What do you think 48 to Go means?

The Fray: 48 to Go Meaning

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Song Released: 2012

48 to Go Lyrics

From Denver to California
By way of Mexico
We're lost and we're finding eachother
And we may never see the west coast
We're taking it slow
But for now we're two down and
48 to go
Missed an exit in Albuquerque
But we don't seem to mind at...

  1. anonymous
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    Nov 11th 2012 !⃝

    I think this song and the lyrics speaks for itself. I'm not American but I did realise that America has 50 states they're from Denver,CO but they drove to New Mexico that makes 2 states down and 48 to Go. They seems to want to get to the West Coast the most though to be in California but they don't mind the fact that they forgot to exit so they continue their journey even if they're lost they don't mind it at all they're just enjoying each others company this song basically talks about the hardships and the journeys as well as the steps of a relationship. Hence when he asked where will we be half of a century?this song is beautiful and I fell in love with it from the first time I heard it The Fray has always been a band I've fancied.

  2. anonymous
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    Nov 11th 2012 !⃝

    I think this song and the lyrics speaks for itself. I'm not American but I did realise that America has 50 states they're from Denver,CO but they drove to New Mexico that makes 2 states down and 48 to Go. They seems to want to get to the West Coast the most though to see California but they don't mind the fact that they forgot to exit so they can continue their journey so they're just enjoying each others company this song basically talks and the hardships and the journeys as well as the steps of a relationship. Hence when he asked where will we be half of a century this song is beautiful and I fell in love with it from the first time I heard it The Fray has always been a band I've fancied.

  3. anonymous
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    May 18th 2012 !⃝

    This song was written by Issac and one of his girlfriends. They were just traveling in the west.
    I think it's about being a relationship and not knowing where exactly you are going. It's about living in the moment with that person and just driving. The journey of being in a relationship with someone.

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2012 !⃝

    The comment above is spot on. I actually remember the band explaining the meaning on "The Pulse" XM. The "2 down, 48 to go" is literally referring to the number of states. The first two being Colorado and New Mexico as they are on a road trip. 48 is also a symbol for the future of the relationship "where will we be in half a century?" I love this song and is probably my favorite one on their new album. I was on a road trip from California to back east via Denver when I first got this album and say the Fray in Oakland. The song gives me good memories.

  5. anonymous
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    Feb 22nd 2012 !⃝

    Kind of right. It's about when Isaac was on a road trip with his now wife, Anna. He had just met her and they were driving to LA. They got lost and ended up 300 miles away. The '2 down and 48 to go' line is about state's crossed. They kept pulling over and 'making out' as he put it and that is used in the song too. They were both lost, but didn't mind because they were finding each other.

  6. anonymous
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    Feb 22nd 2012 !⃝

    I disagree with the previous interpretation. I feel like this song has nothing to do with the bands shows. In the beginning, it seems as if Isaac is on a road trip with a girlfriend. '2 down and 48 to go' seems like it refers to the exits on the highway as he says 'missed an exit in Alburqurque', but when he says 'where will we be in half a century', it becomes clear that he means 48 more years with the person he loves.

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 19th 2012 !⃝

    This song is one of hope, excitement and anticipation. The line in the chorus may refer to being on tour (2 shows down, 48 to go) or it could be referring to the hours leading up to an event of great significance. Either way, this song transports you to the road and 3/4 time signature indicates movement in a car and generally moving to bigger and better things.

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