What do you think Karma means?

AJR: Karma Meaning

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Album cover for Karma album cover

Song Released: 2019

Karma Lyrics

I've been so good
I've been helpful and friendly
I've been so good
Why am I feeling empty?
I've been so good
I've been so good this year
I've been so good
But it's still getting harder
I've been so good
Where the hell is the karma?


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 31st 2019 !⃝

    The song Karma is about a therapy session. Throughout the song, Jack, the vocalist, talks about feeling like he deserves better karma than he has received. He says “I’ve been so good, I’ve been helpful and friendly, I’ve been so good... why am I feeling empty?” referring to sadness or maybe depression which he is going through. At the end of the song, Jack becomes frantic as the session ends. Multiple lines are sung without pausing. He asks, “What if sad thoughts come and I can’t stop it?”, asking the therapist for advice for a final time as their session ends. The song finishes with, “Doctor, should I be good? Should I be good this year?” as he questions whether or not his kind actions are worth it. The song abruptly ends after the line.

  2. anonymous
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    Mar 21st 2022 !⃝

    This song sets a scene where the speaker (Jack) aims his words at a therapist. He talks about not feeling worthy enough even though he does a lot of good things for people (mostly fans, as in Finale). At the end of the song, it says that he cannot be with the therapist forever.

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 10th 2021 !⃝

    That he's having a hard time and he thinks that he doesnt have karma so he goes to a docter and trys to see if he has good karma, what i dont understand is why its explicit?

  4. anonymous
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    Apr 21st 2021 !⃝

    So the singer (Jack) goes to therepy. the lyrics "ive been so good ive been helpful and friendly, ive been so good....why am i feelin' empty" is repeated. throughout the song he says stuff like "ive been so good" and "ive been working hard". He is obviously in some state of sadness. the lyrics cast near the end "bye? I dont wanna say bye" someone he loved either is leaving him e or is dying. the chorus "Where the hell is the karma" (idk if it is the actual chorus) means he wants nice stuff back. (thats what karma is if u dont know) but the song is somewhat sad. "If only i could keep you in my pocket"hes most likely reffering to whoever left heim or died. " to give me some diagnosos of why im so hollow, pls give me instructions i promise ill follow" he wants to know why he is so depressed. thats all i have for you bye!

  5. anonymous
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    Jun 17th 2020 !⃝

    Notice how the "nah,nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah"in karma is also in 100 bad days? In karma it has a kind of deep voice and in 100 bad days right after it,it hasn't i ain't scared of you,no i ain't scared of you no more."

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