What does Cloud 9 mean?

George Harrison: Cloud 9 Meaning

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Song Released: 1988

Cloud 9 Lyrics

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  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Apr 25th 2022 !⃝

    The lyrics seem to be a back n forth conversation With Lennon and Harrison...Have my love it fits you like a glove... join my dream tell me yes..yes is what Yoko wrote on the paper at the top of the ladder at her art store when John first met her...bail out should there be a mess, the pieces you don't need are mine-seems to be Harrison's reply to the reality of what happened with the Beatles. the rest of the lyrics just seem to reinforce John and Georges relationship...take my time...John took his time but delivered on cloud 9...the number 9 was Johns number and he was followed by that his whole life. George is resigned...we can share jokes and hang out.. if you want to quit the dream (Beatles) that is fine. George and john will take their pieces of the dream and carry on...

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