AJR - Drama Meaning

Drama Lyrics
We act like reality shows
Probably 'cause reality blows
When did all my friends become so loud?
We traded our boring lives
For MTV story lines
Recently he said, that she said, that we said...
AJR mentions how sometimes they like to write songs about the most meaningless topics and make them sound important. This song is one of them. The song is about all the stupid stuff people say behind other's backs, and for that matter, to their faces as well, hence the line "Recently he said that she said that we said that he said some shit about me." and so on. They inform the listener of the song that they can't make it stop no matter what they try. Overall, the song is about what drama can do despite the fact that it can always be avoided and is completely meaninglessness.
The song’s all about what its title suggests: Drama! It refers to how confusing rumors and drama can be, and how they really hurt friendships. A topic almost anyone can relate to.
I think it means practically what it says, drama.
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