OneRepublic - Apologize Meaning
#1 top rated interpretation:I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I think this means something like, the first person (the singer) clinging on to the second (the person this song is intended to) person/first-second person's relationship but it greatly harmed the first person(singer) and brought him fear. (Ten feet off the ground, like I will get scared too.)
I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound
The 1st person just doesn't understand what the 2nd person is trying to talk about. In short, there is no mutual understanding in the relationship, and the 1st person is complaining
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
The 2nd person thinks she is the more dominant (stronger) person in this relationship, so she played around with the 1st person's feeling, confusing him. The two lines are contrasting statements, so the 1st person is confused.
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
The 2nd person then apologizes and the 1st person is fed up. However, the 2nd person didn't expect that (Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...) . 'It's too late to apologize' means the 1st person is fed up with apologies but no action. It is also the whole song's meaning.
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
Taking another chance implies to giving the 2nd person a chance to prove she is sincere for her countless apologies. Taking a fall and taking a shot might mean the 1st person sacrificing himself for the 2nd person. However, it seems she doesn't appreciate his help
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothing new
It means the 2nd person is very important to the 1st person, based on the metaphor 'like a heart needs a beat' or else it (the relationship) will perish. 'Nothing new' might mean the sufferings the 2nd person gives to the 1st person is not for the first time.
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
A fire red might mean with strong passion, as fire usually means warmth and passion and red signifies love and boldness. In short, it is a positive feeling from the 1st person to the 2nd person.
However, the phrase turning blue is something that contrasts with the first line. So, warmth becomes coldness, passion turns into passionless, love becomes hatred and boldness turns into fear. Their feelings toward each other turns into a negative one.
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
There is a repetition of sorry or apologies in the whole song. Angels are believed to be a holy symbol, something that brings salvation and all the positive things like love, courage and strength. The phrase 'heaven let me think was you' might imply to the fact the 1st person believed the 2nd person is his soulmate or symbolism of his life.
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...
There is a lot of repetition in this last stanza. The main idea is the 1st person is fed up of the 2nd person's excuses. The repetition shows how strong the hatred is. The last line is identical to the first line, signifying a repetition.
In short, this is a dark, breakup song that means the 1st person (the singer) is tired of tolerating the 2nd person's (the person this song is intended to) apology. -
#2 top rated interpretation:My interpretation is that this person A has been in a relationship with the other person B for a long time. The rope represents their connection. Overtime, the relationship became very one sided that person B has pulled on this rope by lying, cheating, taken advantage, hurting person A to where person A now realizes he is hanging on to this relationship for dear life, but it only hurts him to keep holding on but also it is also scary to let go. Hanging on would me more gradual suffering overtime, but letting go would be great suffering all at once be it will eventually be over with more quickly. So, basically this song is all about a toxic relationship and the other person at the point where they realize it would do more harm to keep holding on than to let go. That the relationship has become to toxic to keep the connection. They let them keep apologizing and coming back and hurting him again and again but enough is enough. The fire red turning blue represents how the relationship in the beginning was amazing and couldn’t hurt anyone, but now with the fire turning blue meaning the flames are now hotter that it will hurt more to stay in the relationship.
#3 top rated interpretation:After listening to this song for many years it has a deeper meaning than suicide, in my eyes it does not mean he is hanging himself, if you read carefully at the words it "holding on YOUR rope" meaning holding on to her hurting him more than letting go. I wish i had the perfect words so ya'll can understand, just dnt know how to explain it.
I think the #1 response that talks about an A/B relationship where they are going round in circles is MOSTLY correct. However, I would add in a partial alteration to their view.. I think the two have a strong bond in their relationship, but it has gone off-track. It's morphed from what it was in to a sort of trauma-bond. They are stuck in an endless repeating cycle. In the first part of the song they try to cut the bond's rope.. by the middle of the song A is saying 'nope.. this is it.. this far but no further..' yet by the end of the song he's back to hanging on the rope as a fresh cycle begins.
It's a great song.. but I'm not sure it is as dark as everyone might think. It seems more like a cry for help from anyone stuck in a cycle such as this. Help to either fix the relationship to become something healthy again, or if all else fails a cry for help to severe it once and for all. Grow & Heal together with cooperation or set them both free to grow and heal on their own.
I believe that when a person sings with another person and finds out she is married but he is in love with her, he can't bare the pain in his heart being hurt and saving his heart from being hurt. She apologizes knowing that they both have feelings towards each other. From there he doesn't want to talk to her and he has nothing to say he won't pick up the phone he just says goodbye I can't talk to you no more I'm not a homewrecker. That's where the rope comes in being 10 ft off the ground because he's holding on to something that he cannot have and once or so bad and there's nothing he can do. When a person tells you that they should be holding your hand instead of feet other person for example it should be me holding your hand and you have a man that's very lucky man he's holding on to somebody he cannot have and she keeps apologizing to him over and over and over she tries calling and he won't answer and it just repeats over so as he separates further away from her the better off his heart will be saved from being broken and look for somebody new. I may misinterpret it but that's my thought.
All the people saying the first person the second person it’s bullshit are you guys LGBT? Why not saying the boy & the girl.
I am 12 and I still like the song so anyone who is thinking of taking there own life (cause that's what i got from the song) dont.
your life is full of people who love and care for you. so stay strong and be safe. -
Its very simple to understand....don't understand why people going away from the reality of the song.
Everything is just pointing that the person has hanged himself....and is in half dead condition as he cant make a sound due to rope in his neck but he can hear her girl friend apologies.
May be he has few seconds left of his life...
My words may be hurting or negative but its the truth and that it is as simple as that.
Abhi... -
I see how someone could glance at these lyrics and see, "I'm holding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground" and think suicide, but after actually thinking about the lyrics it becomes clear that it is not.
"I'm holding on your rope,
got me ten feet off the ground"
He's trying to hang on to this person.
"I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down"
He feels like he has no say in the relationship, "can't make a sound". The rope is a metaphor for his ties to this person, but she keeps cutting him off and hurting him. He still has feelings for her, but knows she's not good for him and so his love is turning "blue".
"But wait
You tell me that you're sorry didn't think I'd turn around and say:"
The rest is pretty much self explanatory; he's fed up with what she's doing to him, and so it's too late for her fake apologies.
PlaidPeacoaton February 06, 2010
-from songmeanings -
I believe this song is about an abusive relationship, in which the singer is being abused by the person they're talking about. This song has a deeper meaning than suicide but it's simply about a relationship between a man and a woman. "You tell me that you need me, then you go and cut me down" is kind of like the person he is singing about using him and promising him false things and soon he gets fed up, leading him to say "it's too late to apologise"
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
they had a fight. they broke up. but they realized that they're still in love with each other. but pride was keeping them away from each other. years passed, she was hoping that the guy would show up. the girl gave up what she hoped for. soon, the girl was about to get married. the guy knew but couldn't make a move. now it was too late for them to apologize. "it takes two to tango in a relationship you know"
i option of this the lead singer was in a RELATIONSHIP AND THE GIRL CHEATED AND SHE WANTS TO SAY SHES SORRY AND HES STILL HURT AND BROKEN by it like hes says these
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I think this means something like, the first person (the singer) clinging on to the second (the person this song is intended to) person/first-second person's relationship but it greatly harmed the first person(singer) and brought him fear. (Ten feet off the ground, like I will get scared too.)
I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound
The 1st person just doesn't understand what the 2nd person is trying to talk about. In short, there is no mutual understanding in the relationship, and the 1st person is complaining
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
The 2nd person thinks she is the more dominant (stronger) person in this relationship, so she played around with the 1st person's feeling, confusing him. The two lines are contrasting statements, so the 1st person is confused.
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late -
Some guy wanted to apologize, but it was too late. Busted.
This song is about the hanging of Jesus Christ
First off I am Tammie McInnis
Now for my interpretation
Holding on your rope.. suggests he's holding onto someones word/promise
Got me ten feet off the ground... suggests he feels strangled by this person's word or promise
Hearing what your saying but I just can't make a sound
suggests while he's being strangled he can still hear but can't speak
LoL wow this song is harsh but anyhow
You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down but wait.. well this is obvious the person they need him and then in the same token they criticise him.
It's too late to apologize' it's too late
And that suggests "Yeah bitch you really screwed shit up" Just having a laugh lol
Anyway basically you see the point -
Sounds like a song of loving someone but they did something or they let you go to many times. At first you tolerated it but after a while you realize you've had enough. You love them but can't go on being heartbroken forever. So this time you say goodbye. Even though it's hard to do its what you have to do.
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