What do you think Bring Me To Life means?

Evanescence - Bring Me To Life Meaning

Album cover for Bring Me To Life album cover

Song Released: 2003

Bring Me To Life Lyrics

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core
Where I’ve become so numb
Without a soul
My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 26th 2009 !⃝

    Wiki has the whole story from the MTV interview. Her and a friend of a friend were waiting on other people. He was a sociology major. The rest is written there. As for not being a Christian band, that's how they started. Ben moody saw Amy lee playing piano in thy church. They originated as a Christian band.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Sep 21st 2008 !⃝

    This song is about numbness. Depersonalization that you get. It makes you feel dead inside. Unreal. Afraid.

    Wanting someone to reach in and take you out of the void you are in.

    It is emptiness. "Save me from the nothing I've become".

    "I've been living a lie....there's nothing inside"

    it is terrifying. why can everyone else feel and you can't.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 1st 2009 !⃝

    Like many others, I have a different interpretation of this song. I consider this as being my Evanescence theme song because it fits how I feel very well. Here's what the lyrics mean to me:

    "How can you see into my eyes, like open doors? Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb."

    To me, this means: People will look into my eyes like open doors but will miss my emotion and the real me hidden behind my eyes. It'll lead them down into my core but they won't feel how numb I feel without myself.

    "Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold. Until you find it there and lead it back home."

    To me, this means: I usually feel without a soul. I feel like my spirit's somewhere. In a way, I'd say my spirit's in the computer. This is where I am awake. But it's like being awake in a dream. It's like my spirit's lost, not with me and needs to be led back to me.

    "Wake me up. Wake me up inside. I can't wake up. Wake me up inside. Save me. Call my name and save me from the dark. Wake me up. Bid my blood to run. I can't wake up. Before I come undone. Save me. Save me from the nothing I've become."

    To me, this means: I feel like I need to wake up. I feel like I'm asleep. I feel like I need to be waken up inside where my soul is sleeping. But I also feel like I can't wake up. I also feel like I need to be saved. I feel like my blood is frozen inside my veins and I need it to run before I truly become unreal. I feel like I've become nothing. I feel like without my soul, I'm truly nothing.

    "Now that I know what I'm without, you can't just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life."

    To me, this means: I've learned that I'm without my soul and that the people in my life and myself can't leave me. I feel like I need to be made real. Like my soul needs to be brought to life, bringing me to life.

    "Bring me to life. I've been livin' a lie. There's nothing inside. Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, without your love darling. Only you are the life among the dead."

    To me, this means: I feel like I need to be brought to life. That I've been living a lie. I feel like there's nothing inside. I feel frozen without my soul and without its love. But my soul is the life among the dead in a way.

    "All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see. Kept in the dark, but you were right in front of me. I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems, got to open my eyes to everything. Without a thought, without a soul, without a life, don't let me die here. There must be something more."

    To me, this means: For years I couldn't see who I really was. So to speak, I was "kept in the dark" but my soul was "right in front of me". Knowing who I was made me feel like I'd been asleep one thousand years and that I have to open my eyes, finally. I feel without a thought, without a soul, and without a lie and I don't want my soul to die. I know there must be something more for my soul.

    Well, that was my interpretation on the song...

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 2nd 2023 !⃝

    Mae and Azel tripped together and entered a deep fabric of reality. They felt each other’s presence in the same room. Hearts in beat with the drums.
    Azel announced with a loud and clear voice over the drums
    The object of life is to Give

    Mae looks up from one of the spinning contraptions

    Many mistake for Take…

    She nods recurrently
    Think about how cute the word Give is

    I give you He looks at Mae

    You give me

    If you take more than you give, youll get anxiety . Hee-hee.

    At this point Mae became confused about what was going on. Was Azel trying to break into some kind of song?

    You feel good for talking now
    You’ll feel much worse later..

    You feel bad for giving now
    You’ll feel much better later..

    Bad for taking and you feel good for giving -
    Okay. Mae chimed in.
    Life is just Give and take
    We need both to exist; one of them is what we exist for. The other is the cost of it.
    There is also the whole weird middle-ground.

    He quickly sifts under a desk and picks out a small wooden cylinder with a thin stake pierced through it. Leaning out of his window, he stabs the stake into his thatched roof and goes to sit back down.
    Suddenly we hear wind noises more clearly, as they flow through the little cylinder on the roof.
    The drums and a whistle created a cute little song which made Mae giggle, which made Azel smile.
    His head leaned back on to a pillow as his smile widened.

    Many hours later when their high was done, Mae was playing with the tree critters while Azel made some soup.
    They both sat down and ate hot soup next to a cosy fire. Mae loved Azel’s abode the most, even more than Ja’s. This made her think about Ja again, and the dream last night. She started crying with a melancholy appreciation of life.
    Naturally Azel had to ask why she was crying.
    First she explained who Ja was to her and how he was recently murdered right in front of her eyes. Then how he appeared in her dream after his death and hugged her, telling her he is sorry and he would never leave her again.
    She then said her second dream of him last night, she saw him properly. He didn’t look like Ja at all. He had more striking sharp features. A longer face. Curly hair. But I could feel that it was the same soul.
    They spoke different languages so they could not share intimate details. But they understood certain things just by feeling it. They fuggen shared a whole dream together, and it was the most beautiful feeling she thinks any living thing has ever experienced.
    She worships Jaku. He is her God. She believes the object of mankind should lie in its most Giving individuals so that one day someone like Jaku will be born.
    A possibility which men of the present could realise with all their spiritual and physical energies, provided they adopted the new values. But how do we instil such values into mankind?

    We must aim to Give 6/7ths of our effort, and receive 1/7th in appreciation of how far we’ve come.

  5. anonymous
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    Nov 14th 2022 !⃝

    Great song- the lost feminine calls out to the universe from her darkness to save her soul!! She breathes a lonely siren song in her desperation and loneliness until she hears the masculine voiceheart of power- inside,reaching ,hoping her love broken shattered soars from nothingness to somethingness.

  6. anonymous
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    Jun 29th 2021 !⃝

    The meaning of this song is very spiritual and if one is not careful, it could be high level of deception and demonic bondage... In desperate need of help in the dark by someone who didn't really save you at the end... The dream became a reality at the end caused by someone who she trusted... Be careful with who you trust... when you entertain the devil you must fall in his pit...
    This is a song of depression, emotional breakdown and demonic manipulation to cage one

  7. anonymous
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    Apr 2nd 2021 !⃝


  8. anonymous
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    Jun 7th 2019 !⃝

    Evanescence-Bring me to life....is a dark depression song ,if you have acne you will automatically understand it.the video is very clever.

  9. anonymous
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    Jul 15th 2018 !⃝

    This is a dark song about being alone in the world trying but failing to grab on to someone for life (the falling from the man's grip bit).
    'save me from the dark' suggests that she feels like she is in the dark unnoticed, also shown in the bit were she walking around on the roof and no one notices her.

    I personally think it a rather freaky thing to make a music video about. I was just listening to the nightcore version then desided 'hey lets see the original'

  10. anonymous
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    May 6th 2018 !⃝

    it's about sleeping and living in your sorrows for a very long time, your spirit is thirsting for a life-giving water which is Jesus. It's pleading God to save you from being completely devoured by the dark, from being unable to rise from your fall, from being weak. It's wanting to escape from a trap that he/she can't do by him/her self and needs God's help. "There must be something more" means of it being hopeful that this is not his/her end, that there must be a way to get out of this prison. This is a song of desperate souls looking for salvation and that Salvation is only found in Jesus.

  11. anonymous
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    May 6th 2018 !⃝

    I believe that BRING ME TO LIFE is a soul's desperation and a prayer to God—to Jesus Himself.
    Being drowned by all your sorrows until you become empty, your spirit is needy. Jesu found your spirit and leads it back home.
    This song is asking God to save one's soul from the darkness(of sin, evil) because the soul has gone helpless, it needs some direction. It's living in an illusion of pain and stagnation, away from reality. It needs deliverance from the suffering, from the suffocation. It praises how Jesus is the one's only life among the dead inside oneself or the dead that is in the world. It acknowledges one's weakness without it receiving God's touch or love. So this song is asking God to bring to life and make real what's dying in oneself because one's spirit can't take it long. This song is very Christian and spiritual.

  12. anonymous
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    Apr 2nd 2018 !⃝

    I think that it was a lot about Amy but "bring me to life" was for her sister

  13. anonymous
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    Jan 30th 2018 !⃝

    HERE IS MY SAY ON THE SONG AND I HOPE THAT NOBODY GETS THEIR FEELINGS HURT "because of the song's name and reaction to the video." This is what I believe that the song is actually meant to say .... It gives a single person to relate to the fact of a lost ones friend or family member in someway shape or form and also if that is not the case in hand its the fact of when 2 people have either broken up as boy/girlfriend or same sex partners they feel as if AGAIN they have lost what thy think and know that they need to feel like they are loved and not just walking through life feeling like they are not wanted or loved. If I have gone off basis but its the way my mind works ..... sorry but its mainly about someone who left their life and does not want to come back due to recent events that haunt them as well.

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 21st 2017 !⃝

    This has been and always will be my favourite evanescence song, the one that got me into them as a child and even now as an adult. I know she wrote this about her husband, but here's my interpretation (from when I heard it for the first time, the interpretation that's stuck with me).
    First verse:
    She's cold and numb inside (depressed) and can't talk to anyone because no one sees how much she's hurting, until there is ONE person who sees into her like she's an open door, even by asking a simple question such as "are you alright", or "are you happy"? Just that one line, to show that that person cares and has noticed she's buried herself underneath the layers of numbness, wakes her spirit/soul up from deep inside and its fighting for release.

    Pretty straightforward for me, she's fighting with everything she has for this one person who believes in her, who cares about her but the fight and the struggle is real and difficult, and she's calling out with her spirit to save her from her current state, to let her know that they're still there for her and that they'll be there for her (calling her name). The dark is depression.

    Verse two:
    Now she knows that she's without happiness, and she's begging that one person to not leave her, because they're the only one who can "bring her to life". She wants them to continue talking to her, to let her know it'll be okay (breathe into me), I take it as simply talking to her, showing her there is a living, breathing human being who cares what she's going through.

    She's in love with this person for waking her up from the numbness, everyone is dead to her for not casting, except this one person who is the light in her life.
    She couldnt believe she couldn't see what was right in front of her (the person she has fallen in love with), and it feels as though she's been sleeping for a thousand years and she needs this person to help her reawaken her senses (got to open my eyes to everything)
    She's scared she'll die if the person leaves her, that she'll lose the fight, because she believes without the person there with her, she has no voice, no thought and no soul.

    Long story short, she's depressed and is depending on one person to help her out of her current frame of mind

  15. anonymous
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    Jun 9th 2017 !⃝

    They wonna make MONEY ! :D

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  16. anonymous
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    Dec 31st 2016 !⃝

    This song is about depression and how it makes u feel dead inside. You feel as if none care about u out your emotions. You feel as if life would be better off with out u. The song is about a cry for help and how we needed to help people with this issue. "Wake me up inside" means help me feel something that makes me feel alive.

  17. anonymous
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    Jan 15th 2016 !⃝

    In my opinion, this is a song about loneliness and the need of someone helping you make your pain disappear. I do not mean physical pain, but what you feel inside.

    In my opinion the line "How can you see into my eyes like open doors?" Means that the person she is talking about is clearly someone who understands her pain, because it does not make sense that she says that, but this person doesn't happen to understand what she feels.

    "Leading you down into my core
    Where I’ve become so numb" I think this lines means that the person can realize that she couldn't feel anything

    "Without a soul
    My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold" Although some people think that she is dead, that is not my opinion. I think that she indeed has a soul, but she feels that she's lost it, and can't find it anywhere.

    "Until you find it there and lead it back home."
    This probably means that she seeks the person's help, and believes that he can save her from her state of depression.

    "Wake me up. Wake me up inside. I can't wake up. Wake me up inside. Save me. Call my name and save me from the dark. Wake me up. Bid my blood to run. I can't wake up. Before I come undone. Save me. Save me from the nothing I've become."
    This shows the feeling of loneliness and depression, In my opinion, she cannot find a way out of the darkness, and feels she is going to be alone. She needs help, that is the reason she asks for someone to wake her up, it doesn't mean that she is literally sleeping. Also, I think that the last sentence means she feels like she is nobody, and like she never existed.

    "Now that I know what I'm without, you can't just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life." Some people think that the person she is talking about is dead, he is not. In my opinion she is the one disappearing (Not literally.) She feels, as stated before, that she doesn't exist and that she isn't real, that makes her feel the urge to be real again, so she asks for help.

    "Bring me to life. I've been livin' a lie. There's nothing inside. Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, without your love darling. Only you are the life among the dead"
    She feels like she lied to herself all the lime, and that there's nothing inside her. She feels frozen and cold without the person she talks about, she feels that this person is the only one who can make help her feel alive again.

    "All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see. Kept in the dark, but you were right in front of me. I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems, got to open my eyes to everything. Without a thought, without a soul, without a life, don't let me die here. There must be something more."
    I think this means that the person she was talking about was always with her, but she didn't value him much. She finally realized this when it was too late, and there is a point when she feels like she needs help. She thinks it can't end that way, and that there must be a way to feel alive again, but she cannot do it alone, so she begs for his help.

  18. anonymous
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    Jul 10th 2015 !⃝

    I heard this song couple of times recently. its a good song with an uplifting Spiritual message. Looking at lyrics in print, and others interpretations, led me to a short study. In Scripture is account of sick woman and dead girl, is interesting the woman has been sick 12 years with "issue of blood" basically like a hemophilia period, and the girl who died was 12 years old. It doesn't give both their names I think on purpose, as for you to pencil in your name or friend or relative. Of course the good news is the woman is healed by simply touching corner of Jesus' robe as He went by in the bustling crowd. The girl is brought back to life by Jesus, Arise, or Effafa in Aramaic is "to open" as open your eyes, coming back to life/consciousness. The girls Father's name is Jairus, Greek form of Jaira, means "He enlightens". See Luke 8:41-56, see also 9:1 12 disciples given power to heal. Also in Acts 9:35-41 a young girl dies and Peter says same thing Arise! Or Effafa, open your eyes, come back to life to your spirit to your body.In this case we're given her name Tabitha/Dorcas means gazelle like a fast animal, a quickening, or life giving spirit. In Ecclesiastes 12:7 "the body returns to the dust from whence it came, and the spirit returns to The God Who gave it."Wake me up inside is a call/cry to God to make alive the spirit within, and also to be sealed by The Holy Spirit.(see Ephesians 4:30) when she says now I'm without, is ultimately when her spirit leaves her body, and she wants the reassurance she will go with God. As the apostles grapple "we don't know The Way!" Jesus simply reassures them "I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life" see John 14:6. In Jacobs dream he sees A Ladder(or StairWay to heaven, sound familiar?)see Genesis 28:12, we find out what and Who that Ladder is in John 1:51 Jesus relays to the Pharisees. Please remember constant theme of faith is not faith in itself, but faith specifically in Christ. Captainmidnite,Duncan, the dark warrior for Christ. see John 8:12, Romans 13:12. Note: Evanescence claimed Christian belief at time of this song, reported later to be into vampires, oh well flavor of the week." "The Spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak."

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