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Songs about Regret

As the old proverbs have it, if you have nothing to regret, you simply haven't lived long enough yet. These are bittersweet reminiscences of things that have gone wrong, times we wish we'd had back, and the should-a would-a could-a that everybody accumulates. We can't turn back time, and even if we could, we'd usually find out that we would just mess things up a different way and have the same regrets - possibly an even bigger regret.

The thing to do is get some heavy philosophy. A young Tibetan man wanted to join the Buddhist temple and become a monk, but a local farmer with a pregnant daughter stopped him saying that the baby was the young man's, and demanded by the village's code of honor that he marry her. He said, "Is that so?" and agreed to the marriage, forsaking his life's dream. He worked his whole life in the fields as a farmer, raising the child into a fine young man, and when the child had grown, the man's wife turned to him one morning and said, "It wasn't really your child. We knew it was someone else's, but we knew you were an honorable man who would make a good father." And the would-be monk said, "Is that so?"

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