What do you think So I Thought means?

Flyleaf: So I Thought Meaning

Album cover for So I Thought album cover

So I Thought Lyrics

All your twisted thoughts free flow
To everlasting memories
Show soul
Kiss the stars with me
And dread the wait for
Stupid calls returning us to life
We say to those who are in love
It can't be true 'cause we're too young
I know that's...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 4th 2009 !⃝

    I think that this song is about a young lover's life with her mate. She loved him, "So in love with you, so I thought," and to me that sounds like her loved failed with him. But she still loves him, "Kiss the stars with me...a year goes by, and I can't talk about." It seems that during that year they were madly in love and it failed which is why she can't talk about, which explains the lines:
    "I'm not faithless
    Just paranoid of getting lost or that I might lose
    Ignorance is bliss cherish it
    Pretty neighborhoods
    You learn too much to hold
    Believe it not
    And fight the tears
    With pretty smiles and lies
    About the times"
    She is paranoid of being hurt again, she wishes that she had the ignorance of not knowing how hurtful love can be, like with the verse,
    "We say to those who are in love
    It can't be true 'cause we're too young
    I know that's true because
    so long I was
    So in love with you
    So I thought"
    She thinks that the (young) people who think that they're in love are, infact, ingorant. She doesn't want them to have to feel the pain. She is sad that she is not ingnorant any more, she knows how painful young love can be. You can relate "ingnorance is bliss cherish it" to when adults say to enjoy your childhood, because she is no longer ignorant, she is knowlegdable. Like how when there are some things about the world that you honestly did not want to know. When you are a child, or ignorant, your life is always happy and careless. In "fight the tears with pretty smiles and lies" it's her trying to hide the sorrow that she has from that lover. "about the times" would be her saying how it was a great love, but the "times", being the time that they were in love, weren't quite as blissful, free happy and fairytale-like. She probably knew it was going down hill, and the whole time she was being hurt, like for example, with excuses, during this time together, but to look at the whole song, she still loves him.
    "Ignorance is bliss cherish it
    Pretty neighborhoods
    You learn too much to hold
    Believe it not
    And fight the tears
    With pretty smiles and lies
    About the times"
    So the next part of the song can only be decifered with the information already given. It seems that she and he are trying to see if they could ever been in love again, and make it work. She hopes to see "something there in betweeen." She really hopes that their love prevails.
    "Choris Romance says goodnight
    Close your eyes and I'll close mine
    Remember you, remember me
    Hurt the first, the last, between
    Choris Romance says goodnight
    Close your eyes and I'll close mine
    Remember you, remember me
    Hurt the first, the last, between"
    She hopes to see something there in between. This would mean that she hopes that this "Silly love" (thats not the lyric:) is accually true love. She is so hopeful in this man that she's PRAYING that there's something there in between. That could be like when you kiss someone and you feel the "fireworks" which mean that it's true love, through and through. She wants to be so in love that she cannot imagine how much, because of just how huge of an amount of love, "That exceeds all we can dream." "so they can talk about" meaning that it is infact a happy time to them, that isn't painful to talk about it, which at the moment, she can't talk about it, because their past love was so painful, mosly because of how much she loved him.
    "And I'm praying that we will see
    Something there in between
    Then and there that exceeds all we can dream
    So we can talk about it
    Just maybe, we might see
    Something there in between
    Then and there that exceeds all we can dream"
    Okay, heres where all your questions are answered. But first, let's go back, back to the first verse. DON'T FREAK OUT! I couldn't tell you about it until you understood the rest of the song.
    "All your twisted thoughts free flow
    To everlasting memories
    Show soul"
    Okay, in this encounter (whether it is sex, kiss or etc, I can't be sure, though "goodnight," "Close your eyes" "Dim lighted room" all sugest sex, who knows? Well maybe Flyleaf does...), I believe that she is seeing into his soul. I say this because "all your twisted thoughts free flow", or free to see into by her. She realizes that their love is true, and genuine. Also, these thoughts are mentioned again,
    "On my knees
    Dim lighted room
    Thoughts free flow try to consume
    Myself in this"
    Maybe these thoughts were beautiful, and confusing and overwhelming, which explains why it's comsuming her. You can relate this to when in Twilight, if your familar, Bella Swan can't really think straight when the sexy Edward Cullen kisses her. (Sorry, Twilight haters, but it's a good example.) You can relate her seeing the thoughts to, like in all of L.J. Smith's novels, when the exchange of blood happens,(Sorry, I'm the biggest Twilight fan, and a fan of other great novels, like L.J.Smith's work!) they both see into each other's soul. And apparently she like what she sees.
    "And all these twisted thoughts I see
    Jesus (or "Something") there in between
    And all these twisted thoughts I see
    Jesus (or "Something")there in between
    And all these twisted thoughts I see
    Jesus (or "Something")there in between"
    So yay! Hurraa! There is something in between! They're truly in love, and even she can see that after all the hurt and painfull expirence she has been through!

    Hope that my interpretation was clear, and helpful!
    I tried to be as accurate as possible!!

    BTW- I recently figured out that "Choris Romance" is a texan band. Flyleaf puts their own spin on that, so that you can decide what that means to you and then that's what it means. But this information could be wrong.

    NOTE: Everything except the "BTW" is all MY work (exept for the lyrics, of course, that goes to the band). I came up with the interpretation, NO ONE else! I'm not a copier! Whoever has the same thing COPIED ME! THX for reading!


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Aug 6th 2007 !⃝

    "I don't know about you guys but I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. I've hurt a lot of people and I've been hurt by a lot of people. There's a lot of guys out there that really mistreat girls, and a lot of girls out there that really mistreat guys. I've broken promises that I've made to people that I love and to God and everything. I've messed up a lot, and the point is that if you've been messed up and made mistakes doesn't mean that you have to keep screwing up, or that your life is ruined and that you're worthless. It means that you can start over, you just have to make that decision yourself. That's what I think about when I sing this song." - Lacey (taken from 04/15/2006 live recording)


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 26th 2007 !⃝

    This song is about a girl that gave herself to her boyfriend. And they have been together for a while because it says "All your twisted thoughts free flow to everlasting memories" and they had so many inside jokes and memories that she couldn't even talk about what happened because it wasn't the right timing for what they did. Now she regrets it, and now she's stuck in her memories thinking if only he were here to "kiss the stars with me" and then she has to wake up to reality. And she's saying it wasn't true love, she just thought it was. Then she says a year goes by and she can't talk about it. because she still doesn't want to wake up from her memories.

    Now she's scared of getting lost and not being able to tell her imagination from reality. Now she has to act like she's fine in public and it doesn't hurt as much and she has to "fight the tears with pretty smiles and lies about the times." because she doesn't want people to know about what she did.

    Now all she wants to do is talk about it and she's praying that she soon will so she's asking her ex if he'll remember her like she remembers him.

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 31st 2024 !⃝

    This song is purely about a struggle with faith, I think of a girl born into a Christian home and groomed in christ, but has recently started to doubt her faith especially with the twisted thoughts, I think of the illogical nature of being a Christian coupled with the evil in world even by so called Christians. So I think it's a cry for help.

  5. anonymous
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    Jul 16th 2011 !⃝

    I know that Choris Romance is a name of a band, but the term 'choris' can be taken from the Bible. It means apart, separate, etc.

  6. anonymous
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    Jun 25th 2011 !⃝

    I think the anonymous that thought it had something to do with sex had it right. I mean she keeps saying she can't talk about it. (sex before marriage is a sin for those who don't know) And well I guess it could be both ways. ( Don't bitch at me if you disagree me. Just say whatever and move the he'll along.

  7. anonymous
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    Jan 23rd 2011 !⃝

    This song is about her being in love. "So long I was in love with you. So I Thought." People tend to not realize the meaning of "So I Thought". "Twisted thoughts free flow.. A year goes by but I can't talk about it" She was in love with someone, and they broke up but as the year apart goes on she can't talk about it, "On my knees Dim lighted room Thoughts free flow try to consume Myself in this I'm not faithless" She's contemplating life and her memories, "pretty smiles and lies about the times" is her being annoyed with people and knowing he's the only one that understands her. and "remember you remember me, hurt the first, the last, between". that was there relationship, they had so much but they lost the love. and THE MOST IMPORTANT LINE people underestimate when stripping the song apart is "Just maybe, we might see
    Something there in between". This is key to the songs meaning because the "SOMETHING" is Love for each other in between all the crap of their lives "Then and there that EXCEEDS" is something a love so great that the reasons they split and all the hurt doesn't matter because They realize what they have is SO MUCH Greater beyond "all we can dream"
    "And all these twisted thoughts I see Something there in between" they ignited the ember of their lost love.

    all in all she had a breakup because they lost love for each other, then lived a year apart lost in the world confused by people and the past, she contemplates him, life, and people and if it was the right choice. and she realizes she still loves him and still wants him because they have something, a spark is more than enough to start a fire and shes hoping he feels it to.

    - katie

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 20th 2010 !⃝

    Ps: I am not a very religious person. Spiritual yes. I also don't care who doesn't like if I call myself spiritual and not religious look up definitons for both and deal with it. But I agree that this has nothing to do with sex. Although I don't think there is any reason to get mad and/or aggravated about it this is a christian band and being in a dim lighted room on your knees is also a position to pray =). And the last line most definitly suggests that through all this misery she is going through she's sees Jesus through all of it and is comforting herself with her faith in a higher power and knowing this is not the end. ---- Kelly (again)

  9. cityflavah
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    Sep 20th 2010 !⃝

    Ty anonymous for the live recording. My interpretation was actually pretty close i always felt like it was about not being able to get over and move on from something i jus thought of it in only a relationship sense and im glad u posted that cuz i really wanted to know what it meant to the artist.

  10. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2010 !⃝

    Forgot to add this but it is also about Jesus stopping her.

  11. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2010 !⃝

    It's about suicidal thoughts and making a suicide pact with someone.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  12. anonymous
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    Feb 6th 2010 !⃝

    umm its bronwyn again and i AM cristain, Roman Catholic actually and i was trying to say it in a way that i thot possibly i could explain it. i am VERY devoted to god.

  13. anonymous
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    Jan 17th 2010 !⃝

    the anonymous who related it with the sex and Edward Cullen (though i don't hate Twilight) and stuffs is pretty much wrong. How can a none christian interpretate a Christian song? he or she does not understand as a Christian band, Flyleaf puts God as priority, not sex or love or things that will end.
    In the song, yes, the girl was messed up by her relationship but at last she sees God in control and between everything. Though I love the idea of finding your true love, but it will only ruin you if you lost your mind about it

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  14. anonymous
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    Oct 21st 2009 !⃝

    The song is about the lead singer of a band that used to be called Choirus Romance. "Choirus Romance says goodnight.." is a line in the song. I guess she was engaged to the lead singer while she all messed up. Then she became Christian and "met God."

  15. Hannahandjorden
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    Jan 27th 2009 !⃝

    This song has nothing to do with any boy. It's about her faith. The first verse is about her own thoughts and how twisted they have become. She doesn't know how to claim her faith or if she even believes in what she says she does. I say this because as a Christian it's a constant struggle. You can say one thing but when you get by yourself and truly think about it then it's a whole different world. She can't talk about it because that would show weakness.
    After a year she still can't talk about it.

    She gets on her knees trying to figure out everything. Through prayer and thought she realizes that it's not about everyone else. It's about her and God. She knows she isn't faithless but she is however paranoid that at some point in her life she will lose it all.

    She sees all the people at church faking their relationship and she chooses to ignore it rather than say anything because ignorance is bliss. She fights crying by putting on a happy face and continuing with life. But her life still wasn't what it could be and she still couldn't talk about it. God says he is the alpha and omega meaning his is the first and last and in between. She just needs to see that he's with her. Day in and day out she just lived with it as best she could. She kept praying that something would happen. She prays that everyone else would see that Jesus was never ment to be only a little part of our lives. He was ment to be in everything. Every aspect not just parts. She wanted people to understand that life is much more worthwhile that way.
    Well that's just my interpretation anyway. Take it as you will.....

  16. anonymous
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    Nov 14th 2008 !⃝

    i think its about the confusion of life and how everything seems to wrong but when you realize that you have god its ok. We go through a lot but we have jesus as our strength

  17. anonymous
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    Oct 16th 2008 !⃝

    I think that this song is about a girl who falls into a bad relationship and gets hurt, both physically and emotionally. Then she becomes overwhelmingly sad, to the brink of suicidal thoughts, and thinks about death. She loved someone and now they are gone.

  18. anonymous
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    Oct 11th 2008 !⃝

    Lacey [the lead singer] was married at a young age and divorced at a young age as well. This songs entirely about that relationship. The chorus Romance bit is referring to her ex who was part of that band.

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