Alan Walker - Darkside Meaning

Song Released: 2016
Darkside Lyrics
I’m not alone
We share those stories
Just something in your eyes
Don’t be afraid
The shadow’s roaming
Let’s leave the world behind
[Pre-Chorus: Tomine Harket]
Take me through the night
Fall in to the...
#1 top rated interpretation:I think "Dark Side" is about just being you (the dark). Because some people are afraid of the dark,and some people are afraid to be themselves,so I think the light is suppose to be representing a cover some peoople put on to hide who they really are. "Let go of the light fall into the darkside" is saying,stop hiding yourself with a cover (the light) and be you. At the beginning when it says "we're not in love we share no stories" that could be saying that this song was meant for anyone, anyone at all, anyone who was hiding themselves.
#2 top rated interpretation:The light might be someone not being who they want to be and just force themselves to do something they dont like because when you look at the world in day time there is more light than darkness because nobody wants to be noticed all the time especially now because of bullying and also cyberbullying and the darkness is the hidden talent or where the hidden talent is hidden because when we think about deep places like caves it is really dark and normally you have to have a light to see and most people when they hide things they put it in dark places to make it somewhat invisible and you have to jump into it to find it like how i found my hidden talent of singing by just going out of my comfort zone (the light) and trying something new ( the darkness) when people cover themselves up using the light (the thing you dont wanna do) you just think that " i dont love doing this" and in the lyrics it has "were not in love we share no stories" which means exactly what i said earlier but it could also just be someone that thinks that light is always good and another person telling him/her to not "judge a book by its cover" and go to the darkness to find out that everything is equal and that nothing is out of place
#3 top rated interpretation:Dark Side is about I quote this "The light might be someone not being who they want to be and just force themselves to do something they dont like because when you look at the world in day time there is more light than darkness because nobody wants to be noticed all the time especially now because of bullying and also cyberbullying and the darkness is the hidden talent or where the hidden talent is hidden because when we think about deep places like caves it is really dark and normally you have to have a light to see and most people when they hide things they put it in dark places to make it somewhat invisible and you have to jump into it to find it like how i found my hidden talent of singing by just going out of my comfort zone (the light) and trying something new ( the darkness) when people cover themselves up using the light (the thing you dont wanna do) you just think that " i dont love doing this" and in the lyrics it has "were not in love we share no stories" which means exactly what i said earlier but it could also just be someone that thinks that light is always good and another person telling him/her to not "judge a book by its cover" and go to the darkness to find out that everything is equal and that nothing is out of place" but also it is about people hiding who they really are and just not having the freedom to be themselves
This song talks about how peace can always be done, even when it is between two most oppositive colors, white and black.
I think Darkside is a song about 2 people who aren’t friends or lovers. One suggests to go to the Darkside
To be honest I thought darkside was about realising your inner chaos (your darkside) and not trying to be perfect (your lightside)e.g"take me through the night fall into the darkside"is basically saying stop trying to be perfect and embrace your inner chaos.
I believe "Darkside" is a song meant to symbolize the 'hidden' character that almost everyone of us have. Everyday we pretend to be someone we are not, we hide our sadness, pain and put up a fake smile on our face. This song proves that this is not indeed the case with just one or two of us but millions around the globe.
This is less a interpertation but i have looked at the comments and i feel some people don't understand that poetry exists and in peotry sometimes words are brought out of their original contexts to mean something diffrent we can't say it's satanic as their is no evidence besides the use of darkside wich like a part of a painting can have many meanings i feel like the people commenting it's satanic are mostly christians as that would be were the idea came from as in the jewish faith satan does exist but as in an argument not a general evil so when you see a song that says a word look at what it could mean other then the denotation (dictionary deffinition) so for my advice don't take a song by the words themselves look for deeper meaning in them. I heard some good ideas like being yourself wich some christians don't like . then their is the idea of you only live once so take risks theirs not another chance so do what you can instead of sticking to the most safe and booring way. also the idea of the invirse of platos cave where 2 people are traped in a cave with only illusens one steps out and comes back and the other doesn't belive him in this case a lesson of ignorence but in the case of the song the fact that sometimes it's more fun to imbrace the fiction like how people enjoy being imersed in a setting. Now though since people who read to here either skipped for an interpretation or read this all so here is my take section by section ofc some are longer some are shorter "We're not in love
We share no stories
Just something in your eyes" This i don't exactly have a meaning for but it to me is two people who are dennying their own relation ships especialy the "We're not in love" Then we have "Don't be afraid
The shadows know me
Let's leave the world behind" As I look into it, it seems to be the diffrent meanings put in, in diffrent sections This being the Plato's cave the "shadows" being the imigas on the cave wall along with "Let's leave the world behind" It also to me contributes to the overall you only live once message i feel is the important part then theirs
"Take me through the night
Fall into the dark side" This being the "night" the more risky side then we have "Fall into the dark side" referencing this said risky side of life "We don't need the light
We'll live on the dark side" This again a reference to the taking the exciting and risky side of life contrasted with the more booring and safe side the "light"
"I see it
Let's feel it
While we're still young and fearless" The "I see it" being seeing the aformentioned night/dark side Then "Let's feel it" that being the person asking the freind to take the more risky side of life. the final portion of the section is that if you wait till your old to try new things you can't do the risky things anymore esentaily wasting your one signle opertunity to make the most out of your life instead chosing the light the more booring yet safe path with the dark being going on a rolercoster or one of the rides where you go quickly in a circle or the ride where you go up high then come down. "fearless" refering to the fact that you can do more risky stuff with less impact like how if your 70 you probely won't be able to take a tackle like a 24 year old could.
"Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side" "let go off the light" being a reference to a path of safety like how in the day your usaly safe while in the night it's more risky this is saying go off the path allways lit by sun or street lights take the path unlit were it's more fun and risky. "Fall into the dark side" this is simply refering to the path of light as a walkway iluminated and falling off is straying off the path and no longer on the path like if you stary of a trail.
"Fall into the dark side
Give into the dark side
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side" This is mostly repeting references allready covered with a new one added "Give into the dark side" this might fit the bill of satanic but if we look at it it's saying give into the urge to do more risky things as said the dark side is risk taking and trying things that aren't 100% safe with the Giving in doing the risky parts of life. "Beneath the sky
As black as diamonds
We're running out of time (Time, time)" this being one big reference to the night running out of time is simply the sun comming up but in this case more of being unable to do the dark side the "As black as diamonds" refering to a night with a new moon were the sky sits uniluminated and completly black like black diamonds. "Don't wait for truth
To come and blind us
Let's just believe their lies" This is refering to the plato's cave i think Plato by now is rolling in his grave at his cave going from a lesson on ignorence to embracing fiction as "their lies" being the shadows on the cave wall or in this case the fiction and the truth blinding them is the person walking out and being blinded by the sun or unable to do risky stuff now you might wonder why sometimes theirs more then one meaning it's becuase not all parts have to have one meaning like train is it a veichal that moves people often long distences by rail or is instructing someone the diffrent meanings sometimes how you read it sometimes intentional as to send more then one message to the listener. "Believe it
I see it
I know that you can feel it
No secrets worth keeping
So fool me like I'm dreaming" This is referencing someone asking their freind/partner to Belive they can do risky things the last 2 lines of this are saying that the person is living their best life and their is nothing to worry about "I know that you can feel it" is the person saying that they know you can feel the urge to take the dark side being the risky side of life the rest is a repeat of allready mentioned sections for enphasis i'll show the full lyrics now so you can see what it fells like and try to read deeper then a dictionary definition as when you do that you change the meaning of the word from the meaning of the word in the song so
"We're not in love
We share no stories
Just something in your eyes
Don't be afraid
The shadows know me
Let's leave the world behind
Take me through the night
Fall into the dark side
We don't need the light
We'll live on the dark side
I see it
Let's feel it
While we're still young and fearless
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
Fall into the dark side
Give into the dark side
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
Beneath the sky
As black as diamonds
We're running out of time (Time, time)
Don't wait for truth
To come and blind us
Let's just believe their lies
Believe it
I see it
I know that you can feel it
No secrets worth keeping
So fool me like I'm dreaming
Take me through the night
Fall into the dark side
We don't need the light
We'll live on the dark side
I see it
Let's feel it
While we're still young and fearless
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
Fall into the dark side
Give into the dark side
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
Take me through the night
Fall into the dark side
We don't need the light
We'll live on the dark side
I see it
Let's feel it
While we're still young and fearless
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side" -
This song doesn't encourage anyone to do good... instead encourages evil,that it's a nice place to be shun from listening to it.
I think this song is maybe trying to convince someone to fall into a "Darkside", and If you listen to the words close enough, the beginning starts kind of just saying, but then, it gets slightly disturbing... "give in to the dark side", "fall into the Darkside"
"Beneath the sky, as black as diamonds. We're running out of time. Don't wait for truth to come and blind us. Let's just believe their lies. Believe it, I see it, I know that you can feel it. No secret's worth keeping, so fool me like I'm dreaming. Take me through the night, fall into the darkside." I believe everyone wants to tie this song to satanism overlooking the true message. I believe they're saying that we're a small part of the universe, with the false belief we can get to a point in life where there are no issues. Life is a finite period of time. The truth that perfect life isn't possible is painful so we believe the lies that it is possible. It then recommends to find a partner to go through life with where you can "embrace the suck" as a team and help lift each other up in your darkest moments.
I think it means exactly what the lyrics say. ”We don’t need the light...” meaning in the daytime, there are no parties, no fun. Fun begins after nightfall. We can be carefree, party, drink, fuck, no responsibilities. Fall into the dark side. The feelings or guilt, regret, and responsibility come over us the morning after, with the light. As does the hangover.
Essentially, it’s a self-destructive message. Live a destructive lifestyle, burn at both ends, die young, live only for one thing - having fun. Leave all responsibility behind. You are responsible only for yourself. So what if you hurt people in the process? Others may worry about you, but that’s their problem. Infact, if they worry and care about you, they’re begging to be used and exploited by you. You feel no guilt, or remorse for them. It’s not your fault that they love you, so why should you be made to bother. because only you is important. Feeling guilt is for people in the light. You are in the dark. Hiding in egocentrism, because nothing else matters. Only ”me” exists.
Basically, it’s Satanic ideology. Youthful Narcissism in its purest form. Ego first, everything else second.
I find it desturbing. -
The first verse of this song is about trust and friendship
While the rest of the song is about being YOU ;light has a way altering the image of something but darkness has a way of giving you a different view :of the form of the object, not just how it looks. -
All these interpretations are really dangerous because they are trying to give a different meaning to a word that already has a meaning.
This is like saying dark side for me means a phobia. There is no way you can change the meaning of a word because its used in a song.
All parents should be careful with your kids listening to these kind of songs. The word "Dark side" already has a meaning in society and symbolises with Bad things, evil, things not accepted by society such as drugs, dark desires. You can't just take a word and say it means "ABC" to me.. Although kids might interpret it for this song they will always have it drilled into there heads that the dark side is good and when the generally interpreted dark side things are put in front of them they will think it's OK to indulge in them. -
In my opinion, this song refers that reality (light) doesn't have to be the best place to live, while the dark side symbolizes the illusion/another reality that, although fictional, is more fun, that allows you to have happiness and fulfill your dreams. even if it's just an illusion, a fictional world.
"Let's just believe your lies"
“Fall on the dark side”
I think we can compare the meaning of the lyrics with Plato's cave, but in an inverted way. Instead of coming out of the cave to face reality, it turns out that reality is sad and suffering, so maybe it's better to live in illusion, but happier.
The word "Dark side" would mean the interior of the cave, away from the true reality. Whether that would be a bad thing is up to you.
The song is relatively recent (2018), at least enough to be able to signify a matrix virtual world or a metaverse, since before 2018 these subjects were discussed. -
2 people who like each other, 1 is suggesting that they should leave their ways and become different people (maybe become evil or join a cult).
"Don't be afraid
The shadows know me
Let's leave the world behind"
The shadows are either the people that are already in the darkside who have already let go of the light or demons.
"Give into the dark side"
is suggesting that this person has been making an effort to stay in the light and trying to be a good person.
"Don't wait for truth
To come and blind us"
This further strengthens my statement. "Why is it the truth that will blind them?"
"Let's just believe their lies
Believe it
I see it
I know that you can feel it
No secrets worth keeping
So fool me like I'm dreaming"
"their" refers to the bad people of the cult that this person is trying to convince the other they should join and he is saying we should believe their lies.
These also sound like they are subliminal and that the person who this message is for is hypnotised. You can either see it as a person talking to another or a person talking to the listeners of the songs themselves.
"Beneath the sky
As black as diamonds"
This refers to the shadows I talked about earlier.
"We're running out of time (Time, time)"
This suggests that their plans can be ended if they are not successful up until a certain year. This can be interpreted that they are running out of time because God's coming is near.
Either the people of the cult or the demons say this and the fact that it is the only verse which is echoed and heard twice after further suggests that this is not the same being who says it. The words may have echoed on that letter also because time is an ongoing thing and never stops.
Darkside is about the fact that while light may be comforting, it's always important to leave your comfort zone, to explore. This exploration is called the ‘darkside’. Furthermore, the songs tells us that while we may be tempted to always dwell in the riches and luxuries which are said to be ‘light’ in the song, there always will be a time when we have to fall into the darkside. That is, this light would not be sufficient for our entire life and if we take one moment in the darkside, we would come out, beaming more than ever and will have enough light to spend. In other words, it's telling us to come out of our clamshell and our interests. And the younger we do it, the better as tells the line “young and fearless”.
I think it is about facing the dark side of our society fearlessly (especially for Youngs). A few time in dark makes you stronger.It always motivates me to get out of light and experience the difficulties of darkness, which may help in the long run. Like coming out of the comfort zone, working like the hell and at last achieve the thing passing through the dark side.
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