What do you think Red Sam means?

Flyleaf: Red Sam Meaning

Tagged: Suicide [suggest]
Album cover for Red Sam album cover

Red Sam Lyrics

Here I stand
Empty hands
Wishing my wrists were bleeding
To stop the pain from the beatings and

There you stood
Holding me
Waiting for me to notice you

But who are you
You are the truth (you are the truth)
I'm screaming these...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jan 16th 2008 !⃝

    Lacey, or whomever this song is portraying, was abused and as a result took to becoming suicidal. It was then that she realized that god was there and that he was there to save her if she put faith in him, so she did. Its how she believed in him and how he saved her, and how she put all her faith into him and he came through.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 25th 2008 !⃝

    Well lets start with I LOVE THIS SONG.
    i can sorta relate to it.
    i think it's about how lacey was abused as a child and turned to cutting and so on and so forth and she thought that no one was there for her. Then she realized that God was there for her all along and he saved her and now she is worshipping him. =]


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 28th 2008 !⃝

    It's about God and how he saved her. It's not about her boyfriend or anybody else. Lacey is a strong Christian. She says " I worship, I worship" That would never be about anybody else because if you are a Christian you do not worship anyone but God:) He is AWESOME!

  4. anonymous
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    Nov 16th 2019 !⃝

    Lacey used to be an atheist & was planning to commit suicide, but her grandmother who she lived with insisted she go to church, so she gave in & went planning to go through with it when she got home. while at church this man with long white hair walked up to her & asked to pray for her & that's when she got saved.

  5. LaceyDakota
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    Mar 9th 2012 !⃝

    Someone in Lacey's life was abused by a man and then had a thought of being suicidal but looked to god for help. They believed in god and got the help they needed.

  6. anonymous
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    Jul 16th 2011 !⃝

    This song is about how God saves the person from committing suicide or cutting themselves. The song is also named after Jared & Sameer. JaRED+SAMeer=Red Sam

  7. anonymous
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    Dec 25th 2010 !⃝

    this song is about how in lacey's early years she had to move to alot of places with her family who where really poor at that time and her life started becoming a mess and she started doing drugs. As she was older her mother and her had argument and she was kicked out of her house when she moved to her grandmas house she became depressed and felt like killing her self her grandma got really preoccupide so she took her to church and thats when her life took a christian turn and she felt god's love.

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 31st 2010 !⃝

    I get this song very well.lacey (or possibly someone else)was beaten and became victim to being sucked into suicidal thoughts and actions.but they turned to God for help.and God saved them.I feel very close to this song because I am going through suicidal thoughts and actions (like cutting myself) and im praying now to God for help.I was not beaten though.

  9. flyleafsfan
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    Sep 7th 2010 !⃝

    wow!!! this song is powerful...it reminds me of all the stuff ive been through..i think this song was written by lacy in her darkest times..i use to think that the only way id be hPPY Was if i were going to kill myself..ivew relized that god is there for me just like he was there for lacy.

  10. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2010 !⃝

    It's about her wanting to cut herself (with a deeper meaning of the basic pain she feels and the trials and tribulations that she has experienced) and then god comes into her life saving her and helping her

  11. ALS931
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    Jan 7th 2010 !⃝

    I attended a Christian concert last week. Flyleaf was the headlining band that night. Lacey was giving her testimony and told how when she was 16 she was an atheist. One day, she was going to commit suicide (from this song I'm guessing by cutting). On that very day, she got saved.
    "There you stood, holding me.
    Waiting for me to notice you.
    You are the truth."

  12. anonymous
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    Dec 25th 2008 !⃝

    I honestly think this song is about a person contimplating suicide. The line " Wishing my wrists were bleeding to stop the pain from the beatings" shows that the person is having suicidal thoughts. I dont on the other hand think the song is talking about someone being abused. speaking from personal experience, I think that when they say "beatings" they are speaking of the actions the person takes onto themselves. They beat themselves down mentally that they just want everything to stop. Thats what I think it means atleast. This is by far my favorite Flyleaf song.

  13. anonymous
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    Feb 11th 2008 !⃝

    Not necessarily god. anyone who is there for her. god, a boyfriend, whatever. She is grateful to be saved by them.

  14. Flyleafrocks
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    Jan 8th 2008 !⃝

    I think this song is sbout how she was herting her self and God was there to save her.

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