Songs about Love
Our most basic drive, our oldest struggle, our most fundamental challenge - it's how to relate to one another. Love is the most-covered topic in all of songwriting, and we still haven't figured the darn thing out. These songs cover all aspects of love, whether it's romantic, lusty, unrequited, bawdy, platonic, taboo, or even past. And relationship love isn't all - there's brotherly love, motherly love, the love of friendship, and even love for one's country, deity, or life itself intertwined here.
One thing to be sure of, love is what many of us live for. Without love, most of our existence is hollow indeed. The various tragedies of life would crush us, driving us to ask "Why do I go on?" Love gives the answer: We go on for each other. Even in the memory of one who is far away, or one who has long passed on, love can sustain a person through impossible struggles that they would otherwise be too discouraged to face. You're here because you love someone or somebody loves you, and these songs know how you feel.
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