What do you think Stay means?

Rihanna: Stay Meaning

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Album cover for Stay album cover

Song Released: 2011

Covered By: Jasmine Thompson

Stay Lyrics

All along it was a fever
A cold sweat hot-headed believer
I threw my hands in the air and said show me something
He said, if you dare come a little closer

Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 6th 2018 !⃝

    I think this song is about two people who have feelings for each other. However, they both have personal things to face and they are not brave enough to assume their feelings. They two are afraid of being hurt, and can't manage their emotions despite of having the intuition that they have to be together.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Jun 25th 2017 !⃝

    The two each came into the other's life for some helping reason. They came to realize that they were both in need of help and helping. An unanticipated affection grew for one another. They end up genuinely caring for each other and not just serving themselves. The concept is foreign to them; they are stripped "naked" of pretenses...beyond mental or physical desires...they care for someone outside theirselves. It is a new unadulterated and pure place, and they are trying to understand it.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 18th 2013 !⃝

    I think it is about two people that are completely in love, but are dealing with their own personal battles.
    He is the one that is "broken" (maybe mental illness), but she was in a place in life that she needed to be saved from emotionally.
    He is the only one that she feels can help her fill this emptiness she has been living with. He says its not much of a life she's living, and that she never sees the light. Life isn't something you take, it is given. Live it, don't just let it pass you by. He wants her to get out and live and stop being depressed. She needs help being there for him, it is dragging her down, but she loves him and wants to help him get through it.
    Round and around and around they go... meaning they keep dealing with this same battle over and over and over again trying to help each other, and it doesn't seem to be getting better. All they know, is they need the other and can't get through it alone, but it's a huge struggle trying to keep helping the other and pulling each other up.

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 22nd 2020 !⃝

    There was love miss(all along there was a fever)btn the 2 but rhanna was a bad girl.seen the light.he found him self lovin her to the extent of sdx.

  5. anonymous
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    Jun 20th 2020 !⃝

    I want the song to be about in a relationship with someone to do with something with anything but it has the best way to write the song into a story about broken relationships and it looks like a book of songs and it came up with an idea then someone can related to that response. And the person could write it and then everyone will share and perform on the stage, it’ll be so much fun I wanted to do this on my free time. And then I can schedule my appointments with production and set up the lights.

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  6. anonymous
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    Apr 15th 2020 !⃝

    It is a beautiful song and people are bound to interpret it in different ways. I do not understand why anyone would get so hostile over another's interpretation. I think the song represents the void "hole" people often feel and long to fill either through love or connection with others. Life can be a very difficult journey. Music is a great communicative device.

  7. anonymous
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    Mar 19th 2020 !⃝

    It's about two people who meet by circumstances. At first she is not sure about him even scared of him. He says if u dare come a little closer and they are both intrigued by one another but are not really sure why they got together. They both have hurts from past relationships and ahard life overall. They don't have anything in common but the fact they are both broken. They grow to love one another even though they don't understand it they can't let go of one another. they fight because they are nothing alike so they go back and forth between fighting and Bliss and they both hold on because they love one another despite not really understanding why they can't let go so they stay together because together they heal one another and they want the hole that previous relationships have left to be gone.the relationship is sometimes crazy but still they hold onto one another and they will stay together forever regardless because now they love each other and cannot leave one another

  8. anonymous
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    Aug 25th 2019 !⃝

    I think about this song is to make it more emotional and so it came from my mind toward the project with the Jonas brothers, but it’s going to be like fun and to be like more popular than other musicians to work with. My brother doesn’t do it as well! My parents wanted to work with their students to supported them to make it happen but it’s coming through easier, and so I worked with Andrew Wyatt from lady Gaga’s movie a star is born. He’s so talented and awesome and sometimes when we have our great covers of Rihanna, and lady Gaga, but we’re glad that our project is about who we are.

  9. anonymous
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    Nov 23rd 2018 !⃝

    I think this personal song from Rihanna, that I’ve got the deal of something, to do with feeling uncomfortable with family.

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  10. anonymous
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    Jan 10th 2018 !⃝

    You can't prove that it is Illuminati. It is clearly about love and you need to get the right facts before you post information facts. Your opinion of Rihanna's religion or what she worships is not a fact and has nothing to do with this song and you are not being helpful to those who need to read these reviews for assignments. You are acting very immature and annoying. She didn't even write the song so you clearly are not using any of your brain cells.

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  11. anonymous
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    May 20th 2017 !⃝

    She can't get out. The little bit of goodness left in her is crying..because she signed on for it.

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  12. anonymous
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    May 11th 2017 !⃝

    She is confused to why they're constantly fighting she just wants him to stay no matter what they have to go through.

  13. anonymous
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    May 25th 2016 !⃝

    I think this song is about two people who are in love and want to be together but life and the circumstances won't let them. It could be anything really though. They are both realizing that they won't ever work and they have to deal with it.

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 4th 2015 !⃝

    Im Not Here To Say What It Means But Yall Need To Stop Half Of You Guys Think Its About Chris Brown , This Is Ekkos Song Not Hers ItsAbout Him ._. Gosh .

  15. anonymous
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    Apr 28th 2015 !⃝

    I think she is maybe a friend or counselor or friends with his spouse and they end up with a crush on each other ended up caring for each other even though they knew it was wrong.
    " round and around and around we go. Ooooh now tell me now tell me now you know"
    She tells him finally, and he is unsure how to react cuz he's involved with someone else.I think she let's him know she loves him and he is unsure how to react or wut to say. I think he is trying to just save his marriage cuz he loves his wife and rhianna doesn't understand y he cant love her, she feels she saved him from from an unhappy relationship n now she want him to save her from being alone and lonely. She doesn't care she just wants him to stay by leaving his relationship that he complains to her about. He's broken. And in her efforts to comfort him, it makes her realize she needs him. She begs him to stay but he was there to fix the marriage n not give up n stay

  16. phill
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    Nov 2nd 2014 !⃝

    I believe this song is about her relation ship
    with Jesus and the life style she living now
    they clash and she going around around
    between right and wrong dark and light
    there's something in the way The Lord
    moves that is so a mazing to those who no
    him but it's not easy when you have a job
    like hers you be come what you hang out
    with as some will no The Lord is light and
    there is no darkness in the light she wants
    Jesus to stay in her hart but there's to much
    darkness there been there all the best girl you
    no what u have to do the lords got all the time
    can't say the same for us god bless reannah

  17. anonymous
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    Oct 5th 2014 !⃝

    ** All along it was a fever
    A cold sweat hot-headed believer **

    It's about two friends who have tried to ignore the chemistry between them because they can't really be together (he's in another relationship).

    ** I threw my hands in the air, said show me something
    He said, if you dare come a little closer**

    Finally, she gives in and says, "okay, what is this?" He responds by basically telling her he wants to risk it and pursue a physical relationship.

    ** Round and around and around and around we go
    Oohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know

    They have this forbidden relationship, and she's wondering if it's made him see her differently.

    ** Not really sure how to feel about it
    Something in the way you move
    Makes me feel like I can't live without you
    It takes me all the way
    I want you to stay **

    She tells him that she's not sure that it's just a physical attraction anymore. She's in love with him and wants more.

    ** It's not much of a life you're living
    It's not just something you take, it's given **

    He tells her that she's not open to emotional relationships and that's the only reason she feels like this about him, because he's the only one she's let get close to her.

    ** Round and around and around and around we go
    Oohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know **

    He's saying that what they have is just physical, not romantic. He wants her to understand that.

    ** Not really sure how to feel about it
    Something in the way you move
    Makes me feel like I can't live without you
    It takes me all the way
    I want you to stay **

    He's torn between knowing that he should let her go because he's not willing to give her more and wanting to continue the intense physical relationship they have.

    ** Oohh the reason I hold on
    Oohh cause I need this hole gone
    Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving
    Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving

    She's hurt by his response. She tells him that the reason she's stayed with him is because of the emotions, not the sex, and that he's got a lot of nerve telling her how to love someone when their relationship is proof that he's the one that can't really love his significant other (hence, he's "broken"). She's calling him a hypocrite.

    ** Not really sure how to feel about it
    Something in the way you move
    Makes me feel like I can't live without you
    It takes me all the way
    I want you to stay... Stay...
    I want you to stay, Ooooohh **

    She's saying that she doesn't know what to think about their relationship now, but ultimately she loves him and will take whatever he's willing to give her.

  18. anonymous
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    Jul 2nd 2014 !⃝

    she is the abuser not him;
    he has a family, partner a child and baby due..
    but he also has a bad drug addiction..
    she is a drug dealer

    she knowingly sets out to take what she wished
    she had -something real-
    so she fed him full of gear so he'd stay.
    he always went back to his princess.. he loved her
    it was real.
    she tries to get him so dependant he cant leave then starta punishing him by withholding the drugs so he is baxk begging to come in...

    in the end he loses his princess...
    and he murders the junkie danker..

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