What do you think Chasm means?

Flyleaf: Chasm Meaning

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Album cover for Chasm album cover

Song Released: 2010

Chasm Lyrics

Break up already wake up now
Walk away take it all back now
Dont be quick to lick the scab off
Your spitting in his face with the rest of them

Break up already wake up now
Walk away take it all back now
Dont be quick to lick the scab...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 9th 2011 !⃝

    This song is about Luke 16:19–31, 'Lazarus & the Rich Man'

    In the story, it talks about a man so poor, the dogs even 'licked his sores.'

    It also talks about how the rich man didn't help him, so he was sent to hell. In hell, he looked up and saw Abraham in Heaven and asked 'for a drop of water because he was so thirsty.'

    Abraham told him no because there was a 'CHASM' that separated Hell from Heaven and he couldn't come down there, nor could the rich man go up there.

    The rich man then begged Abraham to let him 'warn his family about how they should follow God so they won't come to Hell'

  2. anonymous
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    Aug 6th 2013 !⃝

    This is what the music video means...

    3.16.01 Chasm (third part of the History of Memento Mori)

    While the enemy was losing the battle today, they cried out to us, "Memento Mori, we are human too! We are in pain and we are dying!". I answered them, hoping they would listen, "Break off your pact with the Dread Army! That is what is killing you! Walk away and take your life back! I know it's all you've ever known, and walking away will leave a wound, but it will heal! When it does, do not enter into your pact with the vultures again! You don't have to be slaves to death! We've come to bring the truth of freedom! You were meant to be free!" But they wouldn't listen and kept crying out, "Please give me something! I'm so thirsty." I tried again with more urgency. "If you die here this way, you will have wasted your life on death and you will have never lived! Once you die here, the chasm will be fixed and you can never undo it. Turn from death and drink this life-giving water we are offering you!" The battle continued to rage, some turning and joining the Passerby Army, others dying.[3]

  3. anonymous
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    Feb 13th 2012 !⃝

    When she says "living water" it reminds me of when Jesus was talking with the Samaritan about the "living water" and how if you were to drink from it you will never be thirsty again. It also mentions how he's the resurrection and he will wake the death from their memorial tombs. Not many believed in him and when he was sacrificed people spit and mocked him. That's what I understood

  4. anonymous
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    Dec 5th 2011 !⃝

    Rated +5
    The first time I heard the chorus it broke my heart... I really believe that this song is about someone who died and is now in hell because in the chorus she says "Please give me something
    I'm so thirsty, I'm so thirsty" and people who had near death experiences in hell talk about how thirsty they were in hell because of how humid it was there and there was no water at all in hell... It also mentions in the bible of how precious water would be to those in hell... And in the song she also says
    "Oh please, let me warn them Don't you come here, don't bring anyone here" Shes begging God to bring her back to earth to warn everyone that hell really does exist and that its so horrible that she would'nt want anyone on Earth to have to go there. Just watch near death experiences on youtube. This song really does make you realize how bad hell is once your there... Anyways God Bless to you all... hopefully this gave you a better understanding of the song.

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    4 Replies · General Comment

  5. anonymous
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    Feb 7th 2011 !⃝

    I think it's talking about Hell.

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