymous
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    Jan 14th 2010 !⃝

    They're not fucking Scottish you dimwit! Try Las Vegas...

  10. anonymous
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    Nov 3rd 2009 !⃝

    The meaning is simple (to me that is). He mentions a DJ, so he and this girl are at a club. The night is coming to an end, and she is showing signs that she wants to do more than just dance. However, he is telling her that they don't need to have sex/"satisfy" that night.

  11. hannah77banana
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    Jul 26th 2009 !⃝

    When he says:
    'I look at you, and smile because i'm fine"
    He sounds angry, like he's pretending everything's okay.
    He's not actually 'fine'.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2008 !⃝

    Sorry, he is Scottish

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  13. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2008 !⃝

    They're not Scottish... They're from Vegas

  14. anonymous
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    Jun 7th 2008 !⃝

    Heroin. That is what this song is about. They are Scottish, nuff said. "let me feed it" means that he is shooting her up.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  15. anonymous
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    May 27th 2008 !⃝

    On Top could have reference to drugs or how they feel like really happy. As far as we know it has nothing to do with Andy or Jenny or Natalie, not all the songs are connected.

    When I listen I think about someone really happy and just happy with someone or someones company.

  16. twinkle_toes
    click a star to vote
    Jul 14th 2007 !⃝

    I thought it was "get your eyes off of my prize"?

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  17. anonymous
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    Feb 21st 2007 !⃝

    Brandon Flowers said that he has never taken drugs, why would he write about that?

    Anyway, what the heck is the bride bit about?!

  18. anonymous
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    Feb 12th 2007 !⃝

    were you on pills when you wrote that TWICE!!!! fucking hippies stop wanking over each other and have a wash for gods sake - stay off the drugs

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