Kesha - Animal Meaning

Animal Lyrics
With what we are,
Not what we should be.
And I am,
I am starstruck.
With every part,
Of this whole story.
So if it's just tonight,
The animal inside,
Let it live and die.
Like it's the end of time,
Like everything...
The singer is talking about her personal life, music, etc. Sorry about your cousin, hope you feel better.
Korean fan -
I think for Kesha she’s very wild but. She had lot of her songs very personal. But my favorite is praying that I was praying about my cousin passed away. I asked Kesha to sing praying for my cousin. Since he died for 2015. But I’m starting to cry and emotional but I always cry.
its about doing all the crazy stuff that you always wanted to do but didnt cause yer worried about what people might think. but life is too short ('this is our last change... cause the world os spinning at the speed of light') so you should live it the way you want to. because we're all animals and we have animal instincts and we should let it out only for one night instead of being ashamed for it. people forget that we're animals and feeling this way is natural.
You've been dead forever. You may be dead for the rest of life but tonight, you live. It's not about everyone else or what they think. You've been putting everyone else first and that makes you dead. Tonight you're just saying, I'm living. For one time in my life. No regrets. Call me selfish. At least I put myself first for once. So f*ck it and you. Idgaf what you say
It's interesting that it's the last song on the album. It's like Kesha's "last chance" to connect with her fans and set them free, like animals.
Its about lach and kayla falling in love and having two kids ones a girl named layla and a boy named lach jr..
Sounds like a bunch of literary bull crap.
shes talking about a relationship with someone and she wants to make it last. so quit with the bullshizz and be happy while there fighting the world it spinning and they are missing the chance to view it
Live Today, to be dead for all of time. Focus on what is here and what will be here after all the unpurities are boiled off, when we finally ignite ourselves on fire to actually be true, and stop living in darkness. Give in to yourself, love yourself and others, or you'll always stuck in the past.
It's about letting the animal inside out just for one night!
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