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Songs about Dying Young

Beyond the natural tragedy of death under any circumstances, someone dying in their youth has an extra baggage of sadness to it. It is so unfair of this cruel universe to cut down anyone so soon, before they had a chance to experience the world. While the youth, themselves, tend to romanticize it, while at the same time feeling themselves immortal, the rest of us are rendered mute at this event. When it happens, everybody around feels like they failed and nothing they could do could have helped.

Here, the songs range from racy tales of car crashes at Dead Man's Curve, to tragic suicides, to goth self-indulgence and metal hedonism, to the occasional drug overdose. One thing is sure, we will have a long way to go before we can call ourselves a truly civilized society, a surely developed species, capable of protecting the least of us until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

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