What do you think Imaginary means?

Evanescence: Imaginary Meaning

Album cover for Imaginary album cover

Song Released: 2004

Imaginary Lyrics

I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops
As they’re falling tell a story

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 20th 2006 !⃝

    I think that the song is about the real world being a really harsh and unforgiving place and this person is trying to think of a place to hide away from the pain the real world brings to him/her as its too painful to cope in real life without having something there to think about positivly (like an imaginary world you can escape from when the world gets too tough) I doubt she's getting high


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 17th 2007 !⃝

    I remember I read somewhere a few years ago that this song was about Amy's bedroom at home. It was where she ran to in hard times to be alone. I think it describes the scenery of her room, "field of paper flowers" wallpaper? "candy clouds of lullaby" a comforter/blanket/pillows?? "purple sky" the color of her walls?
    "I linger in the doorway
    Of alarm clock screaming
    Monsters calling my name
    Let me stay
    Where the wind will whisper to me
    Where the raindrops
    As they’re falling tell a story"
    I think Amy is talking about how she just wants to stay in her room away from the world, the "alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name" must be her parents waking her up in the morning...and she just wants to stay in bed and listen to the rain and wind-could possibly be raining outside-OR she just wants to stay home and think about things(her troubles-the wind and rain).
    "Don’t say I’m out of touch
    With this rampant chaos- your reality
    I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
    The nightmare I built my own world to escape"
    and possibly she was told to come out of her room, it was useless to ignore the world. Or that someone told her they were right when in reality she thought they were the ones out of touch, or wrong. She knows what lies beyond her sleeping refuge, beyond her walls she puts around her, beyond the walls of her bedroom, the walls of her world. She built her own world to escape, meaning that she imagined (ha hence the title "Imaginary") a world of her own, a better world. She wanted to stay in her room and dream, imagine the world being a better place.
    -Angela Congrove


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Jun 1st 2006 !⃝

    I think it is juss about her being in her own world. whether it is the world or someone she's trying to get away from. A dream world and that's her escape and she wants that when she needs to get away from things.

  4. anonymous
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    Nov 21st 2023 !⃝

    Please someone tells me what does ( candy clouds of lullaby means?

    I think this song is about hiding in her own world far from the chaos that she sees in the life. Its very deep and emotional song

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 10th 2018 !⃝

    I have my own escape. Im homschooled and always very lonely, even with my family right there. I often dwell in my books and the friends the characters make, I can preted they are my friends too. I live in my books and what I write beacause it gives me hope that at my loneliest I can meet new people. This is why I love this song so much because it makes me feel like I'm not alone in the world and everyone has these escape routes to there own worlds. I often daydream and dream these worlds of adventure, romance and awsome action scenes.

  6. IloveLily
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    May 21st 2015 !⃝

    I think it's about someone who created a world in her dreams to get away from her life. "I linger in the door way of alarm clocks monsters screaming my name" the monsters screaming part is probably maybe people being mean to her.
    "I lie inside my self for hours" meaning that she is well sleeping for ours going to this world full of paper flowers, candy clouds, and a purple sky.I hope this is helpful and Bye

  7. Lily Crosby-McKenna
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    May 21st 2015 !⃝

    Sounds depressing. She is troubled and sick of reality, so she goes to her room and makes her own reality! Reminds me of Molly from Pokémon 3 and the unown trapping her in her own fantasy. Poor kid

  8. anonymous
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    Jul 22nd 2014 !⃝

    its about escaping into your own imaginary world cos sometimes life is just too hard.

  9. anonymous
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    Jan 2nd 2014 !⃝

    There is a pretty obvious allusion to V.C. Andrews's popular novel "Flowers in the Attic." I have to agree with an earlier post that is referring to escaping into oneself to leave behind a harsh reality as a means to protect oneself in some way. By reading this novel, the discoveries about the purple flowers and such are made. The two younger siblings made a paper garden upstairs, and that was everyone's escape.

    (FYI: It has incest, so be prepared when reading it. And if you manage to read the entire series-which I recommend, it is twisted in a way that is hard to even explain. It will mess with your emotions if you manage to suspend reality long enough not to go ewwww at the brother/sister aspects.)

  10. anonymous
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    May 4th 2013 !⃝

    Hate to break it to everyone, but this song is about a young girl who is being sexually abused. She has no refuge from her home life, and her only escape is her rich fantasy life she escapes from to cope with the misery and ugly world she is too young to physically remove herself from. Nobody hears her cries for help about the rape that she's subjected to at night, and she's isolated in such a profoundly sad way. She lies inside herself for hours, in shock and reeling from the pain, both emotionally and physically she suffers. Her only means of survival is to release herself into her imagination, where things are beautiful and she can live freely and happily. She comforts her broken spirit by imagining a perfect world that He cannot ever touch. She maintains her childlike innocence through her perfect inner world, even through the chaos that her father brings. She pretends to sleep when he comes for her at night, and tries her best to sleep through it. She clings to her escape world with everything she has. The world is full of hideous things and this song is full of hope.

  11. anonymous
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    Dec 26th 2012 !⃝

    I think the song Imaginary is about how everyone has a world all their own to escape the world we live in. How even though it may seem as though we're out of touch and linger in our own world too long it's a place we can go to when things are a little too much to take or complicated.
    "where the raindrops ad they're falling tell a story " could mean that even in our own world we cry and when we cry there's a story to why we're crying.
    "candy clouds of lullaby" could mean that we hear music in our world.
    "I linger in the doorway" could mran we're reluctantant to leave and hesitate.
    "Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming cannot cease for the fear of silent nights oh how i long for the deep sleep dreaming " could mean she's consumed by the pain , that she's scared of a dreamless night when she's enveloped in the silent , cold , and lonely night , and that she longs for the dream or her imaginary world.
    "The goddess of imaginary light" could mean her refering to the goddess of dreams or the light of imagination.
    "of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name" could mean how there's a limited time for her to be in her world and she can already hear her time ending and that the monsters screaming are the people telling her to leave her world, to stop dreaming.
    "where the wind will whisper to me" could mean that her sub concious is helping her to make a choice, to decide, or to help her see things clearly.

  12. anonymous
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    Dec 26th 2012 !⃝

    I think the song Imaginary is about how everyone has a world all their own to escape the world we live in. How even though it may seem as though we're out of touch and linger in our own world too long it's a place we can go to when things are a little too much to take or complicated.
    "where the raindrops ad they're falling tell a story " could mean that even in our own world we cry and when we cry there's a story to why we're crying.
    "candy clouds of lullaby" could mean that we hear music in our world.
    "I linger in the doorway" could mran we're reluctantant to leave and hesitate.
    "Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming cannot cease for the fear of silent nights oh how i long for the deep sleep dreaming " could mean she's consumed by the pain , that she's scared of a dreamless night when she's enveloped in the silent , cold , and lonely night , and that she longs for the dream or her imaginary world.
    "The goddess of imaginary light" could mean her refering to the goddess of dreams or the light of imagination.

  13. anonymous
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    Oct 26th 2012 !⃝

    She's smacked off her head in her bedroom because she can't stand reality.. who can blame her

  14. anonymous
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    Oct 24th 2012 !⃝

    I read somewhere that this song is about her dreaming & thinking of her suicide. Her reality is filled with "rampant choas" & she wants to escape to her "field of paper flowers & candy cloulds of lullaby"; basicly her heaven.

  15. anonymous
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    Mar 8th 2012 !⃝

    i have no idea what this song is about. imagniary something in her head is suppose. it could be to me about a girl who experienced a fugue which was a very long bona fide and factual blackout, catalepsy, cataplexy, catatonic stupor, cat anything, hypnotic trance & reverie which was a severely real & was an actually actual dream state. which is no way imaginary. dreams can be known as goals or wish fulfillment. freud called dreams "the royal road to the unconscious" & Id like to challenge freud to a duel. when I suggest that sometimes the road don't feel soo royal. maybe it is the bumps and catapulting we experience on the road to achieving actual royal status which consciously & in a highly damaging fashion, injures us beyond healing thus making the road to our extreme royalness seem unspeakably atrocious., NOT imaginary. dreams are different than completely making something up. i think that is what this singer is singing her song of melodious charm about to us. she says refuge which sounds like fugue. i seriously believe i am from Poland so please be gentle. perhaps the singer was misdiagnosed as being delusional when she was really in a dream trance aka a "fugue". a fugueish atmosphere in one's brain is a bit disassociative. it is FAIRLY to ALMOST SERIOUSLY truly rare in most people. it is a psychiatric disorder that is characterized by ir OR reversible amnesia.. not sure. a person's past identity is wiped out from the planet. memories, birth marks, teeth, hair, any characteristic which previously made the person unique such as internal organs, etc, freckles, is cleansed from her palette and those of everyone. the state is short lived perhaps hours to days but can even last longer like days to weeks and upon many occasions can last exactly three years to seven years precisely and that plenty is not an estimate. she might have turned inside out which seems as if it could be irreversible. dissociative fugue usually involves unplanned travel in a rocket or wandering in the desert, naked laughing alone, monsters, and is sometimes accompanied by the establishment of a new identity such as but not limited to Cherry Scarlet Garcia Vagina Jones which is an unusual name. none of this is imagined. after recovery from fugue, previous memories usually return intact via alien transport, but there is complete amnesia for the fugue episode in a denial phase which the patient won't admit. additionally, psychiatrist's like to blame the patient for their episodes. this should become illegal. an episode that is characterized as a fugue CAN be related to the ingestion of mushrooms or psychotropic substances such as respirdal, (one sounds more fun than the other), to physical or emotional trauma, (again, one is better than the other), to computer usage, to a general medical condition, or to psychiatric conditions such as being seriously persecuted or to dreaming. fugues are usually precipitated by a stressful episode, and upon recovery there may be amnesia for the original stressor who happened to be a town or music or people or Love. the fuguer might forget the enchilada such is life and or herslef so the fugue awakener must be extremely careful when rousing the fuguer. that is why i believe this song is about a girl who has been in a state of amnesia for the past three to seven years. i guess that's just the part of herself she lost to her employercomputer and dream fugue & maybe friends which i forgot to mention previously or to this song which i didn't even think of until right this very moment. her "imaginings" are not the bangladeshis harming her spirit. think about all of this in an awakened elevation thrombosis and get back to me at my blog @vaginagarciajones@html@youscareme.org not right now tho' because i need to take a bath

  16. anonymous
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    Feb 28th 2012 !⃝

    I do believe she is reffering to her own world, a world of dreams. We all have a retreat, and because she is an artist, it is reasonable to believe she has ctreated her own world as a retreat. It is her paradise, her home, her dream. I do believe it's a place where she can finally be herself, and a place where she can be at peace. Her imagination, her mind. Whether it be imaginary or not, it's real in her heart. We all have a refugee, and I do believe this is hers.

  17. anonymous
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    Oct 28th 2011 !⃝

    I think this means that she sees the danger in this world (ie Rape, Drugs, Ect.) and everything else, and doesn't see the beauty in this world. She only see the bad things. So she makes her own "Imangary" world, where she is safe from everything.
    That's just what I'm getting from this song.

  18. anonymous
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    Sep 11th 2011 !⃝

    This song is about escaping reality and creating your own.
    I linger in the doorway
    Of alarm clock screaming
    Monsters calling my name
    Let me stay
    Where the wind will whisper to me
    Where the raindrops
    As they’re falling tell a story
    Someone or something is calling her to exit the world she created and come back to reality.

    In my field of paper flowers
    And candy clouds of lullaby
    I lie inside myself for hours
    And watch my purple sky fly over me
    Obviously describing her fantasy world--this differs for everyone.

    Don’t say I’m out of touch
    With this rampant chaos- your reality
    I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
    The nightmare I built my own world to escape
    Everyone thinks she is going insane.

    Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
    Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
    Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
    The goddess of imaginary light
    Something is keeping her from going back to her field of paper flowers(maybe meds)

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